Click on photo for the video [probably a commercial, first]
Obama became the first U.S. president to back the right of gay and lesbian couples to marry, a reversal from views expressed during the 2008 campaign, when he said he opposed same-sex marriage but favored civil unions as an alternative…
In making his announcement, Obama completes what he had described as an “evolution” in his views on this issue, hastened by growing fervor this week involving gay rights. The growing pressure was capped Tuesday by North Carolina voters’ approval of a constitutional amendment banning not only same-sex marriages, but civil unions for gay and lesbian couples, as well.
Obama’s shift not only speaks to a broad swath of the electorate, which has exhibited increasing acceptance of same-sex marriage in opinion polls, but also gay and lesbian voters who compose a core part of Obama’s base, and have been major fundraisers for his re-election…
Obama explained that he had hesitated in fully supporting same-sex marriage because he thought civil unions would be sufficient.
“I have to tell you that over the course of several years as I have talked to friends and family and neighbors when I think about members of my own staff who are in incredibly committed monogamous relationships, same-sex relationships, who are raising kids together, when I think about those soldiers or airmen or marines or sailors who are out there fighting on my behalf and yet feel constrained, even now that ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’ is gone, because they are not able to commit themselves in a marriage, at a certain point I’ve just concluded that for me personally it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same sex couples should be able to get married,” he told ABC.
That’s because its got enough popular support and it doesn’t cost anything.
The troglodytes on the religious right wouldn’t vote for him anyway so its not going to cost him any votes.
Its a no-brainer move on his part…
Every move he makes is a “no-brainer”.
Sadly, you’re right. And he hopes we’ve got no brains…
That’s why I believe we’d be better off with no parties.
Probably GW Bush’s fault
Come to Canada
In a recent federal election the media made this the apparent major message
No matter when you picked up a newspaper , or turned on the radio , the conversation or message would always work itself to be “What a great idea gay marriage is ”
Yet very people could care less
Work hard , make a solid contribution to society , and pay your taxes
Who cares
Its not a major issue
Just lead your life , don’t shove it in my face and keep to yourself
Agreed…Yawn. You can swing your dick in any direction you want, as long as it doesn’t hit me in the face.
Yay for President Obama! Still, another 6-8% of the sheeple need to die of old age (or get raptured) before marriage between people is no longer an issue.
In North Carolina, about 25-30% need to croak but it’s still ahead of Mississippi.
I’m def voting for the negro who had Bin Laden shot in the face.
“who had Bin Laden shot in the face”
I read a comment on a peace-loving blog that Osama was shot for “resisting arrest”. A funny retcon as they weren’t there to arrest him.
To actual topic: gay marriage didn’t cause the end of the world in Iowa or other places. Life goes on. It is a government document and marriage is wrongly misused by the government in far too many ways.
Agreed. I’m actually a big supporter of shooting terrorists in the face on first sight.
“they weren’t there to arrest him.” — Not true. They had orders to take him alive if possible. His people resisted.
Get out your strap-on and celebrate.
Silly, a strap-on is for lesbians and heterosexual women to use on their husbands.
I’m pretty sure you’re not a lesbian so party on with the wife!
Honestly? The guy finally gets to the political end of the process…he finally makes a safe stand…and you think he is doing it for votes? Wanna know what? He IS doing it for votes…because most of the world isn’t as backward and uncivilized as the arse holes who think it matter if two women or men want to get married.
Sir Mitterand Whatthefuck Romney can’t even say who he wants for a VP. Honestly…you gonna let that slide?
I’m far from an Obama supporter, but I do think that, if we can’t make it with this guy, we are fucked. There hasn’t been a more intelligent guy in that office in my lifetime. But, if you think Guy Smiley (now the presumptive nominee for the Republicans) is better…well…off to somewhere else I go.
Such bullshit.
In some ways, maybe for the first time since 2008 or maybe early 2009 that Obama actually did something slightly “bold”. If it did more of this, I think people would have more confidence in him. The problem is that this is unusual for him.
Re: Romney … Romney’s VP pick will say everything in the world about him. Romney doesn’t have much use for a #2 guy (I’ve read up on him lately), so someone “bold” seems unlikely and if he chooses someone superficial or irrelevant it will reflect poorly on the campaign. Many of the “VP field” are boring and the ones that are not boring tend to be too controversial. The rest are lightweights with no real experience.
first homosexuality is a life style not a race or a religion, so why are homosexuals seeking minority status and why have we let them have it?
