The sun may be entering a period of reduced activity that could result in lower temperatures on Earth, according to Japanese researchers. Officials of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan and the Riken research foundation said on April 19 that the activity of sunspots appeared to resemble a 70-year period in the 17th century in which London’s Thames froze over and cherry blossoms bloomed later than usual in Kyoto. In that era, known as the Maunder Minimum, temperatures are estimated to have been about 2.5 degrees lower than in the second half of the 20th century.
If that trend continues, the north pole could complete its flip in May 2012 but create a four-pole magnetic structure in the sun, with two new poles created in the vicinity of the equator of our closest star.

  1. Dallas says:

    I’m just encouraged to know that scientists and other sane world leaders acknowledge that humans contribute significantly to climate change .

    The mystery of why sheeple believe in a talking snake but dismiss the effects of burning fossil fuels for 100 years, 24×7 will always be with us.

    • dusanmal says:

      Some palpable science for you:
      1) Joint NASA/MIT mission (satellites measuring incoming, outgoing radiation and global temperature) during 1990’s: CO2 increased every year for 8 years of the project, Earth temperature increased every year of the project,… proportion of energy reflected back to space over incoming Solar energy: INCREASED EVERY YEAR. If layman needs explanation of these results: greenhouse effect due to ANY cause, natural or human made, CO2 or anything else we may or may not know is EXCLUDED as a cause of Earth warming during that period. Not maybe, not potentially,… but scientific certainty. From some of the most reliable institutions (or you doubt NASA and MIT).
      2) Non-fudged climate data (ex. NOAA published and peer reviewed (?!?) climate data includes fudge factors of up to 400%…) from the Greenland ice core:

      shows not only the climate minimum mentioned in the article but the fact that Earth is particularly COLD right now. In the lowest 10% of temperatures in the last 10000 years. For layman again: yes, we are warming – from damn cold period back to NORMAL AVERAGES (and we are not yet there, never mind “overheated”). Temperature graph above supported by independent archaeology: from edges of Greenland melting glacier (oh, God the “catastrophy”!) medieval farming communities emerge, capable of agriculture on the large scale that will not be possible there for hundred more years of this warming.
      3) What really causes warming/cooling on Earth: CERN (yet another highly acclaimed institution) proved that proportion of high energy particles hitting the Earth is the perfect match as controlling mechanism of Earth temperature on near and long term (read on Be11 and 13 concentrations and Solar and “deep space” high energy particles correlation). Solar activity dominates Earth climate.
      4) But what about CO2? – Yes it CAN do greenhouse effect… when it is lone dominant component of the atmosphere. Same heating as on Earth (due to the Sun) heated Mars in the same time period. Measured. But, Mars warmed FASTER… Martian atmosphere is simpler and CO2 dominated. There CO2 could cause greenhouse effect and it did. On Earth water vapor dominates potential greenhouse effect and overwhelms any CO2 effects. For layman: water vapor is like 120dB jet engine sound, CO2 is like human talking… Even if human starts yelling out of their top capacity, sound of the jet engine will drown it. Human produced or not.
      5) Finally the fallacy of geologically documented relation between CO2 concentration and temperatures. Again from the single non-fudged source: Antarctic ice core over last 250000 years. Never ever in that documented period did CO2 CAUSE warming. Increase in CO2 concentration always, always followed increase in temperature with delay of 400-1000 years (700 years on average). Increase in CO2 concentration in Earth atmosphere was always CONSEQUENCE of warming due to other causes (in available evidence), never the cause.
      Enough of science for you?
      Am I not interested in Ecology? – I spent 4 years of my life volunteering to plant over deforested mountains… I put my actions where my beliefs are.
      What are leading ecological problems on Earth that this human-caused-warming and Carbon Obsession lies for political ends harm: local impact of chemicals that Nature have not been able to evolve with but we dump in: top are heavy metals, Naturally rare – we find, concentrate and than dump them. Billion times more dangerous than any global warming. Biological chemicals Nature is unable to concentrate in human ways (hormones, pesticides, antibiotics,…) nor deal with such concentrations. “New” chemicals Nature never encountered before (plastics?). There is Global component to these but LOCAL component is always more important. LOCAL control of local issues on local people, properties and life is the only solution. Not some UN bureaucratic shit.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        Say Douche-Anal, nice review.

