Executive Producers: Sir Ilan Shemes, Sir Aslak Christensen, Sir Dwayne Melancon, Anthony Montgomery, Aaron Magoffin
Art By: Joe the Dish Slave

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  1. msbpodcast says:

    I knew a kid in high school who used to make up lyrics to Gilbert and Sullivan-like light little ditties.

    Great green gobs of
    greasy, grimy gopher guts,
    mutilated monkey meat,
    saturated birdies tweet,
    all topped off with piles and pile of pelican puke
    and me without a spoon.

    Eat it with your hands.

    Later I used what he’d taught me to write lyrics for punk rock bands in Montréal.

    I used to specialize in anti-religious anthems.

    They must have been good, I had one guy absolutely refuse to sing one of my sings because even he was offended. 🙂

  2. Glenn E. says:

    That guy from the Goldman Sacks clip sounds like Father Guido Sarducci, of the old Saturday Night Live shows. Why is an American suck with talking to shifty euro-snakes in the investment industry? Because they think can pull the wool over all americans’ eyes, with a smooth European accent. They know a hard Brooklyn english accent will turn off anyone, but Jersey Shore fans.

  3. Glenn E. says:

    I loathe how that BBC gov. shill wanted ISP’s to block websites that distribute content they can’t control. With the lame old excuse that they handle child porn. Really? More like it’s free music and movies, that will get all the blocking. Not any porn. But what really burned me up was that I’ve NEVER EVER heard any of these news media idiots ask, why the phone carriers can’t block or refuse to do business with the telemarketing scammers? They know who the hell they are, and the No-Call list is only a minor inconvenience to them, if at all. I since get bothered by that “Credit Card Service” scammer every week or so. But it’s often a different number, than the last time. And the Caller ID is phony too.

    So why are the telco carriers doing business with these creeps, over the interests of their customers? Just for the money? It’s alright with them, if you or I get inadvertently screwed. We have to be the one’s (the only one) looking out for ourselves, with these telemarketing frauds? But wait! The carriers will block pirating internet websites, in order to protect us from content we might now like younger minds to have. Oh yeah, be our morals cyber-nanny. But not our bank account or credit card protector.

    If the pirates were greasing the ISP’s and media’s palms, more than the RIAA is now, you’d hear a difference tune from both, about Freedom of Speech.

  4. Glenn E. says:

    The real reason some Texas residence might hate the Wind Mills, is that they slow down their polluted air from getting to the next state. I don’t know where they want to put these Mills. I suspect on the western side of the state. Rather than on the eastern side, where Gulf storms might rip them to bits. So the vastly fresher air, coming in from Mexico and New Mexico, would get slowed down a trifle, by scores of Wind Mills. And Texas’ refinery polluted air would stick around a bit longer. Maybe even show up more on EPA monitors, before being blown out to sea.

    So talk about living on the wrong side of the train tracks. One day that same distinction will apply to living east of Wind Mills. I say that they should put them all down the western border of Texas, so nobody there is able to get more breeze than others. But you already know the chances of them doing that! Hey Curry, you’re living on the wrong side of the Mills.


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