U.S. minorities now represent more than half of America’s population under the age of 1, the Census Bureau said, a historic demographic milestone with profound political, economic and social implications.

“2011 is the first time the population of infants under age 1 is majority minority,” said Robert Bernstein, a Census Bureau spokesman.

The latest statistics — which also count the national population younger than 5 as 49.7% minority in 2011, an increase from 49% in 2010 — portend a future of a more racially diverse America, with new and growing populations playing more important roles politically and economically in years to come, analysts say…

Michael White, professor of sociology at Brown University, said the rise of minorities fits into a longer-term evolution of the U.S. population…truly a “melting pot,” he said.

White says it’s hard to say how the changes will affect politics and that one can’t assume that ethnic patterns will determine voting patterns. Local economic issues, for example, will evolve differently in different states and cities, and there are economic benefits of having a younger population, he said.

Is he being naive?

  1. nolimit662 says:

    Kinda scary to think that the least responsible in our society will become the majority because while the rest of us are practicing responsible sex, they’re running around screwing like jackrabbits without a care in the world and living off the gov’t dole!!

    • Phydeau says:

      You are so right, nolimit662, those damn drunk Irish breeding like cockroaches, going to taint the purity of our Anglo-Saxon culture, it’s a disgrace and… waitaminit, sorry, wrong century.

    • Jetfire says:

      It’s really happening “Idiocracy”. This sounds just like the opening from that movie.

  2. MartinJJ says:

    I predict this topic will soon have tons of very stupid racial comments again.

  3. ugly, constipated, and mean says:

    cracker ass crackers

  4. Dallas says:

    The guppy birthrate in Mexicans is in large part the fault of the catholic church.

    The Vatican has always preached their sheep to multiply at will. I suppose it’s to grow their market. Either way, the result is the same – families unable to support themselves, unable to provide education and an ultimate burden to society.

    Now couple that with conservatives holding back birth control methods and sex education. It’s a mess that was easy to predict.

    • dusanmal says:

      Check scientific published and peer reviewed studies: problem for society are not big families. Problem are (order of magnitude higher chance for poverty, crime involvement, low education level, joblessness,… damage to society) single parent families. Society needs growth (and we should care less if it is present majority or minority) or it decays, as anything else in Nature. This growth is also in quality when it emerges from Natural family setup – one promoted by most (including Catholic) churches. Scientific base for Natural family setup: scan the globe and various human societies. Vast majority are set with mother/father family setup, few have many mothers/father, very few have multiple fathers and multiple mothers,… NONE up to last few decades have had family revolving around single parent of either sex. Are we better than evolution that worked just fine until last few decades?
      So, leave grand Progressive schemes of Chinese-like birth control by force to those loving oppression. Families can support themselves just fine if the NannyState would get off their backs. Government is the problem, not the people.

      • Dallas says:

        problem for society are not big families. Problem are (order of magnitude higher chance for poverty, crime involvement, low education level, joblessness,… damage to society) single parent families

        Oh please. You speak as if big families and single parent families are two different things. Are you fucking serious?

        Your whole argument is build on this ridiculous notion.

        The only thing I agree with you is that society needs growth. That has nothing to do with the topic.

        You get the dumb comment sheeple award for the day.

  5. Sam says:

    No problem, as long as these minority children have:

    1. Two parents that are legal citizens.
    2. Parents who work for a living and pay taxes.
    3. Parents who teach them right from wrong.
    4. Parents who promote English as a common language.
    5. Parents that obey the law.
    6. Parents who love them and want them to become responsible citizens that contribute more to society then they take.
    7. Parents that help the country stay strong for future generations.

    Is that too much to ask?

    • orchidcup says:

      1. What if one or more of them dies?

      2. What if one or more of them gets laid off?

      3. What is right from wrong?

      4. English is only a common language among English-speaking people.

      5. That does not necessarily mean that their children will obey the law.

      6. So if they earn $50,000 per year, they should give back more? How will they pay their bills?

      7. How do parents help the country stay strong?

      • Dallas says:

        Trouble maker engineer type!

      • Mextli: ABO says:

        3. What is right from wrong?

        We don’t have to ask if you are a Dimocrat do we?

      • Sam says:

        1. Sht happens. No problem.
        2. Sht happens. Look for another job while collecting unemployment.
        3. Fundamental things Earl (“My Name is Earl”) was never taught as a child.
        4. We NEED one COMMON language. How else can people communicate and avoid ethnic factions?
        5. Monkey see, monkey do.
        6. Money isn’t all they can give. Think good citizen.
        7. Parents who vote, look out for their neighbors, and perhaps defend their country in time of war.

    • spsffan says:

      1. Legal citizens of where?*
      2. yes, or are otherwise self sufficient
      3. YES
      4. yes, but I don’t think this is (or ever was) a problem. The kids learn English no matter what the parents speak or do.
      5. ?? Exhale or trim your fingernail or fart and you’re probably breaking a law. Impossible.
      6. yes.
      7. yes.

      *Was John Smith a legal citizen? Walter Raleigh? Leif Erickson? How about all those treasonous rich guys….you know, George Washington, Thomas Paine, that crowd.

      Trivia question: Why didn’t the Europeans enslave the American Indians instead of importing Africans?

      Answer: They were too busy killing them and taking their land!!!

    • So what says:

      Will do, just as soon at the white folks do it too.

      • So what says:

        Actually I can, I just chose not to. In your case you’re to dense to understand it, it’s called sarcasm.