        Now, I’m just a casual reader in the field, and not a nut case driven fool like yourself but you post as if reflected sunlight was the driver of the green house effect whereas even casual reading informs us that it is captured radiation that is the mechanism of interest. The reflection aspect is about input amounts.

        Basic language of the issue.

        Buy a dictionary.

        Read it.

        • deowll says:

          The one thing that we can be certain about is that the tiny amount, percentage wise, of CO2 in our atmosphere is barely enough to keep the carbon cycle going. Any impact it is having on climate is miniscule. In the past CO2 increases trailed CO2 increases significantly.

          The prophets of doom were counting on a feed back loop due to an increase in water vapor in the atmosphere only NASA checked and it didn’t happen. Average cloud levels have fallen ~100 feet. Sea level according their satellite data is falling.

          Will add that even on what appears to be a cooling planet the vagaries of the jet-stream can make your location warmer or colder, wetter or drier very quickly.

      • Pays2Think says:

        Your wasting your breath. These are the same people that ostracized Copernicus, locked up De Vinci, and were sure the earth was flat. These flat earth thinkers are holding us back, as they always have.

        Guide those that understand towards solar and renewables and leave the deniers behind.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        For anyone thinking Douche-Anal is anywhere near correct in his mis-linked article and garbling of whatever hopefully is there, this site directly addresses his points raised.

        Its not often Scientific American calls a contesting idea “contrarian nonsense.”

        Make anyone “think?”

      • Dallas says:

        The only thing I got out of that is abuse of the universal copy/paste rule of 50 words.

      • Guyver says:

        I’m just encouraged to know that scientists and other sane world leaders acknowledge that humans contribute SIGNIFICANTLY to climate change .

        And you know this to be factual because of?

        • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

          Because we burn 1000’s of tons of coal and oil every second of every day.

          What do you ‘THINK” happens to all that co2?


          You deny the SCIENCE, and have no explanation to counter what is in front of your own eyes.

          Seal Level continues to rise:

          World temp continues to rise (link in this thread) in an up/down zig zag given the tilt of the earth and with every down zig the SCIENTIFIC ILLITERATE claim warming is false.

          Silly Hoomans—don’t deserve fire.

          • Guyver says:

            What do you ‘THINK” happens to all that co2?

            Are you claiming you “KNOW” what happens? Are you suggesting you are your other “SCIENTISTS” have proven a causal chain?


            Feel free to discredit the guy because your viewpoint isn’t supported by this scientist.

            You deny the SCIENCE, and have no explanation to counter what is in front of your own eyes.

            Science isn’t a popularity contest as you seem to suggest.

            Being a skeptic in the absence of scientific proof or in the presence of hasty conclusions does not make someone anti-science.

            Insisting that an appeal to authority is somehow science is laughable. If you discredit the scientist in the above link, what you’re saying is your scientists are right and every other scientist is wrong.

            Therefore you can maintain your intellectual dishonesty over what consensus you would want others to believe.

            But what you’re really saying is scientists are human. And being such, they can be dishonest, have ulterior motives, or can be bought out (which is the typical liberal accusation for those they disagree with) in spite of any validity to the claims regardless of the guilt by association fallacy you would drum up.

            Stick with the scientific method. Question anyone who claims to know something. If all they resort to is an appeal to authority, guilt by association, hasty conclusions, etc; they probably don’t know much.

            There’s a saying. No man knows less than the man who knows it all. 🙂

  2. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    I don’t follow it “that” closely, but I believe we are already in a period of increased sunspots MEANING that without human activity our Earth would have been getting colder the past few years BUT ITS GETTING WARMER.

    The slug baits that want to deny Human Caused Global Warming are on par with Flat Earth/Young Earth/3 Card Monte Shills. Silly anti-science numbskulls==the type of idiots that say co2 isn’t a poison because plants like it.

    Morans………and they form a large political party in the USA…….and they vote.


    • Debunkthemyths says:

      Wow. Have you ever taken statistics?

