Catholic priest molesters, Muslims stoning women who are raped plus forced circumcision, and now this from Orthodox Jews. More reasons your Uncle Dave is glad he’s an atheist.

The first shock came when Mordechai Jungreis learned that his mentally disabled teenage son was being molested in a Jewish ritual bathhouse in Brooklyn. The second came after Mr. Jungreis complained, and the man accused of the abuse was arrested.
Abuse victims and their families have been expelled from religious schools and synagogues, shunned by fellow ultra-Orthodox Jews and targeted for harassment intended to destroy their businesses.
“There is no nice way of saying it,” Mrs. Engelman said. “Our community protects molesters. Other than that, we are wonderful.”
In a case late last year that did not get to the police, a 30-year-old molested a 14-year-old boy in a Jewish ritual bath in Brooklyn, and a rabbi “made the boy apologize to the molester for seducing him,” he said.

  1. Lynn says:

    You’re Lynn is glad Uncle Dave does not teach English.
    (Your welcome!)

  2. dusanmal says:

    Incendiary title: “Why Are The Most Religious The Worst Sexual Predators and their Protectors?” vs. what should be the title: “Why are sexual predators infiltrating the most religious institutions?”
    Posed in a proper way answer arises almost immediately: Religious setup means strong hierarchy of power in many cases (all cases mentioned in the article). Strong power structure is what attracts molesters. They do NOT subscribe to any religious teaching at all (again, it is against everything every listed religion teaches). They pretend, climb the power ladder which they need and than abuse such position in community inclined to truly believe and trust leaders. As most parasites, they affect “host” behavior – religious community is inclined to self-protect and it does to the point of protecting these intruders. So, truly religious communities are vulnerable to abuse as a whole. That is the problem.

    • Jerry says:

      Well said except you never know what’s going on at the very top of the religious hierarchy.

  3. JimD, Boston, MA says:

    Jesus warned that “Ravenous Wolves will come in Sheep’s Clothing” !!! If it isn’t THEFT, it is RAPE !!! The “Sheep” WILL BE SLAUGHTERED !!!

  4. Dallas says:

    Psychologists are still trying to find answers to this mystery.

    As JimD above mentioned, even Jesus knew this would take a while to sort out but did provide fair warning. I love Jesus for that.

    I believe that Catholic priest molesters, Muslims stoning women who are raped, forced circumcisions, etc must be dealt with a bullet to the face.

    • Cursor_ says:

      Of course, the human answer to everything.


      And when that slaughter comes to visit you, then you cry why me?

      Disgusting to see two legs on all fours.


  5. NewfornatSux says:

    And then the church and synagogues and Boy Scouts are attacked if they try to keep homosexuals out.

    Of course this site has had posts sympathetic to pedophiles and other sexual predators. One was complaining about the sex offender registry that limited them to living under a bridge.
    And the American Psychiatric Association has been in the process of defining deviancy down, saying pedophilia isn’t that big a deal.

    Hey, one of Obama’s senior aides was a NAMBLA member, so I guess we should be asking why do Democrats support pedophilia?

    • Uncle Dave says:

      The problem with the way most sex offender registries (and many sex laws) are set up is that they lump together a 17 year old having sex with his 16 year old girlfriend with a sadistic serial pedophile of 10 year old boys. Punishing someone like the former for life is ludicrous.

      As science is finding out, homosexuality is genetic, although many in the gay community apparently are afraid of this because it may lead to genetic testing and worse for it. And if it is genetic, discriminating against it is on par with discriminating against someone’s skin color. Very different from pedophilia which should be punished because the person gave in to his desires.

      • NewfornatSux says:

        Well homosexuals were punished for giving in to their desires as well. What if pedophilia is found to be just a genetic trait? Not too unreasonable given how it has a high incidence in certain countries like Afghanistan and Greece.

    • tcc3 says:

      One can have sympathy for an injustice even against someone who’s actions you find abhorrent.

      If there is truly no rehab, and they are always a danger to society, why let them go at all?

      Putting a scarlet letter on them and then forcing them to live under a bridge is not only cruel, it shows a laziness and cowardice in our criminal justice system.

      Add to that Uncle Dave point about how easy it is to get on the list for a relatively minor offense and it becomes more unjust.

      You can be against cruel, unusual and unjust treatment without defending the crime or the criminal.

      • NewfornatSux says:

        The reason those guys were let out was because of liberal campaigns for easier sentencing. Hey, they’ll be monitored and kept away from children. Why keep them locked up in jail when they can contribute to society.

  6. Phydeau says:

    This is just speculation, but perhaps some people who feel impulses to do illegal things like molesting boys go to strict religious organizations to try to keep those impulses contained. And maybe many of them succeed, and some of them fail.