I dont care what you do in your bedroom just dont try to force me to change my long standing religious beliefs so that you can have a little ceremony in my church . why do they care so much about having a wedding ceremony which is a religious ceremony when most liberals are atheists and hate god and the church
Because they live in a fantasy world. Just look at a wedding where the “Bride” in the white gown has a five o’clock shadow. Ridiculous.
We will not stop until gay marriage is mandatory.
BAM! Dallas nails the actual issue dead in the ass.
The problem with gay people is – wait for it … not everyone is gay.
Laws won’t fix this.
Little clue Dallas. We don’t care if you’re gay. We don’t care if you need to get “married”. We do care not to hear about it any more. Be gay as you like. Flame on. Get married. Screw each other 24/7. Just keep it to yourself. The details don’t discust me, your whiney-ass whine 24/7 about it does.
You prove the point you’re a brainwashed lunatic sheeple by believing sarcasm that even normal sheeple dismiss.
Have some more whine with that cheese. In other news, flip flops are on sale, better stock up.
Uh, dude, you don’t have to let them have a marriage in your church. I recommend breathing into a paper bag until you stop hyperventilating.
> first homosexuality is a life style not a race or a religion, so why are homosexuals seeking minority status and why have we let them have it?
Isn’t one’s religious affiliation a lifestyle choice? Can you explain why one lifestyle choice should be protected, and another shouldn’t?
Why is marriage even part of the political dialogue?
If you (anyone) want to make it part of that dialogue…to create tax exemptions or “access” rules about it based on a religious ceremony (for the “family” or stability of the society or whatever bullshit) then you can’t get to exclude people who want to have you include your “ceremony” or contract.
How about we just abolish all the marriage crap and let people do what they want and NOT treat them differently because of it?
Right now, there is a very different rules for people who can get married and people who can’t…
Let’s go back to that little law that didn’t pass in California…if gay marriage is a threat the the family…how about we make divorce illegal?
Count me in.
“Why is marriage even part of the political dialogue?”
Because the state is only involved with assigning privileges to marriage because it thinks there is an social interest in encouraging heterosexual monogamy. There is no reason to care at a policy level whether or not homosexuals are monogamous.
Marriage is a relic anyway, only used by communities as a tool to enforce a desired behavior, and if you didn’t play along your faced community shame and scorn; which is why premarital sex and divorce both carry social stigmas. None of this serves any modern purpose, so I am opposed to marriage all together. The only people who seem to insist on being married are those who still feel the need to validate their existence through how others think of them.
Sea Lawyer waxing eloquently trips on his sea degree: “None of this serves any modern purpose…” /// ever hear of kiddies, or have you been at sea that long?
Agree with Sea Lawyer..as for Kiddies?..Civil Unions will suffice.
Marriage is bullshit..a majority believe this. What’s the divorce rate amongst heteros vs homos? Hom many times have you been divorced bob? How about you Eideard? I have one or two myself. Wait till you gays start paying alimony…har!
The history of marriage is rooted in males seeking property rights for their females. Then it became a land inheritance value.
The church got their fingers in this way way after adopted the concept of marriage as a religious ritual.
It’s now quite a money maker for the Vatican and the millions of franchises around the globe.
Commenting a closing tag to fix the italics.
Oh well, it was worth a shot
So it took a Mormon and an idiot who will say anything at any given time (Biden) to get Obama to realize “… that he had hesitated in fully supporting same-sex marriage because he thought civil unions would be sufficient.”
Perhaps jello for a brain is the real problem here. Poke it a few times and it might wiggle the way you like.
30 Comments and its up to a JUNIOR Cultural Critic to state the obvious? Sadly: Obama has always been pro gay and only started thinking about it when he realized that taking the position he has could cost him the election as electorial college votes in only 2-3 swing/closely contested/heavily Teabagged states like Nouth Carolina is all that it would take.
It was only 14,000 votes in North Carolina ON THIS SAME GAY ISSUE that cost Kerry the election way back when.
But “I say too much of what I mean” Biden pulled Obama’s pants down in public, and this is how you pull them up asap hoping no one notices your political maneuvering.
I don’t blame Obama when/if the issue is one carefully considered and it is one that could cost you your election. Can the same be said for legalizing MJ? Could Obama possibly be personally FOR putting people in prison for drug violations??
What else? How about these phone taps and chargeless detention? He did say the opposite but signed the legislation. WTF????
I shit in my pants one week in when Obama said we had to look forward on the issue of Wallstreet Crime. I knew we were screwed until hopefully his second term.
He is a politician———and it shows.
Kerry cost himself the election. John Kerry and John McCain were terribly lamo, self-absorbed candidates whose candidacies were essentially “drift in the wind”.
Modern Walter Mondales, if you will except in a more politically polarized world.
