On this first anniversary of the execution of Osama bin Laden we hear the Republicans crying foul because of the Democrats dirty politics. The Democrats have the audacity to run on their accomplishments, Republicans complain. “How dare they! How dare they!”

The reason accomplishments are unfair to Republicans is that they now against accomplishment. They want to distinguish themselves from the “reality based world” and to accomplish something is a sign of weakness. It implies that a reality based world exists and that one should put out and effort to make things better. That is now blasphemy. Instead it’s all about what you believe. And if enough people believe something then it becomes true. The world, for example, used to be flat until enough people believed it was round. The liberals with their science brainwashed us into believing the world is round and so now it is.

But because Obama has chosen a reality based world view he went out and got Osama bin Laden. Bush, less than 2 years after 911 said, “I don’t know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don’t care. It’s not that important. It’s not our priority.”

Romney said, “I think, I wouldn’t want to over-concentrate on Bin Laden. He’s one of many, many people who are involved in this global Jihadist effort. He’s by no means the only leader. It’s a very diverse group – Hamas, Hezbollah, al-Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood and of course different names throughout the world.

It’s not worth moving heaven and earth and spending billions of dollars just trying to catch one person. It is worth fashioning and executing an effective strategy to defeat global, violent Jihad and I have a plan for doing that.”

But Obama excommunicated Osama from reality, so he’s not here anymore. And the universe is better off without him. So I’m giving Obama a high five on this one. Obama put the “Accomplished” back in “Mission Accomplished”.

  1. HUGSALOT says:

    Why is there so much anti-science here? it’s getting on my nerves now. There’s plenty of Bullshit out here be it from religious sources and scientific. but it’s not all wrong. If science was complete bullshit I wouldn’t be able to write this. I’d be praying this message into the “clouds” instead.

  2. jBo says:


  3. The Colonel says:

    Science is based on verifiable proof. Where’s yours?

    This is just starry-eyed hero worship.

    • smartalix says:

      Bullsh*t. Obama took the initiative, and told us he would do exactly this when he was running. That’s when Romney gave the p*ssy answer quoted above, in direct response to OBama saying then that he would pursue Bin Laden with or without Pakistani assistance. He acted against the advice of almost all of his advisors, and if this had gone south his Presidency would have been over. Obama has balls and stands by his word. Romney is an empty suit.

      • The Colonel says:

        So where’s the PROOF? BTW your president made a lot of campaign promises when he was running, would you care to address any of those, or does that make you uncomfortable.

        Why should I take this clown at his word, this time?

        He stands by his word…really?

  4. HUGSALOT says:

    Real science is based on verifiable proof but when asked to show that proof then you’re stepping on issues of Intellectual Property and copyright and other legal issues. then it all turns into bullshit.

  5. HUGSALOT says:

    it just bugs me as to whoever wrote this had to state that earth is round is some kina liberal brainwash. What a complete load of bullshit. Liberalism and conservatism didn’t even EXIST back when they were debating the nature of the world.

    • Francis Bushman says:

      There have ALWAYS been liberals and conservatives. These are the two poles of human nature. You can be sure that the folks who burned Giordano Bruno at the stake in Rome, in 1600 (the Catholic Inquisition), for teaching a heliocentric system, were not liberals.

  6. Guyver says:

    There’s a belief (by liberals) that only positive accomplishments are single-handedly done by a current administration (if it’s a liberal in office).

    Those same liberals will also argue out of some quasi-quantum state that the current administration’s failures are single-handedly done by the previous administration (if the previous administration wasn’t liberal).

    • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

      The brain washing is completed when voters come to view Obama as a liberal.

      Everything is coming together nicely.


      Silly Hoomans.

    • smartalix says:

      Name three accomplishments of Bush’s administration.

      • another says:

        The only accomplishment of the Obama administration has been to increase political polarization. It’s the only way he has to fuel his base of communists and social misfits.

        Does anyone here remember how united this country was after 9/11? The Democrats deliberately tore that apart piece by piece with lie after lie until it became possible to elect the Big Obozo.

