Among the cache of documents that the SEALs captured during their raid of Osama Bin Laden’s compound last year, one in particular should make many Republican foreign-policy advisers reassess their whole approach to the “war on terror.”
In this letter, Bin Laden regrets that his organization’s original name, “Qa’ida al-Jihad”, has come to be known as simply “al-Qa’ida.” The abridgement, he writes, “reduces the feeling of Muslims that we belong to them, and allows the enemies to claim deceptively that they are not at war with Islam and Muslims.” Rather, the United States could claim that it was at war only with the al-Qaida organization, which it depicted as “an outside entity from the teachings of Islam.” Bin Laden complains that Obama has “repeatedly” made this argument. Therefore, he concluded, if al-Qaida adopted a new name, which included a reference to Islam, “it would be difficult for him to say” that he wasn’t at war with Islam.
Along the same lines, Bin Laden is upset that his enemies “have largely stopped using the phrase ‘the war on terror’ in the context of not wanting to provoke Muslims, because they felt that saying the war on terror could appear to most people to be a war on Islam, especially after they unjustly spilled the blood of innocent Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan.”

And so, there it is: confirmation of the critique that many Democrats (and foreign-policy specialists of various political stripes) have lodged against the Republicans’ approach toward the war on terror this past decade—that their pet phrases (“Islamo-fascism,” “Islamo-terrorism,” even “war on terror”) play into the hands of al-Qaida, reinforcing the rallying cry bellowed by Bin Laden and his successors that America is waging war on Islam.

  1. Dallas says:

    It’s abundantly clear that Republicans were in cahoots with Bin Laden to direct America resources to the military while destroying America.
    This needs Congressional investigation.

    • Dallas says:

      Alphie, the facts are right in front of you. Let me explain.

      First, you know very well that the Cheney administration and Queen Bush were (are) puppets of the Military Complex managed under the cover of the GOP. We both agree on that at least.

      The GOP knew that Bin Laden wanted to bleed America with an endless war. They saw this as a BRILLIANT plan for multi-trillion dollar borrowed military spending and the GOP obliged.

      Remember that Queen Bush called it something vague (war on terror) and called for a “crusade” against the evil towel heads that have our oil.

      I hope this refreshes your memory.

  2. dittmv says:

    The No Agenda listener in me is saying,
    **cough** **cough**Black Propaganda!

    I cannot wait to see what the next thing the writers decide to find in the compound. Maybe we will find a document praising the unibomber.

  3. Lou Minatti says:

    Also found in the cache: “Al Qaeda To Osama Bin Laden: ‘Fox News Lacks Objectivity,’ MSNBC Not As Neutral After Firing Keith Olbermann”

  4. hmeyers says:

    I can’t wait until we are out of Afghanistan and Pakistan.

    Let China, Russia and Europe try to figure out Iran. I really don’t care about Iran. Similarly, let China, South Korea and Japan deal with North Korea. We shouldn’t be the “world’s police”.

    • GregAllen says:

      Tell the truth.

      Did you oppose this war from the start?

      I did. I was very very lonely back then. People called me a traitor for it. Those same people are now screaming at Obama to get out.

      • hmeyers says:

        I was “All For” the war in Iraq. In large part because most of the Middle East had labelled the USA as soft and teethless and mocking the casualties we suffer.

        Afghanistan? That was right after 9/11 and I wasn’t sure getting involved in Afghanistan was a good idea since even the Russians couldn’t control the place.

        Truthfully, around the time we invaded Afghanistan I was scared that the world might slip into the dark ages and go into anarchy. So I didn’t have an opinion on Afghanistan and any thoughts I did have were fear. I didn’t know what should be done.

        If I had to guess what I felt would was the right thing to do back within a month after 9/11, my opinion would have been use biological weapons to destroy the entire human population of the Middle East versus nukes which would have negatively affected the climate.

        At the time, I felt Islam was an abomination of inhuman cruelty that festered and bred and enjoyed the torment of other human beings.

      • hmeyers says:

        “I did. I was very very lonely back then.”

        I can understand that.

        I can clearly recall not wanting to get into a quagmire and really disliking the idea of nation building.