GW Bush did not deserve re-election in 2004 yet Kerry was one of the most uncharismatic oatmeal candidates in recent history.
This is the same spineless jackass who let some kid at Florida college protesting something get tasered right in from him.
Yawn . I’ve heard worse
Anti-gay people, enjoy your victories while you can. Our children are being raised with openly gay classmates and don’t see what the fuss is (I have a teenaged daughter so I know). Next generation will wonder what the fuss was all about, and why their parents were so bigoted.
Enjoy it while you can.
And if you really want to “save” marriage, have the balls to try to ban divorce. Dipshits.
He’s doing it because of this: http://tinyurl.com/7gk6qqy
The same day this poll came out, he comes out. Coincidence? I think not.
And before you start hetero-bashing, I am on record on this blog of keeping the government out of our personal lives . . . and that includes who we choose to spend our lives (or part of) with.
Loser: always irrelevant and totally off point and naive:
1. A national poll of likely voters MEANS NOTHING as it is the state by state electoral college that counts.
2. Other than Alfie being celibate, and Pedro preferring his donkey of unknown sex, I haven’t seen a single case of hetero bashing. Are you coming out of the closet?
Ha, ha. Sure do wish I liked candy.
Wow! You really are a knucklehead! Don’t know when to pick up and try a different pond, do you?
We agree. Obama is no dummy and I would do the same thing.
We agree (twice this year now). I also want the gov out of my personal life.
I’m on record as follows:
No – I don’t respect your religious beliefs
I respect your right to HAVE them
I respect your right to EXPRESS them
I respect YOU so long as you respect ME
I do not respect your ‘right’ to tell me I’m evil, going to some place called hell nor your ‘right’ to impose your beliefs on me
I do not respect ignorance, brainwashing, cults, hatred, bigotry, misogyny, sexism or tyranny.
..and Finally, I do not respect your religion..and I don;t have to!
I’m pretty sure we are somewhat in sync with that too!
Anyone that believes anything this man says at this point in the game deserve what they get. There aint no cure for stoopid.
Like Romney?
Start liking 3.2 beer, no sports on Sunday. If Mitt Romney is really a Mormon, He’s spending all day Sunday in Church.
Good Mormons have never watched the Super Bowl under pain of eternal damnation. NASCAR is for total heathens.
You can not even swim in your own pool on Sunday without threat of eternal damnation. Think glass walls on the bars at Olive Garden and Chilis. Think booze available nowhere on Sunday.
The Jazz have not played a home game on Sunday ever. Little League and BYU would rather forfeit than play on Sunday. Even if the non LDS want to play. Gays run around faking it.
Careful what you wish for. Ontario had a “no Sunday work” Premier in 1991. It will happen here. Hello prohibition, hello 10% taxes on all NRA Christians. It’s called tithing, Necks.
In 1996,Barack Obama signed a questionnaire that he fully supports gay marriage. Looks like an evolutionary wheel. Even his statement admits it had nothing to do with evolving, and everything to do with he thinks it is time to admit what he felt all along. Now when will he admit that he is gay?
What is a gay union of a man and a woman?
Why are liberals trying to change the definition of marriage?
“Why are liberals trying to change the definition of marriage?”
Which one is that? The one where father marries off his daughter at the age her first menses as chattel property? You know, BIBLICAL marriage?
Why should the government be in the business of defining marriage?
If you want to get married pick religion or what ever that matches up with your beliefs the government should be be making sure “that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed” oh and the majority of the governed is with the Pres on this.
Politics makes strange bedfellows.
>at a certain point I’ve just concluded that for me personally it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I …
Just saw Obama being interviewed. “As a Christian….he knew some would be upset……..but he was guided by the Golden Rule: do unto others……”
Yes, quite the subversive bringing his private religion into OUR governmental policies.
The BASTARD is a practicing CHRISTIAN. Ooooh I hate him so—loving those who are different than we are. Throwing that back door open to the destruction of marriage as we know it.
Could there be anyone more evil than a true Christian in Office?
I don’t think so!
NNNNNNOOOOOOoooooo (IE–“666”)…..verily!
Stoopid Hoomans.
he’s not a practicing Christian. no real Christian could ever make a statement like this:
“I’m rooted in the Christian tradition,” said Obama. He then adds something most Christians will see as universalism: “I believe there are many paths to the same place, and that is a belief that there is a higher power, a belief that we are connected as a people.”