        Obozo is easily the biggest liar of them all. How did true type fonts get onto a birth certificate that was supposedly filled out on a type writer? Can you say PHOTOSHOP? Read the analysis of his latest fraud ridden birth certificate.

        90% of our day to day communication is body language. FDR, Kennedy, Bush, Arafat – almost any head of state knows that… What does Obama do? – he starts bowing to everyone else. Go ahead, tell me it’s a good idea to bow to middle east leaders or the Chinese…

        Does anyone here think it might be possible to hypnotize an audience with boring meaningless phrases and a very monotonous voice?

  7. Hillbilly smartz says:

    This surely is bating, on a master level.

    • ± says:

      Exactly. A troll (more egregious than usual) by a moderator.

      bin Laden was killed 8 years ago or so anyway. No I can’t prove it. All the evidence points that way and the way they ditched “his body” really was bogus. They wouldn’t even let ally’s verify his putative corpse.

      When we did kill him in some cave somewhere, we didn’t know it either. We (your government) only knew that he was dead by inference from the change in intelligence that was gathered after the event.

      The biggest reason that he wasn’t “killed” until last year is that we didn’t want to leave Afghanistan until then. And Obama wasn’t told the facts of life until it was clear that he was no different than any of his predecessors.

      All the shows on TV now about bin Laden’s death are sponsored by your tax money.

      • Somebody says:

        And now they’ve demolished the house.

        Make no mistake! They are hiding something.

        O: Too bad I never got Osama,
        I would have been a shoe-in!

        H: So why don’t you?

        O: Because he’s dead?

        H: Not his understudy.

        O: Hillary, I love you! You are so fucking evil!

        • Somebody says:

          Oh, and then there was that unfortunate “accident” that permanently silenced some of the SEALs.

          I wonder if Obama ever looses any sleep over the possibility that some SEAL or SEALs might conceive some sort of resentment over that? Or might just happen to meet some disgruntled Secret Service guy in a bar?

          I’m sure they disarmed all the troops he recently addressed. Or maybe green-screened them in just to be extra sure.

          I got to tell you, the prospect of President Biden gives me the willies!

  8. So what says:

    “The reason accomplishments are unfair to Republicans is that they now against accomplishment.”

    The first step in stating your argument is to proofread your damn statement.


    • smartalix says:

      The GOP is completely against accomplishment, they have created NOTHING but the stupid obstructionism that has crippled America’s recovery.

      • So what says:

        The second step is reading comprehension. By the way, you failed.

  9. moss says:


  10. Dallas says:

    Obama is a ninja pirate and terrorist killing super hero. He should wear a cape. Is this what Boner crying about?

  11. sargasso_c says:

    Nothing to attack. Except themselves.

  12. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

    “Facts do favor Liberals.”

    Its why the Pukes have taken this tack. So tansparent, and yet it still “works” to its malevolent end. Keeping fucks in office who do everything they can to make government not work, all the while complaining that government doesn’t work.

    And the idiots, shills, and suicidally short sighted buy into it.

    You know, when a plumber says he can’t fix your problems==YOU HIRE A DIFFERENT PLUMBER.

    Shit for brains pukes: worst their voting base.

    Marc: very well written header for the sarcasm and logic. Even now–you could go thru and fix the typo’s and grammar? Its too good not to polish.

  13. orchidcup says:

    Democrats are the party of government activism, the party that says government can make you richer, smarter, taller, and get the chickweed out of your lawn.

    Republicans are the party that says government doesn’t work, and then get elected and prove it.

    — P.J. O’Rourke, Parliament of Whores

    • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

      orchi–thats the exact quote I was thinking of.

      Do you know why ORourke is still a Republican voting conservative?

  14. Little Johnson says:

    “Obama Kills bin Laden one year ago”

    That was pretty awesome when Obama shot Osama in the face! That’s how they do it in Chicago! In the face!

    • Bob says:

      I bet he even had the gun turned horizontal to show them sissy seals how its done!!

