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Has this man no shame????
Agree. Even more disgusting after all the bad press he’s gotten regarding his animal abuse tendencies.
“his animal abuse tendencies.”
Like eating dog.
Well first, it was a wholly different country and culture and Obama was only about 6 years old.
And second, Romney was a grown man in America where we do not do such things to family pets. There’s much more to question about Romney on this one. He even said in an interview with Diane Sawyer that he wouldn’t do it again, “given how much of a reaction it’s gotten.” (or something close to that). There was nothing there in his response about it being a BAD thing.
So, if it is a different culture it is okay? In Papua New Guinea some people still practice cannibalism. It was Japanese military culture to rape and murder thousands of Chinese during WW2. There’s nothing wrong with that, it’s there culture. I call BS.
Seriously… you’re equating what a 6 year old was given by his parents to eat to cannibalism, murder and rape? You should be a member of PETA.
Negative. I don’t give a crap if he ate dog or anything else.The offense is classifying right or wrong based on culture. It’s ok to eat dog because we’re in indonesia, but it is wrong in the USA. It is ok to beat my daughter because we live in Saudi Arabia, but it is wrong if I beat her in the USA.
I guess you are giving up meat then?
All those poor cows that just want to graze and moo and will readily lick you if you offer a hand.
They will come when called as well. Just like a dog.
Or is the cow sufficiently not cute enough to be classified as meat?
Plebeian scum.
Just because you don’t like it does not mean it is animal abuse. I’ll even defend the president on this one. If the dogs were humanely slaughtered for consumption that would not be animal abuse either.
At least he isn’t eating the dog which Obama had done.
Dude – a 6-year-old living in a different country with different cultures eats the local food, and you compare that to a grown man strapping a dog container to the top of a car for 8-10 hours?
Get a grip (and dare I ask, the ability to think).
Exactly! We would rather dogs die than a be slightly discomforted!
@Mashed Potato Bulletin said it best, so I will copy his words verbatim:
“Well first, it was a wholly different country and culture and Obama was only about 6 years old.
And second, Romney was a grown man in America where we do not do such things to family pets. There’s much more to question about Romney on this one. He even said in an interview with Diane Sawyer that he wouldn’t do it again, “given how much of a reaction it’s gotten.” (or something close to that). There was nothing there in his response about it being a BAD thing.”
Hunters put their dogs in crates an haul them in the back of trucks and on bumper mounts all the time big whoop.
Lets not forget the 100s of people every year who leave their dogs locked in their hot cars.
And you’ll find that it’s all brain-dead “animal lovers” who choose to leave pets in their cars, not hunters.
Most hunters are like cowboys: the horses (or any other domestic critter) come first.
In 2003, Governor Romney and his sons actually saved the life of a Scottish Terrier, McKenzie, and six members of his owner’s family.
Mitt Romney pulled a soaked dog out of a lake.
Barack Obama pulled a baked dog out of an oven.
Romney once kept a terrier from drowning.
Obama once drowned a terrier in ketchup.
Mitt Romney rescued a pooch.
Barack Obama poached a rescue.
The Dog Eater
A Comparison of Consumption
Classic example here of false equivalence, comparing what is given to a child, versus a choice made by an adult. Also, failed attempt to distract from a poor decision by bring up unrelated events. This is the type of lame thinking that gets people like Romney elected.
Well it worked for Obama.
or gets people like Obama evicted.
Meh … the only thing derived from the lame responses (except mine) is validation that the teabaggers are starting to rally around the Mormon.
I predicted this to happen months ago.
Why does everyone say Obama ate a dog? I don’t get it.
Because he did.
From President Obama’s memoir, Drams From My Father, about his diet as a boy in Indonesia.
“And away from the dinner table I was introduced to dog meat (tough), snake meat (tougher) and roasted grasshopper (crunchy).”
Now, Romney supporters could say “At least I didn’t eat my dog.”
hmeyers, you’re not the only one. There were some politically knowledgeable people who were confused by why Obama was making jokes about eating dogs. If your news sources are the mainstream media like the New York Times and the broadcast networks, you are not likely to know about the issue that Obama ate dog as a child. It was really Twitter that got that story out there, and killed off the Obama campaign attempt to attack Romney as A WEIRDO for putting his dog on the roof.
President Romney bids farewell to the Obamas in a special carrier design just for them, aboard their last flight on Airforce One.
Mitt rides for free!
“This is the only way we can bring our dog Breezy (we used to call him ‘Gassy’) with us on trips.”
= = = = = = = = = = = =
I think we ought to give people a pass on most things that happened 20 or 30 or 40 years ago.
One reality is that we have some very sad choices coming up this November. Another is that with the sad state of the economy, international crisises, high unemployment, and all the idiotic fuel issues….THIS topic is even being discussed?
These sure are some funny captions, guys.
If Romney’s gotta come – that doesn’t mean I have to like it.
I don’t care about dogs in pet carriers.
I don’t care about that little kiddie not getting the (first) baseball.
I don’t care what Officials wives think, do, or say.
I don’t care what candidate would be more fun to have a beer with.
I don’t care that illegals have integrated their lives into our society.
Whew. That felt good. Now for a caption:
“Thats Rubio in the cage until he agrees to run as my vp.”
Mittens Romney is an ass….there’s no debate.
Trolling must be so much fun.
The humans object but the dog enjoyed the trip. It likes to travel with the family. It doesn’t like staying the kennel.
We put down thousands of strays every year and bury them in land fills or what ever but eating them is wrong.
Can you just imagine the pull-back under those airflow conditions… ? (on the dog’s face -not the plane…!)
It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s the ‘one’der-dog!
You guys are a little late. Obama has backed off the assault after he realized that his autobiography says that he ate dog.
You guys probably don’t realize this because this tidbit didn’t make it into the New York Times or Jon Stewart. Gail Collins alone mentioned Romney and his dog 50 times. Keith Olbermann talked about it alot, but now says he doesn’t care.
By the way, they don’t eat dog in Indonesia. Muslims forbid it. They do eat it in Vietnam, which is probably where Bill Ayers got the story.
“Has anyone seen my dog?”
“Yeah. I think I saw Mitt giving it a ride.”
“I believe I saw Barrack taking it for a walk. He said he was going out for something to eat.
“Dinner anyone?”
Barack Obama ate a dog. E-I-E-I-O!
Romney flying to Canada, of course !!!
Whoops, Barack left office without taking his lunch box!