      You and the global warming banshees are basing your idiotic theories on a 150 year sample of a planet thats supposedly 4,000,000,000 years old.

      That’s like you going to one person and asking them if they are Jewish, Protestant or catholic, white or black and assuming that the entire population of the planet is whatever that person answered.

      How bout some more global warming falsehoods?

      • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

        Why Yes, I have taken statistics. Multiple Regressions, z-scores, distributions, propagation of errors, confidence levels……the dictionary….and your example has nothing to do with the science of global climate change.

        Care to name what facts you dispute or do you just want to puke?

    • Brian says:

      Wow. you don’t have a single clue about how thermodynamics work, do you? I think you need to recheck your understanding of not only thermo, but sunspots, as well.

    • Guyver says:

      I don’t follow it “that” closely, but I believe we are already in a period of increased sunspots MEANING that without human activity our Earth would have been getting colder the past few years BUT ITS GETTING WARMER.

      Last August, the St. Louis area experienced temperatures in the 60s for a couple of weeks. VERY unusually cool for that time of year.

      • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

        C’mon McGuyver. You KNOW the answer to that and you just keep shoveling this drivel to those who are gullible enough to listen. Its why Global Warming was changed to Global Climate Change so that idiots observing local WEATHER might not be so easily hornswaggled.

        AGW will cause greater EXTREMES in weather/climate. Some areas will get colder, but most will get warming thereby THE AVERAGE is warmner causing inital growth in some glaciers, but over all the ice is melting—HENCE THE OCEAN LEVEL KEEPS RISING, while idiots put their heads in thier home ice box and say: “looks colder to me” and they approve your BS lies.

        Silly Hoomans. Back to the cave!

        • Brian says:

          bobbo, you’re an idiot. increased sunspot activity causes a net increase in energy output from the sun. higher flux, more energy delivered to the earth across the em spectrum. go learn something instead of parroting your carbon messiah’s idiot message.

        • Guyver says:

          Its why Global Warming was changed to Global Climate Change so that idiots observing local WEATHER might not be so easily hornswaggled.

          And local weather is driven by what? Things were changed to Climate Change when you guys were finding it harder to prove your claim.

          AGW will cause greater EXTREMES in weather/climate.

          AGW is a theory and it dismisses all other possibilities are that are still possible.

          But sure, anyone who questions whether AGW is a foregone conclusion or scientific law must be “anti-science” in your eyes. LOL.

          Some areas will get colder, but most will get warming thereby THE AVERAGE is warmner causing inital growth in some glaciers, but over all the ice is melting—HENCE THE OCEAN LEVEL KEEPS RISING, while idiots put their heads in thier home ice box and say: “looks colder to me” and they approve your BS lies.

          All easily dismissed if your climate models that ASSUME CO2 levels doubling by 2030 is the root cause of a causal chain. Why no near term predictions? Are you guys waiting for another crisis to build off your hysteria and extend your assumptions you call science?

  3. NewfornatSux says:

    James Lovelock of the Gaia theory told us the planet has a fever, and life on the planet is doomed, has now changed his mind and says the lack of warming means he was wrong.

  4. KJ says:

    I’ve said all along that I worry more about global cooling than global warming. Arable land in a global cooling scenario would be significantly reduced and would greatly impact our food supply. The opposite happens during global warming as the current land that is borderline for producing acceptable yields would be capable of a significant yield increase.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      KJ–what motivated you to make this BS up? Why worry about global cooling when its warming that is pissing in your ear?

      The model for AGW is that weather will shift North into less productive farm lands while the entire system will become more extreme. What was once productive will now be subject to droughts and floods.

      But we’ll never get to that point. The release of HS2 will kill us all. No surviving isolated couples of Humans eking out a subsistence existence at the Poles as Lovelock the Idiot opined.

      Why has Mother Gaia forsaken us?

      Silly Hoomans. Can’t even buy a clue.

      • BrewerPhil says:

        Despite the fact that the levels of CO2 are historically very low in comparison to other points in earth’s history where life existed.

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

          Define “History” and what else was relevant to the issue? co2 is higher now than at any time in past 400 Thousand Years. co2 is way up millions of years ago before life came on land. does look like (link below) co2 was higher 50 million years ago.