  15. Rubber Duck says:

    So osama and the democrats happened to be in Our White House when bin laden was supposedly killed, Big Whoop!! They’re Never going to let us forget it either, One accomplishment in Four years, I guess they need something to brag about, they’ve Never been Shy about Taking Credit for Everything else, especially if they had absolutely nothing to do with it, which is 99.9% of the time.
    I think osama bin laden had that procedure done like the one in that movie Tropic Thunder where the actor had to appear to be a black man, and NOW OSAMA BIN LADEN IS PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, I mean it makes sense he’s not an American, he belongs to the Muslim Brotherhood, Terrorists all, his Birth Certificate and Social Security Card are Forgery’s, he came out of nowhere and has NO QUALIFICATIONS OR EXPERIENCE, he was the Fair Haired Boy of The most Corrupt group of THUGS AND CRIMINALS IN AMERICA, The Chicago Political Machine, they murdered a bin laden look a like and then got rid of the body and Manufactured Evidence to make obama-osama look good for the next election, and HAS ANYONE SEEN THE DNA EVIDENCE, I WOULD BE WILLING TO BET THAT NO ONE HAS AND THAT NO ONE EVER WILL, BECAUSE IT DOESN’T EXIST, unless they get some from the osama in Our White House!!!

    • Somebody says:

      Oh, come on!
      That’s pretty far-fetched!
      Other than the fact that they were both creatures of the CIA and hate America, Obama and Osama have nothing in common!
      Get a grip!

  16. Anonymous says:

    What are you smoking?!

    It’s great that the Obama administration got Osama. I love it! But that’s about ALL the Obama administration has DONE!

    Pull your head out!

    • Anonymous says:

      If it weren’t for the similar spelling and the fact that a few million idiot democrats might have mistaken Osama for Obama, I doubt Mister Bin Laden would have even been on the hit list with democrat strategists either.

  17. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

    What is this influx of STOOPID posters illustrated just above?

    Alfie==did you get your church group to join you in polluting this forum? DID YOU?????

    The religious references and Obama Derangement Syndrome and denial nonsense is hitting a high water mark.


    Silly Hoomans.

  18. UncDon says:

    I’m waiting for the campaign slogan …

    “I killed Bin-Laden. Who am I gonna kill in my second term?”

  19. NewfornatSux says:

    This killing revealed the lie that torture never works. Good thing George Bush was president long enough to allow the intelligence to be gathered. I suspect Kerry would have done the same, but I’m not sure. It is known that Obama ordered an end to these procedures when he came into office, though Guantanamo is still open. Then again Gitmo is not a torture site. Not sure if Obama has kept open other black sites. I suspect the answer is yes, he just won’t say so, and the media is not as eager to expose a Democratic President, and whip up a liberal frenzy against him.

    • GregAllen says:

      Except that’s not what happened at all.

      Bush’s torture muddied the water with false information making it impossible to get bin Laden.

      It wasn’t until Obama ENDED torture and started using reliable intellegence gathering that we were able to track Osama down.

      • NewfornatSux says:

        Hahaha, what delusions. Just how do you think they got the name of the courier they used to track Bin Laden?

        • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

          By memory, the courrier’s name was given up BEFORE the torture was started.

          Don’t care enough to find a link.

          Neither do you.

    • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

      I’ll take the opposite position from the always admirable Greg Allen. I think torture does work. The common issue though is it only works on people who actually know what you want to know. aka==almost no one in detention. And the downside is that torture so often fails because the torturer actually doesn’t care if the torturee has any knowledge or not. Having the knowledge wanted is not a predicate for the use of torture leading to bad results. Once you have the intelligence to assure yourself the target actually has the knowledge you want, you also have the skill set to retrieve that knowledge without using torture. A self vindicating process favoring expertise and skill over mindless cruelty that acts against our own interests. But there are more dumb ass believers than there are skilled committed professionals almost everywhere you look.

      Its not even ignorant to say that Bush’s Torture Regime lead to OBL’s takeout. Its simply pure BS for reasons unknown. NFS==why you BS’ing this forum?

