1. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and Junior Culture Critic says:

    “Giving someone the business” comes to mind, as does

    BS: anyone in front of a camera.

    Maybe, I’m just getting cynical?

  2. GregAllenBinLaden says:


    I fart in your general cynical direction. Don’t forget to take your meds!

  3. Buzz Murdok says:

    Isn’t the New American Way for all of us to be in the top 1%? Jeez that’s the message Mittens has for me. And all of our children to be above average.

  4. George says:

    Why the focus on “work”? The point is that nobody’s true work product justifies their compensation on the stratospheric end of the wealth scale. You don’t get wealthy by making anything, you get wealthy by making deals. The work part just puts you in the position to make a deal.

    Did the 16 or so workers at Instagram really earn the money through their work for that 1 billion dollar buyout? Nope. They were “lucky”.

  5. If they really want to make some money they need to start a religion, create franchises and hire pedophiles. Oh wait, that’s been done…

  6. deowll says:

    Getting rich is the American dream. The problem is some people are willing to work at it and some want to fleece the sheep. Investors have to sort the gold from the crap while being aware that on occasion even crap can be worth a fortune. Still it brought us the highest standard of living on earth before Dallas and friends showed up demanding such people pay their fair share to keep up the people that never earned a share.

    That is my gripe. Help the needy but by all that’s holy and unholy if you won’t pick up your end of the log and heave when you can to get the job done then you deserve to starve to death.

    Further some years back I conversed with a man getting ready to strike because he couldn’t cover his bills. He had a high school degree and was making a decent wage for same but his wife didn’t work, he had two cars, and a new house and he was sinking trying to make the payments.

    The thing is he didn’t have a clue when it came to living within his means nor did he understand that what he was doing wasn’t worth more than he was making and since he had no money saved and no one that would support his family while he was on strike going on strike was going to wipe him out in nothing flat.

  7. MartinJJ says:

    Let me skip all the BS. Just sent me an angel with lots of money please.


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