Kind of like how thousands (millions?) of Earths could fit into the sun. 400 average 2 bdrm apartments could fit inside this. Better hope you don’t lose your car keys somewhere. “Already looked on the 17th floor, honey. Did you check on the 8th?”

Built by India’s richest man Mukesh Ambani, the 27-storey building towers over swanky Altamount Road in Mumbai.

Named Antilia, after a mythical island, it cost more than $1bn, reports say.
Antilia is 27 storeys high, but as Mr Reginato writes, many of the floors are double or triple height, so the building rises to 570 feet, equivalent to a 40-storey building.

It also has a mutli-storey garage, a ballroom, a spa, a theatre, guest suites and a number of terraced gardens, he writes.

  1. Cursor_ says:

    Hope it fairs well during earthquakes.

    If not this would be an expensive house of cards.


  2. spreeuw says:

    think he has a bottle of Argon gas?

  3. Dallas says:

    Pfft, not the least bit interested in living inside a mall.

  4. MartinJJ says:

    If that part is on top of it, I just think it’s fugly. 1 Billion and they forgot to hire a real architect for the outside?

    • Glenn E. says:

      Why should it look pretty on the outside? They’re not paying to make something nice for the poorer surrounding masses to gaze up at. It’s an all interior space design, with a cracker box exterior. It’s probably not in a neighborhood, where they must compete with other multi-millionaires for most extravagant architecture.

      And it makes perfect sense, really. If I had the money, I’d least a large empty warehouse, and built my own Wonka Land inside it. Though not made of candy. But more gardens and cottages than cold marble walls, floors, and ceilings. No one outside could see it. Not because I don’t want anyone to. It’s just not practical to do it publicly visible, and keep it properly climate controlled. That would be one big glass walled warehouse, to let it be seen. And I’d have zero privacy. I’m not running my own Disneyland, like Micheal Jackson.

      The people with big showy mansions, have to have acres of costly land around them for privacy. A mansion in the middle of downtown LA, gets you broken into 24/7. The Mumbai example doesn’t have the land, it’s all elevation (above street level). Which is probably the cultural norm for that part of the world.

  5. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and Junior Art Critic says:

    I wonder what that guys jitney would look like?

    What would you build if money were no object? Like a tatoo I will never get, I keep changing my mind.

    For some reason I keep coming back to Spanish or Roman interior courtyards. Takes up way too much space to be practical, but they are fun to “look at” like that Renaissance Reconstruction turned into an Art Museum in Boston that got robbed a year ago? Nice house.

    Just “big” is gross but RICH can be interesting. Always wanted the floor plans to Bill Gates house—what has he done other than music that follow you and a safe room?

    My “big idea” was to be off grid with photo electrics but hydrogen gas generators as well for down town back up.

    Also nice–the house Napoleon kept his mistress in==very livable I thought. Crap!!–can’t remember the name of anything==that estate in Austria, not a castle but on the way. More a small palace?

    for what its worth. – 0 –

  6. deowll says:

    Gluttony on the grand scale but people got paid to build it and people are being paid to take care of it.

    I like the enclosed courtyards of the Romans especially in towns. You could get outside and enjoy fresh air and sunshine while always having a sunny and a shady side and it was still a major challenge to break in.

    The utter lack of any serious efforts at heating does say something about what the climate was like when the first ones were built.

  7. dadeo says:

    A real 99.99999%er

  8. Buggsie's Guy says:

    Wonder if they are on sewer or septic? If they are on septic I expect that is about 400 packs of yeast to keep things moving.

  9. msbpodcast says:

    Ask any agent and it will confirm that the oldest adage in real-estate sales is: Location, location, location…

    It’s in fuckin’ Mumbai.

    It could be a 1 lvng rm, 1 br, 1bth, d-in ktch. in Manhattan and still be more desirable than this architectural atrocity in bloody Bombay…

    I wouldn’t live there of you paid me.

    • Cap'nKangaroo says:

      “..1 lvng rm, 1 br, 1bth, d-in ktch. in Manhattan..” could be had for measly $1 million.

  10. KiltedTim says:

    Millions living in poverty in India… in shacks literally made of trash. If there is a hell, I’m sure you will find this man there some day.

    • msbpodcast says:

      Well, there is no Hell, just like there isn’t any justice…

      Its India. The Raj was a land filled with abandoned palaces and crowded shacks when the British conquered the place.

      It stunk then, it stinks now.

      The Taj Mahal in Agra is just a mausoleum to a rich man’s dead favorite wife.

      Beautiful architecture, but ultimately useless.

      Conspicuous consumption shoved onto the state, (because buildings can last for centuries, far longer that the dynasties that built them,) is about the only monument the billionaires can leave behind.

      But like Percy Bysshe Shelley wrote in Ozymandias, eventually they’re just ruins in the sand without perpetual maintenance.

  11. What? says:

    And they learned quite a lot from The British ™, haven’t they.

    Except taste, but the nouveau riche never have any taste. They spend all their time grabbing money with their grubby hands, and allocated no effort to understand what anything is really worth.

  12. Pointe West says:

    Where are all the global warming people screaming out about this ?

    • msbpodcast says:

      Its just an inert pile of building material.

      Its a humongous waste of resource and the money could definitely have been put to much better use (at least until the poor [and its Mumbai, they know poor,] take over, hold a show trial, string the billionaire up by his billionaire intestines and turn the pace into communal housing,) but its not actively contributing to global warming so they’ve got nothing to say…

    • orchidcup says:

      Al Gore lives in a 10,000 sq. ft. mansion. He is very upset about this. He will be making a movie soon.

  13. Segway says:

    Accept for a few unwanted guests, Paul Blart had a whole mall to himself. Living large for pennies a day!

    • Segway says:

      oops —

      Except for a few unwanted guests, Paul Blart had a whole mall to himself. Living large for pennies a day!

  14. eighthnote says:

    I wonder if he’s any happier.

  15. Uncle Patso says:

    A believer in ‘If you’ve got it, flaunt it’ I guess. Better than keeping it all in a huge vault like Scrooge McDuck. This had to have kept armies of architects, designers, construction workers, etc. busy for months if not years.

  16. Roddy6667 says:

    Everybody gets jealous when somebody builds a huge house. They don’t realize that most of the money went to the tradesmen and laborers and material suppliers who built this house. If you ask them and their families, they aren’t complaining.

  17. Universal Remote says:

    Guy got ripped – That thing is UGLY.

  18. Universal Remote says:

    And why is that woman leaning like that? Is the floor tilted or something?

  19. JimD, Boston, MA says:

    Makes Mitt Romey’s house on the west coast look like a shack !!! But Romney’s garage has an elevator !!! Does this indian palace have one ?


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