1. WmDE says:

    I’ll be your weatherman until Mumsy decides to give it up and let me be King. Prince of Wales and Prognosticator of Scotland that’s me.

  2. Chris says:

    “Chuckie’s first day at work”

  3. McCullough says:

    The Prince holds a press conference on the invasion and occupation of Scotland.

  4. honeyman says:

    Now, you see, I own this…and this…and this here…oh and this…and this, and these islands here….

  5. The Colonel says:

    Charles in Charge…of the Weather Report

  6. Uncle Patso says:

    “I am being paid a princely sum to do this, right?”


    Prince Charles turns a cold shoulder toward Eigg.


    “Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! . . . Hey! Hey! Hey! “

  7. pwuk says:

    Homeopathic weather

  8. bburnaman says:

    What’s that you say my good man? That’s the camera over there? Are you quite sure?

  9. LibertyLover says:

    Global Warming DOES raise sea levels!

    (looks like everything South of Loch Ness is under water)

  10. bobbo, the true believng evangelical anti-theist and utmost hypocrit says:

    Its the amount of tail he’s gotten in each city.

    Stornaway is looking pretty good. Lots of sheep there.

  11. Royal Flush says:

    Hey, you don’t like it? Pull my finger.

  12. UncDon says:

    “Third man from the left, top row, wearing the plaid slacks. Yes?”


    “47… Hmmm… That would Liverpool… Liverpool for 47-degrees in … Don’t rush me … 47-degrees last Thursday and … you were with your sister eating a scone with whiskey at a pub.”

    “Well… yeah. That’s amazing your Highness! How did you –”

    “Sorry, a magician never reveals his secrets.”

  13. Now that global warming is over – what is Prince Phillip going to do
    Its time for him to shop around for a real job
    Its amazing for his age that he still is working – and getting around
    Time to retire and pack it in Phil

  14. Anonymous says:

    “Great Britain Goes Broke! Creditors Force Public Auction.”

    “Prince Charles Threatens Nuclear Strike And is Declared King!”

    “Royal Family Buys the BBC. Nepotism Blamed for Declining Viewership.”

    “Great Britain on Brink of Economic Meltdown. Royal Family Members Forced to Take Any Menial Job Available.”

    “Mitt Romney’s ‘Common Man’ Philosophy Spreads!”

  15. pwuk says:

    It made the Metro (London freebie rag) who came up with

    “Prince of Gales”

  16. Airsick says:

    He’s a muppet, I can see the strings!

  17. jester says:

    My favorite weather-words are “hail” and “reign”. (nudge, nudge, wink, wink)

  18. Duke Nukem says:

    “Hail to the King, baby!”

  19. Sir McCartney says:

    It’s been a hard days knight…

  20. kings ransom says:

    I do say, that awful green screen is simply unbearable! Purple would be a much more regal and suitable background color, wouldn’t you agree?

  21. kingdom for a horse says:

    …and now for the latest news…back to you Camilla.

  22. game of thrones says:

    Reign, reign, go away… come again some other day.

  23. Hawkeye says:

    “And these numbers indicate the actual number of people that think I am qualified to be king…”

  24. Kane says:

    So THIS is how I count to 22

  25. Mark says:

    Remember, you’re in the UK…. so it’s rain… rain… rain…

  26. sargasso_c says:

    Pull my finger.

  27. Jim Schiwal says:

    The Balmoral organization will not tolerate failure.

  28. MartinJJ says:

    And coming up next, the global weather for you all.

  29. aixel syd says:

    High winds are expected for Gasglow, near the rump….I’m sorry…. er… that’s Glasgow

  30. It’s always rainy in Glasgow.


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