– an interview he gave in 2004 to Chicago Sun-Times religion editor Cathleen Falsani
such statements deny the deity of Christ, as well as the very reason that He lived on earth. And Obama chose probably the most liberal “church” he could have to give a pretense of being a Christian. Half of the UCC don’t even acknowledge that Jesus Christ even existed, but rather they suggest he’s a good tale to provide reinforcement of moral stories.
Ah Brian—–really?
I guess you only mean there are many paths to stoopid as well?
Only brain rotted goofy heads would criticize Obama for his ecumenical messages of brotherly love and peace.
You can subvert Christ’s Message of love to all as you do, or you could interpret its Universal Ambiguity as there are many roads to knowing Christ.
When a message is ambiguous==why take the negative route?
Ehhh Christian? You are going to suck a turd in hell for that one.
VOTE OBAMA!—remember the other turds are Pukes.
Bobbo, you don’t have a clue as what a Christian is or isn’t.
Of course some of your previous statements about Islam make it clear you’ve no clue what the Koran says either nor how anyone practicing that faith is apt to regard anything.
In a lot of ways I’d say that puts you and Obama on the same playing field.
To believe there is a God without empirical data is imprudent.
To believe there is not a God without empirical data is also imprudent.
Same beast. Different fur.
Dallas was on to something and Sea Lawyer and others too.
Marriage was invented so Moses and Mohammed could have a dozen wives.
Then they made it 1 wife.
Then the Anglican Church was invented so the King of England could get a divorce because the Roman Catholic Church wouldn’t let him.
Then they let women vote.
Then they invent the C-section, reducing mothers dying at birth.
Then they let women work.
Suddenly the wife didn’t need to tolerate beatings at home. Divorce rates started climbing.
Johnson and the “War on Poverty”: welfare, food stamps, etc.
Invention of cost-effective and reliable birth control. Sex before marriage or outside of marriage booms or inside of marriage booms.
The invention of child support and alimony.
Paternity tests were invented. Now even if you aren’t married, a father must pay for a child’s well being.
Child support proved to be messy to enforce via voluntary payments, so government started withdrawing it from paychecks.
Government subsidies, not for marriage, but for having kids was written into the tax code (child care credits, EITC).
A major reason for the low marriage rate in, for example, the African American community is that the mother’s would lose a substantial amount of government benefits. This is increasingly true regardless of race, especially in a terrible economy.
So much has changed since the 1850s, marriage does not figure strongly in someone’s “survival strategy”.
In 1930, a woman had to work all day to prepare food and wash clothes while “the man” was at the factory or coal mine.
Enter the washing machine, the oven, the supermarket, “TV dinners” —> fast food, the microwave.
Marriage has been reduced largely to property rights and small basket of legal rights.
Old white man….much?
> Old white man….much
The study of human culture. Unlocks inner mysteries. Tells the future. Provides insight to study “groups of humans” under the proverbial microscope.
Well, this liberal “sociology” of yours….how does it define when a hooman institution is reduced or expanded as it changes over time?
But I quibble. It was actually sociology that allowed me to identify you as an old white dude.
Much was my own sense of humor.
Ha, ha. Yeah, my bigotry and stupidity is scientifically based. And thereby, we all reveal our bias, our vested interest, how many ox we own.
Damn Women…….I blame Eve.
“So much has changed since the 1850s”
The Right should make that a huge banner and fly it high and proud at every event.
The Tea Party, for those who think the 20th century was a mistake.
You’re making too much sense with facts !
Sadly, you lose the sheeple because like sheep, they like to be herded and have little capacity for reasoning.
Marriage always was about property rights.
The woman and the children were owned by the man.
You have no clue.
Whether you support gay marriage or not you have to be suspicious of the man whose ‘evolution’ on the subject took place just when he needed the votes.
Obama is an evil little man who has accomplished nothing during his presidency and now is willing to pit group after group against each other, at a great cost to the country, to get himself reelected.
Come November, we need to kick him out of office and back into the private sector that he hates so much.
None of them is on your side.
If you think your voting will make a change then you are blind, deaf and dumb.
And with that…
And put in your earplugs, put on your eyeshades You know where to put the cork!
Speaking of being a small minded evil little moran Al says:
5/10/2012 at 3:47 am
Whether you support gay marriage or not you have to be suspicious of the man whose ‘evolution’ on the subject took place just when he needed the votes. /// If he was pandering for votes he would have equivocated to the right and suggested that gays were fine people but they should self deport. Obama a week ago had already done more than any other President in History to support the Gays. He has their vote sewed up. If he wanted more votes, he would have gone all Puke and started lying.
