via Ara Derderian

  1. ECA says:

    wow, NO POST??

  2. bobbo, the pragmatic existentia says:

    So incredibly stoopid, I don’t……..what?…….its the Federal government???====Ok. Darn.

    I don’t know what it is what with the government so “arbitrary” and “confiscatory” on so many issues, why they let obvious fraud that could be 99% screens by a simple computer program is beyond me.

    All across the government this happens.

    Yep. Still though==the money lost by waste fraud and abuse by government is a trifle compared to for profit business models.

    Ain’t that a bitch?

    • Guyver says:

      All across the government this happens.

      All the more reason for smaller government and lower taxes.

    • deowll says:

      You are sure of that? Take a look at what we are spending compared to our gross national product. Then consider the fact that if you take all of it you shut everything down instantly because there is nothing left.

      You and your buddies regard the private sector as something you can both convert into steaks and milk.

      Yes big business has been able to buy all sorts of tax breaks but the entire system is now so corrupt that without them most businesses would go instantly bankrupt. It’s a crazy sick system.

  3. Bugs says:

    The IRS goes after real American citizens for as little as a dollar, locks accounts, seizes property, threatens and hounds you to death but, if your illegal, they give the tax money away… What a wonderful country it is..!

    Not only are they ruining the welfare system, medical system and job market, I am paying 40 ways from Sunday for it and still have to pay my taxes to the penny…!

    I guess you need to watch Greece, because it will be just like that here soon…

  4. Lyle says:

    The US goverment is the most wasteful goverment in the world. Not only is our defense budget greater than all the rest of the world goverments combined, our goverment still can’t get enough.

    Politicians only care about getting re-elected and only talk to the 1% or rich companies. Every part of the goverment is hopelessly corrupt, from the US Supreme court to the lowest federal worker. They feel entitled to free benefits, paychecks and whatever they can get from the american people.

    It’s frustrating to watch, we are told who to vote for and pay taxes for. So much for Democracy and freedom.

  5. Dallas says:

    This makes me sick.

    What can citizens do about this? This is a Congress problem.

    Let’s tell Congress that this is more important than Michele Obama’s vacation travel plans.

    • deowll says:

      I finally agree with Dallas about something. Not sure why my post below connected to an earlier post got move.

      I watched a video of a Dem Senator saying that those on the dole will vote for Obama. The cold hard truth is that almost 50% of the population pays 0% Fed. Gov. taxes while at the same time being the ones who live in part or in total off tax revenues. Based on what he said I’m forced to believe that this man believes that as long as he keeps benefits flowing to this part of the population in his district he’s going to get re-elected and I think he’s right.

      I guess what bugs me the most is that way to many of these people have done more jail time than they’ve worked. I don’t care about your skin color; that’s a behavioral based bias.

      • ± says:

        ***I don’t care about your skin color; that’s a behavioral based bias.***

        You are messed up.

  6. AdmFubar says:

    want a smaller government, then lets go to a flat tax system.. harder to scam when everyone has to pay their fair share..
    harder to his the tax scamming when there are so many exceptions to the tax laws..

    • ± says:

      Flat tax. Right on. Consumption tax. No one can hide. No other taxes.

      No corporate taxes. This is the most illogical tax of all. Why stifle what creates the wealth? When people get wealth and spend it the taxes will be collected. The system is already in place. No death tax. If Uncle Leroy has $148,000,000 under his mattress, we all benefit when his greedy heirs get the money and spend it. It should be the right of every person to be the richest dead person ever.

      100,000s of thousand of IRS workers and corporate and private accountants finally can get real productive jobs. A Renaissance will occur.

      Imagine such a wonderful scenario. Special interests are the most f’d in it. This is why it won’t happen. The common man is f’d again. The common sheeple who keeps on hiring the same R&D failing governance every election.

      I don’t vote D or R. Fuck all R and D voters for shitting in my nest and being too stupid to care about shitting in theirs.

      • Oldphart says:

        If you opt for a smaller government, our largest employer in the country will have employees out there looking for jobs. The real trouble starts when they find out they have to work for a living.

      • ECA says:

        Dear ???
        Do you know when employment problems STARTED??(during the spanish american war(30 years long)
        Its also part of the reason many jobs were created in the gov. All those men came home, and there were no jobs… even worse, after all those wars(including WWI-II) jobs in the USA went away from the big Business of making military goods.
        THAT is the cost of war.

        The difficulty comes with TRYING to compete with major companies that can SELL GOODS CHEAP. Cheaper then anything.. And its NOT the other countries fault.
        Companies get bids from those other countries, and sell in MASS.
        Small stores could do the same thing. but they cant sell 10,000 units to make it pay. MOST of the problem is the middle MEN in the USA. The small stores have no connections to BUY DIRECT..and make 50% profit on products.