          Looks like some of the numbers NFS used are in the link as well–but I didn’t check that too closely as the conclusion regarding the risk we are currently facing doesn’t change.

          Relevant enough to negate the general consensus we may have already passed the tipping point to our own extinction, or will very soon, ie 50 years?

  5. NewfornatSux says:

    We have been told that doubling CO2 would increase temperatures. Not just a little, but a lot, with scientists in competition to see who can make the biggest numbers and get published. 3C 4C 5C, MIT made a spinning wheel to show the possibility of more than 7C of warming.

    Yet half the CO2 doubling has already happened, and we end up getting .7C of warming for that half.

    Basic physics tells us doubling CO2 would increase temperatures by about 1C.

    The first two IPCC reports concluded that it could not be stated for sure that the current warming is not natural. Then in 1995, Ben Santer changed his section and went against what the scientists concluded, and wrote that humanity is definitely the cause. They have been repeating this politicized version ever since.

  6. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    James Lovelock? BWHAHAHAHAHAH.

    Well know fruit cake advocate of Pop Science for the uninformed masses?

    Arguably, he’s not even an environmentalist but rather has some expertise in very narrow issues of instrument measurement technologies but there is no argument at all that he is NOT A CLIMATOLOGIST which is why he idiotically predicted a rapid rise in temp when the IPCC said NO, and now he has recognized he “was an alarmist” and now he admits it will take longer===aka, what the IPCC said to begin with.

    Jeebus NFS, you really are sucking the big one on this. Ha, ha. Well, at least you have read “something.” Now of interest is are you willing to recognize you are on par with Lovelock?


    Now–by memory your temp ranges are off by x2 or 3.

    What is going to kill off all multicellular life, some say in 50 years, is when the methane ice starts to melt triggering increased global warming which will trip the formation of Hydrogen Sulfide==aka a killer of life.

    Its not just about warm air, warm water, and ocean rise.

    No, not that simple.

  7. nixon's the one says:

    Is there a version of this discussion available in Mayan?

  8. sargasso_c says:

    Should be interesting!

  9. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    “When the methane ice starts to melt…” //// My booboo. Tundra methane and Arctic shallow sea methane is already accelerating its release. I was thinking of the deeper frozen methan in the ocean depths estimated in the billions of tons. If that goes, we’ll all die of that before the earth even does heat up past that point.

    Nice complicated/layered/advancing/changing SCIENTIFIC issue for us to rub our horns against.

    How do you know what you know and how do you change your minds?

    eh troopers?

  10. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    and if you prefer info via LED’s, the invaluable TED:

    • Guyver says:

      I’m okay with a mass extinction of liberals. They thrive only in large herds and government.

      • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

        And yet its Rush Limbaugh with the largest audience. And thats actually ok in a sense.

        Constitutional right and FREEEEEEEEDOM interest to assemble and protest.

        Anti-Science, Anti-Constitution, Anti-FREEEEEDOM too Guyver?

        Just because you wear women’s clothing doesn’t mean you have to put on lipstick.

        • Guyver says:

          And yet its Rush Limbaugh with the largest audience. And thats actually ok in a sense.

          Liberals dominate the coastal states. Sorry Bobbo, you’ll be in liberal hell as ocean levels rise. 🙂

          Just because you wear women’s clothing doesn’t mean you have to put on lipstick.

          Funny. I wasn’t the one who said I’d tap a transgender drag queen. To each his own. 🙂

  11. jbenson2 says:

    I wonder how the green movement will try to spin this article from Reuters.

    Wind Farms may have warming effect.

    Large wind farms might have a warming effect on the local climate, research in the United States showed on Sunday, casting a shadow over the long-term sustainability of wind power.


    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Yea but its 100x less than the heating caused by burning coal and if you stop the windmill, there is no further warming.

      Mind the gap.

      • jbenson2 says:

        Yea but windmills are 100x more deadly to birds and bats and if you stop burning coal, there is no further economy.

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

          OH JB!!! Such a child you are.

          Keep the target moving you so don’t have to slow down and think about anything you have posted.