Obama is an evil little man who has accomplished nothing during his presidency /// he saved us from McCain and Palin…….
and now is willing to pit group after group against each other, at a great cost to the country, to get himself reelected. /// Talking point. Yeah==hes a dumbocrat and running for election. The pukes are pitting the 1% vs the 99% by tax cuts for the RICH and program cuts for the POOR in just what way? Dolt!!
Come November, we need to kick him out of office and back into the private sector that he hates so much. /// Ha, ha. I guess you are on a roll? How does Obama “hate” the private sector???
F*cking idiots==and yet somehow they can type.
You’re all pawns in the little game being played by which ever master your mommies instructed you to follow.
But, you can’t see that, will never admit it, and will deny it if confronted till the day you die.
Best of luck to you all.
I don’t think it is just the pres. that is having evolving opinions on gay marriage. I think the whole country has been getting used to this for quite some time with considerable help from our media. My own unease around gays has decreased over the years as I realize what others do has no effect on my life unless I let it. And they have the same rights I have to chase happiness. Obama’s announcement is sure to have the Bible crowd up in arms as it not only broadside’s their position on gay marriage, but also used the word, “evolve.”
Good for you! I congratulate your evolution!
Some day when you grow old, you’ll see how you expended so much anger on people you never knew and squandered the opportunity of a lifetime to meet great people seeking the same things as you!
Marriage, so far as the State should be concerned, is nothing more than a contract between two individuals to “incorporate” into a single legal entity. Property becomes jointly held, each party has certain rights regarding inheritance, benefits, the ability to make medical and financial decisions, etc.
Marriage, so far as religion is concerned, is a sacred bond.
The state has no right to deny any two individuals of legal age and sound mind from entering into a contract. The church can do whatever they want.
The two should be completely unrelated. If the State is going to administer these contracts in the form of marriage licenses, they have no right to say who can marry and who can not.
I’m all for homosexual couples to have the same legal rights as normal people. However they can’t call it “marriage”. Perhaps “life partner”.
I’m married and don’t want to be in position of proving I’m not aberrant when the meaning of yet another word is co-opted by homosexuals.
So drop the insistence on using the word “married” and I’m a supporter, otherwise I’m actively against it.
Then I dont want you to be “married” either. I’m married and don’t want to be in position of proving I’m not a hateful religious zealot.
If your church calls it that, then thats your business. The same legal construct should apply equally to everyone. Your religion should not be codified into law.
“Civil Unions” for everyone.
Sheesh, some people just hate.
I don’t believe that there is an omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, invisible friend in the sky. But that would make you wrong.
I’m sorry I jumped to the conclusion you were religious. Your strict definition of marriage is typical of the religious argument.
I guess you’re just a regular bigot, then.
Pedro, you should butt out of other peoples conversations. (Turnabout is fair play)
Call Off Your Tired Old Ethics:
Union is one thing…..why do I have to be civil?
Nothing but bigots here. Where are the baguettes?
“I missed the part…”
Yes, I know you cant keep up. Classic Pedro.
I’m good with that when my government is in the business of granting marriage licenses and associated rights.
In the mean time, STFU and shave off that stupid looking mustache.
What does it matter for the word usage?
Gay used to mean happy. So why can’t marriage mean two humans in a relationship?
Or are you afraid that humanising them will make you have to feel again?
There is a Federal Role in Marriage Equality – THE EQUAL PROTECTION CLAUSE of the Constitution !!! The Prop 8 Case in California is being appealed on those grounds !!!
There is a Federal role in EVERYTHING! That’s the root of most problems.
>I decided to find more conventional work for a year, to pay off my student loans and maybe even save a little bit. I would need the money later, I told myself. Organizers didn’t make any money; their poverty was proof of their integrity. Eventually a consulting house to multinational corporations agreed to hire me as a research assistant. Like a spy behind enemy lines, I arrived every day at my mid-Manhattan office and sat at my computer terminal, checking the Reuters machine that blinked bright emerald messages from across the globe.
Evidence of Obama’s hate of the private sector. Granted the line is likely written by Bill Ayers, with the talk of being behind enemy lines, and later the shame of being the only black person.
>The church can do whatever they want.
No, they can’t in the current legal setting. They can be considered discrimination if they don’t provide equal services, to all eligible to be married. Happened to E-Harmony. And don’t kid yourself that that’s not the goal of many, forcing churches to perform gay marriages, just as Obama wishes to force them to pay for abortions.
Show me where this is happening to a church. E Harmony, while a private organization, is a business that must comply with the laws and regulations of the states it operates in.
It does not for example receive the legal protections and exemptions that churches get.
Your position is FUD, nothing more.
if you watch the video there are some clear signs that he is lying. see http://www.blifaloo.com/info/lies_eyes.php