        On the top of it all, is WHAT is a conglomerate…What is a mega-corp, what is a monopoly.
        5-6 companies OWN all the TV channels around the world(most anyway).

        The IRS needs to be simplified, and taxes need to be PLAIN.
        Yes the gov needs FIXING. but until we can get another 15% of the people in the USA to vote for OTHER PEOPLE..SMART wont happen.
        We have a bunch of idiots and money launderers, installed.

  7. Sam says:

    We really need to mandate regular public Q&A sessions for all government agencies.

    Like a business’ stockholder meeting, the agency would be required to answer live public inquiries about its performance.

    Government being accountable.

  8. The Pirate says:

    When corporations use loop holes it is “American”. When brown people use them it is fraud.

    The spirit and intent of the law is for suckers.

    What can you do about it?
    Adopt several Mexicans and get your taxes back.

    “The last official act of any government is to loot the treasury.” – George Washington

  9. bobbo, the pragmatic existentia says:

    I don’t think Congress can be directly blamed for this as tax collection/enforcement is an executive function. Course their job is oversight and when abuse is rampant, they are supposed to step in.

    Every study I have ever seen says when you spend $1 on enforcement you get X5-10 dollar back. Enforcing the law MAKES MONEY.

    In this case, I assume kids not living with you don’t qualify for the dedecuction/incentive and claiming kids you don’t have is just outright fraud. Should be easy to “catch.” Just hold any return checks until every return claiming more than 3 kiddies submits copies of birth certificates/school records as appropriate. Easy Peasy.

    Those are for the people stealing 1000’s each year from We The People. for those stealing Billions: another easy solution: if you earn millions, pay less than 35%, and have off shore bank accounts: Gitmo for you.

    RICH = CRIMINAL. Easy, peasy.

  10. bobbo, the pragmatic existentia says:

    Speaking of prostitutes, Martin Bashir is showing a video of the $800 a night whore in Venezuela on a radio show somewhere. I thought the stills were not that attractive but on video she is a real cutie. I can see the attraction of Federal Service now.

    • msbpodcast says:

      showing a video of the $800 a night whore in Venezuela on a radio show somewhere

      If its a radio show, what’s he saying? She looks like a real MILF.

      Maybe she does and maybe he’s just yanking your catheter.

  11. msbpodcast says:

    Wanna bet that its because they’re used to sending tax money after offshore accounts.

    Hey if it works for Mittens, it should work for any foreign bank account, right.

  12. Glenn E. says:

    If there’s any truth to the news we’ve been hearing about the US Secret Service. Then it’s obvious that at the very least, they’re guilty of “padding the bill” to the American taxpayer, too. Telling the White House that they have to go ahead of the President, to Brazil, to check things out. And they need a whole week to do it. But what they really do when they arrive is, get drunk and hire hookers for a few days. Then after that, maybe look into security arrangements, the in last couple of days. Cramming into 48 hours, what they asked to have 168 hours, to do. A bureaucratic scam.

    And let’s not forget the military personnel, that so far have gone unnamed in this affair. We’ve heard more about Bradley Manning’s crime of leaking diplomatic cables. Than we’ve heard about which servicemen were involved in this Brazil scandal. And what their punishment will be. I’m thinking they had to be hand picked officers. Because no enlisted men would be getting such a sweet vacation deal. That’s why they’re being protected by the news media and the government. Can’t besmirch the military’s reputation. It might hurt recruitment.

    They’re probably hoping the SS guys will take all the heat, and we’ll forget about the others. Just like we were made to forget about those involved in Tailhook`91. Look it up.

  13. NewfornatSux says:

    Government employees work 9 to 5 and get a nice pension. Private lawyers work longer hours, and outsmart the government.

    I don’t see why we should be surprised given that the Treasury Secretary cheated on his taxes, and even this site was supportive.

  14. memesis says:

    There is so much political inbreeding going on that things will never change. Unless we get rid of all of them are selves. If voting ever changed anything they would make it illegal.

  15. ECA says:

    Something to say here..

    HOW convoluted is the TAX LAW??
    If it was made SIMPLE/BASIC..that ALL persons pay %’, rich or poor…then there wouldnt be much of a problem.

    HOW many of you understand that a person being paid $10per hour(FULL TIME) that the employer is paying out about $15-20 with taxes/with-holding/matching funds/medical/…
    BUT, a person at 32 hours..the employer pays MAYBE $12 with the added taxes and holdings..

    YES this is a problem. but there are 2 other things to think about.
    1. the IRS has little time or effort to do CORP TAXES. its to WEIRD and time consuming. even for 1 corp.
    2. that the rich DONT pay into the system. they pay BASIC TAXES. not Social security..


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