          The alarms being raised now are a warning about whats coming. We have to get off coal. We need a Moon Shot Program to develop green non-polluting energy.

          Its why “Drill Baby Drill” and developing coal reserves is so short sighted: if we burn all that carbon, we will kill ourselves.

          Its BECAUSE we don’t want our economy to crumble that we need to pay attention now.


          • Debunkthemyths says:

            We should make a program that captures air from bloated libtards and global warming loons.

            It should run the us for years.

    • NewfornatSux says:

      This article has been misunderstood. It moves heat from low to high, but doesn’t actually warm the planet in any way. It might have an effect on temperature measurements. See Roger Pielke Sr for details.

  12. The Monster's Mother says:

    Will this change the polarity on my car battery?

  13. Pays2Think says:

    All this talk about Global Climate Change is a smoke screen for the oil industry, who don’t want us to make the transition to renewables and solar energy production. The fossil fuel industry has lobbied hard to prevent financial investment in solar energy production and promotes the global warming “nut” factor.

    While the fossil fuel industry successfully blocks the transition to solar they are laughing all the way to the bank.

    Every time there is a debate over global warming we are taking cash from our pockets and putting it in theirs.

    The only way to win is to not play their game.

    • jbenson2 says:

      I’ll buy into the renewable and solar energy fantasy when Obama converts Air Force One over to Chevy Volt batteries and / or solar power.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        More childish vapid pablum.

        JB–you aren’t even trying are you.

        Whats the matter? Need a change of diapers?

      • Mextli: ABO says:

        He doesn’t have to. He bought a ton of carbon credits. No problem if you have those.

    • Guyver says:

      All this talk about Global Climate Change is a smoke screen for the oil industry, who don’t want us to make the transition to renewables and solar energy production.

      Your point makes sense if you’re assuming the oil industry is the only place where “greedy” businessmen exist. If there’s a way to make a profit, never underestimate the power of greed and fortune to lure other businessmen to dethrone the oil industry.

      Otherwise, it just sounds like another liberal vegan whine.

  14. Sandy Eggo says:

    Why is it that global warming deniers often (but not always) sound even tempered and rational with cited references and considered aguements while global warming insisters respond with ad hominem personal attacks like making wordplay of their username or using phrases like “nut case driven fool like yourself “?

    What is WRONG with you people? Can’t you take the time to at least cut and paste a standard “here’s my arguments” or “here’s some links” rather than just whip out the disgusting tactics?

    Look, “you can’t reason someone out of an opinion they weren’t reasoned into”. Reason with the reasoners, guys, or just don’t participate. Reduce the noise level.

    If anybody wants to move past this “it’s not warming up vs. you’re a douchbag for even suggesting it’s not” stuff, how about you work forward through:

    1. Global warming is happening.
    2. It is our (humanity’s, but especially, in a moral if not actual sense, America’s) fault.
    3. It will continue unless we mend our ways.
    4. If it continues we are in grave danger.
    5. We know how to slow or even reverse the warming.
    6. As a world global society, we have the will and means to implement the reversal.
    7. The benefits from doing that will far exceed the costs.

    Personally, where I come down on this on a point by point level is 75%, 50%, 40%, 20%, 20%, 5%, 1%.

    Unless y’all can get to a high percentage on the last one, you’re just blowin’ hot air (tee-hee).

    • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

      Well, I can’t follow your intricate math. You must be a douche bag.

      But I must admit I’m not as sure of that as you are unsure of the observable/measurable fact of global warming. (sic re construction)

      ……unless you are only 75% sure that 32 C is higher than 31 C. I don’t doubt that 95% of your 25% doubt is caused by the idiots you want shown respect.

      They don’t deserve it. They are Devo.

    • NewfornatSux says:

      Good summary. You probably need a step that CO2 is the cause. And also that the warming will be high(maybe that’s what you mean by step 4).

      5 and 6 are a definite no. The plans being submitted would not reverse or prevent any substantial amount of warming. China already has more carbon emissions than the US and is growing fast. US+Europe+Russia+Japan+South Korea+Canada+Australia are 40% of emissions while scientists think there needs to be a global 80% cut.
      So if the science ‘consensus’ is correct, we are doomed.

      • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

        What is the proper counter balance to science?

        Is it magic or vested economic interests in the status quo?

        You know that co2 put in the air today will take 1000 years for the natural carbon cycle to take it out? Most of it going into the ocean thereby acidifying it leading to food chain collapse.

        We are very nearly doomed with the trend lines accelerating rather than being slowed.

        Two interesting questions remain: what will be the first instance that gains general public recognition that we have passed the tipping point ? ((This means “doom” is 50-100 years away–yes, Lovelock was quite ridiculous in his uninformed guesstimates.))

        And on this recognition, what drastic steps can be made to reverse the process? Thats where research dollars should go now. Everything else is pretty well locked down. Even had a 6 part Nature type show on this about two years ago?

        Future is so bright……….

  15. Skeptic says:

    Munch, munch, munch…. did you know that our species is the only one that mines and uses every element known on earth? … munch, munch, and we use or otherwise consume every kind of life… munch munch munch… plant or animal that we know of?… munch, munch, even bacteria and viruses aren’t beyond our industrial appetite… munch, munch… we are even thinking of grabbing a few asteroids that get too close, and the yummy moon is on the menu too, munch, munch……… urrrrrrrrrrrp! It hasn’t been so long since we woke up in this restaurant… munch, munch, munch… but there are 7 billion of us in the same room, munch, munch… and quite frankly it’s starting to stink…. and I hear that this is the only restaurant in town… munch, munch, munch, munch… and we happen to like burning old gooey waste, older than we are … munch, munch…. which I am breathing in as I type, munch munch. When I want to see my mother a few tables away I burn that old shit too… in fact I burn it every day if I have longer than 20 minutes to walk on my own…. urrrrrrrrrp! My neighbour has an ‘lectric vehicle. It has lots and lots of rare earth elements to make it go…. munch, munch… in fact China’s rare earth industry each year produces more than five times the amount of waste gas, including deadly fluorine and sulfur dioxide, than the total flared annually by all miners and oil refiners in the U.S…. that was a lot to say at once and now I’m hungry… munch munch, … alongside that 13 billion cubic meters of gas is 25 million tons of wastewater laced with cancer-causing heavy metals such as cadmium…. munch munch, and China is only a few thousand tables away. Windmills use this stuff too…. so munch munch, I forget the point I was going to make, … munch munch, but I think we’re screwed…. urrrrrrrrp!

  16. MWD78 says:

    am i the only one that thinks that this whole 4-pole arrangement can cause a rather nasty CME? between the odds of Fukushima going supercritical and the above, the whole 2012 thing is looking more and more plausible by the day.

  17. Mextli: ABO says:

    Does any twitch really worry about global warming? I think we have more to worry about today rather than some unproven event in some vague future. This fear mongering has been going on since “Silent Spring”.

    The sky is falling!

    • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

      The sky isn’t falling, its heating up.

      Going after Silent Spring now??

      Doubling Down on Stupid. Well done. Even sublime.

      • thatsmychin says:

        bobbo says:

        “Now, I’m just a casual reader in the field, and not a nut case driven fool like yourself ”

        For someone who is not a nut case driven fool, you seem to have put a lot of ‘mileage’ on this case.

  18. LibertyLover says:

    I still want to blame Mars. The way it is heating up, we have two solar bodies in the sky radiating down on us.

  19. Donald says:

    British scientist, Piers Corbyn, predicted a cooling period at least a year ago. Looks like Japanese scientists are verifying him.

  20. B. Dog says:

    We ran Al Gore’s global warming Ponzi scheme out of the U.S.A. When that president puppet guy was in England to push it there, a big snowstorm made him leave before he could spew his lies.

  21. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

    The idiot do-ill surpassing his normal prevarication says:
    5/1/2012 at 3:05 pm

    The one thing that we can be certain about is that the tiny amount, percentage wise, of CO2 in our atmosphere is barely enough to keep the carbon cycle going. /// My goodness. This is beyond anti-science. Just pure shilling. Say any stupid thing and see if McGuyver will pick up on it? For the ditto heads only. If there was only one co2 molecule in the world–it would be part of the carbon cycle. I guess it doesn’t matter but there is a co2 cycle as well as a carbon cycle? Its all definitional depending on what you want to talk about/study/understand. From that context, I take it you don’t believe in any cycles at all? Maybe just the shit for money cycle?