  20. Connie Lingus says:

    Was bin Laden really killed and dumped at sea? We may soon find out:


  21. soundwash says:



  22. msbpodcast says:

    Osama bin Laden became irrelevant and expendable on September 12, 2001. (Mullah Omar became irrelevant and expendable with the fall of Tora Bora.)

    After that, it became a comedy of errors where nobody’s laughing.

    The best part was the spokes-hole for the Taliban demanding that the Arab world feed them, (and having no takers until the infidels’ bombs started falling,) because the Taliban were having as much success with their religious and civil reforms as Pol Pot had had after starting his killing fields.

    They were well on the way to wining the race to the bottom (currently held by Haiti [with some help from mother nature in the form of an earth quake,] with North Korea in second place [with lots of help from their corrupt military.])

    Afghanistan was actually a target poor environment during the the west’s attack as bombing was just shifting rubble around in Kabul.

    But I have no doubt that the Afghani will go right back to their thieving, corrupt way murdering their own people until they run out of bullets or their home made Kalashnikov’s blow up in their hands.

    Then, after 50 years of waiting, the US mining interests will roll in with major earth moving equipment and hire the surviving locals to tear their own mountains down, (without regard for any environmental/pollution laws because when law is fought over by mullahs in soiled and hole-y robes, you know that there is no law.)

  23. Howard Beale says:

    Stewart’s show said it best
    “Look, Republicans, yeah, the Obama ad? Kinda shitty, a little of a cheap shot, but the only reason you are pissed is that you didn’t get to run it.”

  24. deowll says:

    Other than making Ben Laden a mega hero in the middle east I’m not sure what the publicity is accomplishing.

    • smartalix says:

      Like 9/11 made him a recluse? He was living high on the hog in Pakistan, now he’s a dead *sshole. Obama is more of a leader than Romney could ever be, get over it.

  25. Glenn E. says:

    Most Republicans are probably of the mind that George Bush “loosened the lid of the War on Terror pickle jar”. And Obama just came along afterward and easily popped it open. But one thing can be said. It took Obama a full year to announce his accomplishment, after actually accomplishing something. While Bush had his “Mission Accomplished” banner flying high, day one, without having accomplished very much at the time. And the war dragged on another six years. Just to make Dick Cheney’s business partners richer. Of course this Obama speech is political election theater. But the Republicans are just as guilty of doing it too. So are they complaining that Obama ISN’T any higher principled, more moral, more honest, than they are? That’s rather telling of them. Because their attitude strongly suggest that they do know better. And it’s not just plain ignorance. If they’re complaining that Obama is resorting to the same underhanded tricks, the Republicans use to win elections.

  26. Glenn E. says:

    The story of the “Emperor’s New Clothes” seems somewhat apt to me here. The seller of the King’s “invisible, but cool”, clothes (essentially a non-accomplishment in tailoring), convinced the King and his court that only the most sophisticated minds could appreciate the clothing and see it. So naturally, not wanting to be accused of being unsophisticated, they all claimed to see it. And the whole town basically did too, probably out of fear of a beheading. I mean, any King, crazy enough to prance around naked in public. Will probably have your head if you look at him the wrong way.

    So as the story goes, a small child, not understanding that he shouldn’t believe his own eyes, cried out that the King was naked. Only then did the town folk have a good laugh at their foolish King. And everyone lived happily ever after. The end. Right!

    More likely, the little boy, his family, and many of the town folk, were all put to death. As well as that tailor. How dare they point out the King’s folly? They’re not playing by the sophisticated intellectuals’ rules. Black is white, bad is good, down is up, right is left, nakedness is fully and finely clothed. And those that have accomplished very little, are hailed as having solved all the world’s biggest problems. Yeah you know the type. Al Gore, etc.

  27. NewfornatSux says:

    Rodriguez later adds: “With some trying to turn bin Laden’s death into a campaign talking point for Obama’s reelection, it is useful to remember that the trail to bin Laden started in a CIA black site — all of which Obama ordered closed, forever, on the second full day of his administration — and stemmed from information obtained from hardened terrorists who agreed to tell us some (but not all) of what they knew after undergoing harsh but legal interrogation methods. Obama banned those methods on Jan. 22, 2009.”


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