    It’s a sad burden to have your brain wired to get sexually aroused by boys. A guy wrote to Dan Savage’s advice column about that; he said he had never abused a kid but what could he do to curb the impulses? There really isn’t much you can do, unfortunately. So sad.

    • orchidcup says:

      Psychologists will say that people who have their brain wired to molest little boys were victims of molestation themselves. This is most likely true in most cases.

      However, there are psychopaths and other personalities that are inherently evil, and psychologists are still pondering the causes of these personality disorders, as they are called.

      There are no two brains that are wired alike, that much has been discovered.

    • Lynn says:

      The majority of 51% of the population is wired to be aroused by boys. We’re called…girls.

  7. NewfornatSux says:

    It is a known fact that Star Trek fans are more likely to be pedophiles. Captured pedophiles have an unusually high tendency to have Star Trek dolls.

    • orchidcup says:

      There are a number of psychological profiles that are known indicate pedophilia, and Star Trek obsession is one of them.

      Another is Apple and Mac fanboys.

      • The Monster's Lawyer says:

        There seems to be an awful lot of right wingophiles too.

    • Cursor_ says:

      I never knew hassids liked Star Trek.

      Learn something new everyday on the net.


  8. Guyver says:

    Catholic priest molesters, Muslims stoning women who are raped plus forced circumcision, and now this from Orthodox Jews. More reasons your Uncle Dave is glad he’s an atheist.

    Could be worse. You could have compared atheistic leaders from our past and realize that atheists have killed more people than religious leaders. I don’t think you’d be too proud of your atheist brethren.

    Mao Zedong takes the cake. But to say Mao Zedong represents atheism or how he rules is typical of atheism is about as intelligent as saying the misdeeds of people from a religious group represent the religion.

    • Yaknow says:

      The Middle East culture, you know where I mean, are savage, brutal and barbaric and primitive people. Just read anyone of their Holy Books. God failed the first time, with Adam and Eve as they story goes where Eve is gives into evil banishing both of them from the garden of Eden. Moses failed the second time, then there was Jesus Christ he too failed. Mohammed said, if you can’t beat them join them. All three groups are waiting for someone to save their asses, but with that track record I don’t think there is hope for that. Look at the Catholic Church, any one notice that there is so much bling in the Vatican if it was all put in one place it would blind you. The muslims if given the chance, just like the Christian almost did, rule the world in blood. No sex though. That is bad. Unless it is well molesting Children cause God didn’t put it in the 10 Commandments. The three monotheistic religions come out of a very barbaric, savage, brutal people. Let start seeing the forest for the trees. I believe in a God, just not in the way those 3 religions do.

      • Phydeau says:

        They don’t call him the Angry Desert God for nothing. Funny how people make God in their own image.

    • Cursor_ says:

      Neither ideology nor religion kills people.

      Concepts cannot kill.

      People kill.


  9. Yaknow says:

    Uncle Dave I hear ya.

  10. alex says:

    Why is it that atheists are so gullible to believe that anyone who claims to be Christian is really a Christian?

    • Dallas says:

      yeah sure.

      How about the belief that one’s a Christian merely sitting inside a church – which I’d guess is about 80%.

      When you sit in your garage for an hour, do you get the sense you’re a car?

    • Cursor_ says:

      Same reason why Christians believe that they are Christian when they do not follow any of the commandments they were given and still think they are OK.



  11. Milo says:

    UO Jews have some pretty nasty stuff going on besides this; would be good to see them get an uppance!

  12. Micromike says:

    Don’t lump all atheists together either. they are very indvidualistic folks.

    As for modern religion it is pretty obviously NOT in the hands of god fearing people.

  13. deowll says:

    Uncle Dave is trolling again. One of these days we are going to learn some nice servant of Allah set his house on fire and Uncle Dave didn’t make it out. Well maybe the accelerant ended up at his location accidentally. Well I suppose he might get run over by a taxi, accidentally of course. Allah has many mysterious ways for his work to get done.

    Don’t misunderstand, people have been killed for saying/doing a lot less than Uncle Dave has said on this blog. That’s a fact that anyone who wishes can easily confirm.

    To go even more side ways I suspect the British would charge him with hate speech and send him to prison for offending Muslims.

    • Dallas says:

      This blog is not intended for sheeple like you but glad you’re here for your 2 cents

  14. Charliej says:

    I don’t know about other atheists, but I came to my views 50 years ago after coming to realize that there was no invisible magic man in the sky looking out for me or anyone else. Being atheist means that when you fail, you have to shoulder the blame yourself. There is none of this “Gods will” crap. Conversely when you do well it is because of hard work. Personally, I see “believers” as being too weak to think for themselves. They need someone to tell them how to live their lives. No thank you, I know how I want to live and I don’t need some preacher to tell me how. Religion is not for the people, it is to provide a comfortable life for the clergy. Too lazy to work, too stupid to steal, the description on a preacher.