    Any impact it is having on climate is miniscule. In the past CO2 increases trailed CO2 increases significantly. /// Yes, co2 followed temp rise because warm water holds less gas. Its all in the model–all science. How did the carbon cycle work “back then” when the co2 concentration was more or less depending on what point you want to shit on?

    The prophets of doom were counting on a feed back loop due to an increase in water vapor in the atmosphere only NASA checked and it didn’t happen. /// Water vapor analysis does have an interesting history in the IPCC modelling==but that ain’t it. Got any link to explain what you are referencing?

    Average cloud levels have fallen ~100 feet. /// I very much doubt that. Not that it matters either way I’m guessing.

    Sea level according their satellite data is falling. /// Link? because wiki chart says otherwise.

    Will add that even on what appears to be a cooling planet the vagaries of the jet-stream can make your location warmer or colder, wetter or drier very quickly. /// Confusing weather with climate as is done so often.

    Dolt/Moran/Shill/Idiot/Shit for Brains/Anti-Science/Puke==nothing captures the sheer enormity of the self pleasuring ignorance the AGW Deniers put on display.

    Like looking for/at car accidents.

    • Guyver says:

      Dolt/Moran/Shill/Idiot/Shit for Brains/Anti-Science/Puke==nothing captures the sheer enormity of the self pleasuring ignorance the AGW Deniers put on display.

      It seems the liberal narrative NEEDS global warming / climate change to be man-made. In fact it is imperative in order to mandate that all individuals to live in caves. Otherwise, there is absolutely no justification to force individuals to live without electricity or motorized vehicles if climate change / warming is probably natural.

      Maybe some common sense is in order (not that this would change your fanatical alarmism citing your stance is based on a “consensus” of “objective scientists” who are actually using science instead of their position of authority to advance the theory of AGW):

    • cgp says:

      Another link denier.

      The latest goodie is Svensmark: The Cloud Mystery

      New idea: clouds cause climate (original variation the sun’s magnetic cycles and/or galactic cosmic ray variation) they are not feedback.

      The nasty bit was the 18 month delaying tactic (without any basis) by the AWG fool ‘peer reviewer’ that enabled IPCC AR5 to exclude the ‘unpublished work’.

      Don’t forget the attempt to paint ‘dirty money’ on
      contrarian researchers who cannot get funding from mainstream sources.

      And finally Mann needs to be sued, the UN taken to some high court (for continuing on when its basis has been completely rubbished) …

  22. NewfornatSux says:

    >but over all the ice is melting—HENCE THE OCEAN LEVEL KEEPS RISING,

    Wrong again. Ocean level rise has nothing to do with melting ice. Global warming would lead to more ice not less. It is simply too cold in Antarctica for global warming to melt the ice there. Instead, you would get warmer water that evaporates and falls as snow in Antarctica, creating more ice.
    Sea level rises because warmer water expands.

    • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

      NFS–link and/or explanation?

      Just a yes or no maybe?

      Ocean warms because of under ocean volcanic activity?


      • NewfornatSux says:

        explanation is right there if you read.
        You are turning into Mr ConFusion.

        • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

          Quit being so coy. Its the non-argument of a little girl.

          Be a man. Man Up. Confront your own stupidity. Learn, Grow, change your mind.


      • cgp says:

        Bobbo, just think about it.

        Ambient temperature -40 C is not an environment that melting should be mentioned.
        Go google for the diagram of seasonal temperatures on the polar continent and you will see.

        The key balance is input:weather onto continent versus output:glacier flow and what impedes them.

        I suspect that the most varied variable is the weather. And guess what, does warmer oceans cause more water in the atmosphere?

        Reality is so often contrary to simplistic narratives.

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

          cgp==I’m not following you. “Sounds like” you are talking about temps at the South Pole?

          AGW is forcing its reality right now more at the North Pole…glacier retreat, melt, thickness all negative.