  6. msbpodcast says:

    Basically and at its most elemental, you have to be willing to fuck your way to representation.

    It worked for Québec.

    La Révolution Tranquille was all about the French using the power of their loins* to make French the dominant language in the province in an English speaking continent.

    The process took three centuries and had to overcome little hiccups like the forced deportation of the Francophone Acadians from New Brunswick, creating the ‘Cajuns of Louisiana, before French could once again become maitres chez nous, masters of their own fate.

    It was something the Catholic church recognized, ultimately, demographics has always won.

    It just takes time, poverty and a willingness to let nature take its course. Eventually, vermin always breeds until it overcomes the resources available to support it.

    Humans just happen to be able to control how many humans there are. In 1960, the Québecois declared a halt to the stupidity, stopped breeding like rabbits and put into place “Office de la Langue Française” a buch of extremely bigoted xenophobes who were going to ensure that French was adopted as the universal working language in Québec.

    You could be any color, any sex, any orientation, any religion, it didn’t matter as long as you spoke French.

    To thank the Catholic priesthood for their centuries of being stalwart shepherds, religion was promptly replaced by secularism in the populace and the sexual revolution of the sixties was ignored as the birthrate plummeted since l’Office de la Langue Française meant that French would remain the dominant language.

    Québec is poised to become an economic powerhouse in the next century and is already beginning the sustainable exploitable of its vast** northern resources.

    *) That has to be the best and most realistic quote by any political leader. René Lévesque encapsulated what was really required of the English in Québec for them to regain power.

    **) Quebec has over half a million square miles of undeveloped land, slightly smaller than Alaska and almost twice the size of Texas. It only has a population of less than eight million people (while New York City has more people.)

  7. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

    So which is it:

    A: a historic demographic milestone with profound political, economic and social implications.


    B: it’s hard to say how the changes will affect politics

    I guess reporting dumb ass baseless statements is fair and balanced?

    But I also thought of race baiting. This is the best I could do on short notice:

    33-year-old man has 30 kids by 11 different women:

    Not as relevant, but much more interesting: THATS a DUDE:


    Both links shake my core values.

    Ha, ha.

    • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

      I figured as much. Re first link–the guy is under 11 or so court orders to pay half his income for kiddie support. He can mathematically only do that twice, so he is in violation of court order. Of course, he should go to jail.

      …..and the downward spiral only accelerates as it tightens.

      But we don’t want Nanny State interfering with our god given rights? I’d be happy to have VERY LIBERAL, VERY GENEROUS child support public welfare. In exhange after one kid and support given==if you can’t provide support then you go to jail or get sterilized either in return for said generous liberal welfare. We have to think of the kiddies afterall.

  8. Majority minority huh? Wow, I don’t like where this is going.

  9. dusanmal says:

    So, from this moment on Government minority programs should be helping Whites…?

  10. Royal Jonsun says:

    as in 02 the remake of The Time Machine all the brown people of the world will continue to be substance & food for Europe and it’s descendants for a long time to come, & as it has been for the past 500 years, regardless of the ethnic shift. the advances in technology will almost all but guarantee that this is the case.

    But then again, Europe’s rise is still young compared to the empires which preceded it. Perhaps there will be an unseating of the status quo. However, it will be centuries before that happens.

  11. orchidcup says:

    I am now a minority.

    I can’t wait for all the goodies I will get from the government.

    Now I can be the token white guy working at the company.

    Somebody will need to show me the ropes. I don’t know where to go to apply for the goodies.

  12. George Brown says:

    2011 will also be know as the historic year when racism and bigotry died and people will simply be judged by their accomplishments and not their ancestry.

    • Dallas says:


    • dave m brewer says:

      And the end to the No Agenda Show… we won’t need it.

    • Rastaman Vibration says:

      Until the philosophy which hold one race superior
      And another
      Is finally
      And permanently
      And abandoned –
      Everywhere is war –
      Me say war.

      That until there no longer
      First class and second class citizens of any nation
      Until the colour of a man’s skin
      Is of no more significance than the colour of his eyes –
      Me say war.

      That until the basic human rights
      Are equally guaranteed to all,
      Without regard to race –
      Dis a war.

    • So what says:

      I like your sentiment but I think you’re a half bubble off center or overly optimistic.

  13. NewfornatSux says:

    Can we get rid of affirmative action then? Sandra OConnor’s 25 year time limit comes due just as they reach college age.

  14. denacron says:

    So… Sara Palin was really just using code by saying “Drill baby drill!”

  15. Cursor_ says:

    I feel no sympathy for any of these pathetic people that use the antiquated term race.

    There is only one race.

    Homo sapien sapien.

    It is about time that we admit it it and move on.


    • So what says:

      That would require that the average person has a simple understanding of basic science, good luck with that.

  16. deowll says:

    Any group stupid enough to stop reproducing deserves extinction.

  17. Gildersleeve says:

    Cmon white folks, start crankin’ em out again. It doesn’t carry quite as much weight being the plurality.

  18. God says:

    “Minority” WHAT?!

  19. bracketcreep says:

    What happens when Affirmative Action beneficiaries outnumber their benefactors? Guess we’ll find out soon enough.

  20. Thoren says:

    So all the minorities lumped together outnumber us honkies? I think we’ll be OK. They all seem to hate each other pretty equally.

  21. NewfornatSux says:

    The article is actually true only if you include as a race the made up term Hispanic, of whom the majority are white.


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