Executive Producer: Sir Laurin Ostermann
Art By: MartinJJ

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  1. B. Dog says:

    The London terrorist stuff is absurd.

    I understand that London has only one heliport. There has been talk about using the decommissioned aircraft carrier Ark Royal as a floating helipad, as they are vague on what to do with it. Britain currently has only one aircraft carrier, and it is not the HMS Ocean, which is their navy’s biggest ship and does not carry any planes, but is used as a helicopter carrying landing craft thing. If it proves useful for landing the helicopters of assorted elites, they would have a case for putting the Ark Royal to some use again, as a heliport.

    • sargasso_c says:

      Militarism is avoided in the Olympics. A freaking aircraft carrier would probably, and I am only guessing, upset the IOC.

  2. t0llyb0ng says:

    Powdered flesh in capsule form:


  3. dave m brewer says:

    Another great show… and John C. was great on TWIT yesterday!!! He kicked butt…

  4. Glenn E. says:

    In case you hadn’t heard the latest news this day. Another one of those underwear bomb plots was uncovered. Or should I say, revealed. As they apparently knew about it for some time. But were waiting until the device was finished, to nab the principles. And it took many many weeks. Not days. So all the while they’re telling us they need to up the body scanner radiation to try and detect bombs sewn inside people. They knew this underpants bomb, was the only actual thing brewing. Not surgically implanted explosive devices. What utter garbage. That’s just an excuse for the TSA to do more strip searches. Apparently a lot of them are such perverts, they need to “inspect” for recent operation scars. Probably on anyone that sufficiently turns them on, but doesn’t have a 1st class body search wavier. Because you can bet it’s just another perk of traveling 1st class, you never hear about.

  5. Glenn E. says:

    I believe I’ve figured out what the British warship is really doing in the Thames. It’s a movie stunt. They’re filming the thing, for some movie, a year or two down the road. Like one of those Transformer movies or something. But instead of a CGI warship parked in London, they decided to get the real thing. Kind of like when they demolish old casino hotels in Las Vegas. And film that, to use in some “alien attacks earth” movie. Like “Mars Attacks” did. Only this would have to be a far bigger blockbuster, they have in mind, to rate a real warship. So they used protecting the Olympic games as their excuse for being there. But I think you can safely bet, that there are movie cameras taking lots of stock footage, right now. Especially during their mock drills and attack maneuvers. That way the movie makers only have to CGI the alien invasion force, or whatever. So watch for some such movie in 2013 or 14.

  6. Glenn E. says:

    I just found a picture of the HMS Ocean, being towed thru the Thames “barriers”. It wasn’t a tight a squeeze as they claim. It could have been about 25% wider and still fit thru. But immediately I noticed it wasn’t that many times longer than the tugs guiding it thru. And didn’t have the length and design of a jet fighter catapult platform. So looking it up, I see it’s only for launching helicopters (it has about 18), and hovercraft (4). Plus it carries about 40 light vehicles, whatever they are (motorbikes?). I’m not sure if those can ever leave the ship, on missions.

    It’s described as an amphibious assault ship. And it’s not all that impressive, to film for a big movie, as I thought. So why is it up the Thames? Probably a PR thing. They’ve got nothing better for it to do. It was last deployed to Sierra Leone, but returned in December, last year. So I’m thinking they invented this terrorism scare, to justify the expense of parking it on London’s doorstep for a few months. But I doubt its helicopter could intercept any enemy jets. It’s just for dropping off assault troops, and firing air-to-ground missiles. Not exactly a great solution to stopping any Olympic unrest. So it’s a hammer they can’t use, because there are no nails to flatten, in town.


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