          Its like–the issues are poles apart?

          Rereading…..”the polar continent” is Antarctica which is not the relevant issue. Unless further explanation clears this up, looks like an excellent example of cherry picking for the express purpose of laying down a false scent to a red herring.

          If you know that much, you probably know more. Shame.

          • cgp says:

            It is when you get hacked off about people that say warming would actually be nice. So you scream and yell about sea rise hence the ice continent.

  23. Boy Scout says:

    Will I need to buy a new compass?

  24. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

    Hey Pedro–you say LED vs Fluorescent lights have the same efficiency? And when challenged on that you double down?

    This link/chart says you are wrong:

    Not that you aren’t always wrong. …… But its soooooo easy to google.

    What a dope! Spending more money to install less efficient lights.


    Its issues like this that has Pedro and his donkey at odds.

    • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

      Darn–way to fast in my condemnations there. Have to do a life time analysis there. New tech is always overrating in MTBF.

      My only excuse is Pedro’s donkey kicked me in the nuts as I was writing.

  25. Rubber Duck says:

    If its too hot, its Global Warming, if its too cold its GW, if it rains too much its GW, if its too dry its GW, The GW Clowns have got it down pat.
    I know why that Puke al gore spreads his GW BS because he will be the First Green Billionaire, because we will be forced to buy and do all sorts of Incredibly STUPID THINGS, when their IDIOT LAWS ARE PASSED, Pelosi and an Endless Parade of GW Profiteers will get Rich off of the GREATEST HOAX EVER PERPETRATED ON THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.
    This is how the Liberal Left Thugs act so Pious and Caring and what a load of BS that is, michael moore attacking George Bush and Dick Cheney saying they started the Iraq war to get the Oil, THE ONLY ONE THAT PROFITED FROM THE IRAQ WAR WAS michael moore to the Tune of $50,000,000 for that Wet Dream Obscenity he called a documentary, he is a Hypocrite and a Liar, but too the faithful Zombies its Blindly believe what your told, and do what your told you BLIND FOOLS, HALF OF THE USA ARE THE CATTLE THAT THE JACKASS PARTY BELIEVES THEY ARE!!!

  26. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

    Duck Rubber: I agree with you Algore is a scam artist looking to bilk the public. That doesn’t mean AGW is wrong or hype.

    Its like Cancer?

    Lots of fraud around Cancer and Cancer Cures but no one is dumb enough,….. well, most people aren’t dumb enough….to opine that Cancer is a fraud.

    But you flip on AGW. Correct: Cap and Trade is a Fraud on the Public===but AGW remains just like Cancer.

    Try to separate the two issues: the Rubber from the Duck.

  27. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

    Say Pedro, looking at my link some more, its interesting that near the bottom the btu output for LED is the lowest of the three? I wonder if they are matching lumens and what not?

    I have shied away from LED’s because the new compact fluorescents have burned out way too quickly making them NOT cost effective.

    For some reason, I don’t think LED’s will have that problem? I have a hunch that the early LED lights that you could cook with are different than this new variety of LED? I read months ago they finally got to “natural light” LEDs by using a special coating.

    The tech changes all the time….always forward. Think I’ll look around for some 1600 Lumen (aka 100 watt equivalent) LEDs and start saving that money even sooner!

    • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

      Of course they are different. Those first generation leds were single filament in what looked like a vacuum tube?

      These new ones are little diodes all gang banged together to build up the lumens.

      Not all LED’s are the same.

    • NewfornatSux says:

      >I have shied away from LED’s because the new compact fluorescents have burned out way too quickly making them NOT cost effective.

      So because tech X is not cost effective, you stay away from tech Z? Most people would stay away from tech X.
      Of course it would be nice if the regular light bulbs hadn’t been banned.

      • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

        Yep, same reason I shy away from new software. Wait for the .01 version with fixes.

        Nice to live in a country where we can spend as we wish?

  28. Buzz Mega says:

    Caption to this post:

    Mega scooted to the bottom of the list to avoid all the “bipolar” jokes.

    Still, he wondered which would be hotter on the Sun, the east pole or the west pole.


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