        I dislike religious nuts. Enough that I don’t feel they deserve to live on this Earth with the rest of us.

        So my ideas during the scary post-9/11 days were rather vicious and my reaction to seeing celebrations to mass-murder with no cause in the Middle East were not very nice. I was against invading Afghanistan but not for humanitarian reasons.

  5. msbpodcast says:

    ♪♫♪♫♪ Distraction Of The Week ♪♫♪♫♪

    I don’t care if he had tattoos of GWB and Cheney on his ass.

    He dead and not coming back.

    • GregAllen says:

      He’s dead thanks to Obama.

      No thanks to Bush.

      • Guyver says:

        He’s dead thanks to Obama.

        No thanks to Bush.

        Somehow Obama can take the entire credit for taking out OBL in spite of the preceding years building up to that, but the current state of the economy’s lethargy is all because of Bush?

        You guys want to have your cake and eat it too. Given enough time to be hypocritical and I’m sure you guys could justify waterboarding too. 🙂

        Intellectual dishonesty at its best. LOL.

        • Grey Bird says:

          Well, The Obama administration was in charge when Osama was killed. No one rational can argue with that.

          However, while Bush Jr. did a lot to help tank the economy he didn’t start it, It was already headed downhill when he took office. Now, he could have minimized the damage, but I don’t know that he could have stopped it entirely. If he had gotten some of the legislation that caused it negated (either repealed or modified somehow to mitigate its effect) he might have even stopped it. When Obama took office it was a done deal and all he could do was try to minimize the damage, there was no stopping it at that point since the economy was already tanking.

          • GregAllen says:

            >> bush attempted to regulate the mortgage industry 3 times in his terms, each time blocked by democrats.

            The Conservtives believe in regulation. Who knew?

        • GregAllen says:


          What did Bush do to take-out Osama bin Laden?

          Bush dismantled the CIA unit going after Osama, for crying out loud.

  6. GregAllen says:

    Bush bungled the war on terror.
    Obama focussed it against Al Qaeda.

    Of course bin Laden preferred Bush’s approach.

  7. Glenn E. says:

    If they dare change their name now. They’ll just end up as rocker Prince did, when he did that. And the world will just start calling them “Terrorists formerly know as al-Qaida”, and not the latest flash in the pan name they come up with. It’s just too late to change now, after so much blood has been spilled. The name “al-Qaida”, is chiseled in stone. Like Nazis, Barbarians, and Vikings.

  8. NewfornatSux says:

    Just as a bill is introduced to eliminate TSA, CIA uncovers a plot with a secret underwear bomb that uses no metal.

    • GregAllen says:

      But the TSA didn’t catch this bomb. Good old undercover work did. It’s actually an argument AGAINST the TSA.

      If we ended the TSA, what would you replace it with? Or do you just want unscreened people walking on planes? Can you imagine the crazy armament the right wingers woule bring on board?

  9. NewfornatSux says:

    And of course the media held onto this story because the President is a Democrat. When Republicans are in the White House, they revealed any operation, no matter the security risk.

  10. GregAllenBinLaden says:

    Durp durp Dem shill statement about Bush Jr being teh sux but George W. Obama being awesome. Repeat 10x brings truthiness. YEA!

  11. hmeyers says:

    I’m sick of the phoney-baloney bullshit news like “They caught some underwear bomber who was going to bomb a flight to the USA” — oh wait “He was a CIA operative in Yemen. He managed to get ahold of some crappy underwear bomb some ragheads in a hut in the middle of nowhere made from gunpowder”.

    On the eve of some bill to eliminate the TSA.

    At this point, I’d rather TSA just go away. Maybe the Department of Homeland security too. I’d almost welcome some small scale “100 people died” disaster every 5 years versus the monotonous world-of-crap this country has been turned into.

    • The Monster's Lawyer says:

      I do agree. The statistical data probably shows the likelihood of some terrorist act as likely as getting hit by lightening every day.
      Yet, I am guaranteed to be molested by a TSA agent at the airport every time I fly.

  12. MartinJJ says:

    Show me his body first. And then this letter.

    At least the script writers in the Whitehouse have no lack of imagination coming up with all this bullshit.


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