    • Benjamin says:

      Charliej has an ignorant definition of a preacher. I have a friend who is a preacher. He works a 40 hour work week as a janitor at a factory and spend the rest of his time visiting people in hospitals or preparing for the Sunday sermon. He doesn’t get a paycheck from the church and has to have a job to support himself and his family.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        Hey Benji that exactly describes my own Brother In Law. I think he sweeps at a school though. He and my sister do seem to travel a good bit on various church missions though. To Russia and South America. I don’t know the financials, but they aren’t rich.

        Nor should they be.

        RICH = CRIMINAL.

        something those who labor in the fields of the Lord should avoid.

  15. bobbo, the true believng evangelical anti-theist and utmost hypocrit says:

    d0-ill in his simplistic unaware but revealing self says:
    5/10/2012 at 5:54 pm

    Uncle Dave is trolling again. One of these days we are going to learn some nice servant of Allah set his house on fire and Uncle Dave didn’t make it out. Well maybe the accelerant ended up at his location accidentally. Well I suppose he might get run over by a taxi, accidentally of course. Allah has many mysterious ways for his work to get done. /// On my best days, when I present as only slightly more of an ass than I actually am, I wonder if I come off half as bad as this? Project much?

    Ha, ha. Evil stoopid hoomans. Just need the right subject to present itself so that the morally smug and self righteous can proclaim their superiority.

    Like children they are.

    I am only amused by Unc Dave stooping over in a warm hearted effort to teach Alfie to become a better man. Kind people do that, thinking that speaking rationally to the mentally imbalanced will be of some comfort, some help or aid to them, instead of grease on that slippery road downhill to their desired insanity. Cheered on of course by the braying of their similarly captivated confreres.

    Oh Lord, save us from those who have no doubt.

    Silly Hoomans.

  16. Evolouie says:

    Religion is all shit.
    Religious people are sick.

  17. soundwash says:

    Why are they the worst?

    Because they are nourished and empowered by the sexual energy and vibes that fear and oppression give off.

    -and they know in turn, how to use this energetic stench to enslave the naive masses.



  18. Dallas says:

    I haven’t see a recent incident. This is due to either:

    (A) Just not happening very much

    (B) Better methods to cover up

    Hmmm. I wonder which it is.

  19. President Amabo (Threaded comments are unworthy of Americans.) says:

    Even Gods have to prove their worth by driving 4x4s and not living in cities. All others are irrelevant.

    Child predators, religious or not need to be fed into wood chippers.

  20. hmeyers says:

    Because religious people know they need redemption and are lowly sinners.

    What percent of inmates are religious? It’s damn high.

    Oh yeah, and despite being “religious” they’ll lie through their teeth insisting they are innocent.

    If you are a living a clean life, your religion or lack thereof does not matter.

    If you’ve really fucked up or are secretly a fuckup, you are desperately seeking some sort of sign from a “God” or whatever support group that says you are “ok”.

    But the real problem: if your only friends are imaginary ones like God and Jesus — what does that say about you? Yes, you are on the endangered species list.

    If you have more true friends than JUST God and Jesus, you are probably “ok”.

    The dirty secret is that most atheists might claim to not believe in a “God”, but they do believe in the idea of spirituality, greater purpose or some such “quest” as other intelligent life we hope to discover. So don’t believe atheist “holier than thou” crap, everyone is looking for something.

    • Dallas says:

      Good post. Not that I’m atheist, but atheists choose to live a law abiding, honorable and decent life because they choose to – not because some angry God is going to send them to a lake of fire for eternity (I believe that’s the current punishment).

      Invite the loons to correct me if the punishment was recently updated.

    • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

      HMyers unusually animated says: “So don’t believe atheist “holier than thou” crap, everyone is looking for something.” /// Where do you get holier than thou from “I don’t believe in god?” Absence of belief in one thing is not a belief in something else. You are applying a religious model of human behavior to all behavior.

      Why not apply SCIENCE?

      You know–not believing anything until the evidence is in.

      Or is that believing in something in a holier than thou manner?…….Ha, ha. Of course it is. but in the same way you mean it? I don’t think so. Maybe so.

  21. “They are willing to protect the community at the expense of the children,” said a woman who claims she was abused by her father, a rabbi, and who asked to be identified only by her first name, Nanette. The woman’s father did not return repeated messages seeking comment.


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