Artist’s rendering of the V&M plant when construction is complete

Canton Ohio — The Ohio steel industry, led by a drilling boom in the gas and oil industry and a resuscitated demand for cars and light trucks, is growing again. Steel makers across the state are racing to keep pace with plans to add a total of two million square feet of production space at a cost of $1.5 billion.

At the Timken Company’s mill here on Faircrest Street, orders for steel from domestic and export markets plunged so low in May 2009 that the plant operated just four days that month. Nearly three years later, with demand for steel soaring and the Faircrest mill operating around the clock, Timken has started building a $200 million, 83,000-square-foot addition that will increase the plant’s production.

“The need for specialty steel, much of it for oil and natural gas producers, is high in the United States and around the world,” said Salvatore J. Miraglia Jr., the president of Timken’s steel group. “We see demand in that market continuing to be healthy for quite some time…”

In October, United States Steel opened a $100 million, 325,000-square-foot mill at its Lorain plant to manufacture steel pipe for the drilling industry. Vallourec & Mannesmann, a French company, is completing a $650 million, 1.1 million-square-foot steel pipe mill in Youngstown, and is building a separate 200,000-square-foot mill nearby to add threads to the pipes. Both plants serve the oil and gas sector.

United States Steel is collaborating with a Japan-based partner, Kobe Steel, to build a $400 million, 454,000-square-foot addition to what is known as the Pro-Tec plant in Leipsic, south of Toledo, to serve the growing market for high-tensile lightweight steel used by makers of fuel-efficient vehicles.

“We haven’t had this kind of expansion in steel since the 1980s,” said Eric Burkland, the president of the Ohio Manufacturers’ Association. “It’s a tremendous turnaround.”

When all the projects are completed this year and next, those plants alone are expected to add roughly 630 new manufacturing jobs. The unemployment rate in Ohio was 7.5 percent in March, below the 8.2 percent national rate in March, and down from a statewide peak of 10.6 percent in July 2009…

Why do people keep telling me this can’t happen in the United States?

  1. NewfornatSux says:

    Didn’t they get the memo from Obama. The Keystone Pipeline has been killed. Oil is the energy of the past. Solar collectors and wind turbines are the future. And car companies need to stop making SUVs.

    • tcc3 says:

      Apparently they didnt get the memo from you. Improving economy and growing industry doesnt “fit the narrative”

    • Cursor_ says:

      We have all the oil we need.

      We don’t have enough refineries.

      That’s the problem.

      And the oil companies are to blame for that.


      • deowll says:

        So the closure of many of our east coast refineries is due to … Say what you want the truth is lack of oil where the refineries are. The Fed Gov. makes more in taxes on every gallon of gasoline sold than the oil companies do. Look it up. Don’t take my word for it.

        Obama and his EPA are violently opposed to anything that increases the supply of fossil fuels. They don’t want us building ports to ship coal out either.

        As one Dem congress critter said Who needs jobs. We are all going to vote for Obama so he can keep the unemployment coming.

        It seems to be a progressive principle that people that want to work can work on “green” jobs subsidized by the government.

        The illegals are going home anyway because they can’t get work so that isn’t a problem and if we leave off those nasty voter IDs and everybody gets to vote as often as they want Obama is a sure fire win.

        Many progressives also believe We don’t need to worry about the national debt. We can always print all the money we need.

        • mharry860 says:

          Thank you, there are a lot of ignorant libs on here, the truth is out there , but you have to actually seek it.

        • tcc3 says:

          “Deficits don’t matter” – Dick Cheney

          Many “conservatives” only worry about the debt when there’s a Democrat in office.

          If there was really concern about the debt we’d be talking seriously about elimination of the Bush tax cuts, elimination of oil company subsidies, Letting Medicare/caid negotiate drug prices, *and* spending reductions.

          Instead all they can talk about is breaking their promise to cut spending after failing to compromise on the budget.

          Republicans use the deficit as a means to end programs they didn’t like anyway.

          Ill believe the right cares about the deficit when they start acting like they do, and its more than just a talking point for weak minded fools.

  2. dave m brewer says:

    I can now get that day labor job I always wanted.

  3. chuckie says:

    Regardless of Republikan talking points, e.g., Keystone delay is the end of the industrial world – domestic oil production is highest in 14 years.

    So, ignore the ideology and consider what policies (including the Fed) have actually produced. I know that can be a challenge for Kool Aid Party, Paulista, Ryanomics-types. Economic reality can be a bitch.

    • dusanmal says:

      All of it PRIVATE increase. All drilling and production on public land (from which we as a nation would earn way more through payments TO the Government for those resources) during Obama Regime is drastically down. Numbers. If public land exploitation (particularly in the West where Government owns 90% of the all lands) matched private increases we’d have local and global oil glut and prices of it down. And all of related industries and jobs prospering. Without even a 1/500th of “investment” by Government vs. Solyndra. Free money, jobs and energy. But not the Ideology.

      • tcc3 says:

        We already have a “local” oil glut. China and India are so hungry for oil, our supply cannot make a dent in their demand. Not enough to lower world oil prices.

        • mharry860 says:

          That’s the dirty secret about Keystone, from what I’ve read and I read a lot. The objective of Keystone is not for domestic production, it’s getting the oil to a sea port for world consumption. WTI sells for more than Brent, so inject this oil into the WTI market at those prices.

  4. Anonymous says:


  5. NewfornatSux says:

    I notice some folks clapped, but I know some of these big guys, they’re all still driving their big SUVs. You know, they got their big monster trucks and everything.

    “You can’t just make money on SUVs and trucks,” Obama said during a town hall forum in Cannon Falls, Minn. “There is a place for SUVs and trucks, but as gas prices keep on going up, you have got to understand the market. People are going to try to save money.”

    Gas prices going up thanks to Obama. Higher fuel mileage requirements thanks to Obama. Thank god for North Dakota or gas prices would be much higher right now.

    • Guyver says:

      If the Obama administration fosters an environment which makes it cost-prohibitive for the average American family to afford a full-sized truck / SUV, then they’ve accomplished their mission in pushing their green agenda and making such things only affordable to the “rich” or upper middle-class.

      All while while they keep exclaiming that the rich aren’t paying their fair share and washing their hands of making things hard for the average American family.

    • msbpodcast says:

      Bwahaha… Gas prices going up thanks to Obama.

      Like Obama, or Romney for that matter, would have dick all to do with what you get ripped off for at the pump.

      You ignorant idiot.

      If the gas prices go up in november, you know Obama hasn’t made enough cooing noises at the oil companies; if gas prices go down, then Obama’s made enough cooing noises at the oil companies, but don’t think that the oil companies give a fuck.

      • deowll says:

        You have half a point. Other countries are rapidly catching up in their demand for oil and China is ahead I think in fossil fuel use which is why GM China is rapidly expanding.

        If Obama wants us to be a third world nation the energy companies are still going to have plenty of customers.

      • Guyver says:

        Like Obama, or Romney for that matter, would have dick all to do with what you get ripped off for at the pump.

        You ignorant idiot.

        Bwahaha. Tell me about it! You’d think people would understand the idea of fuel taxes going up as well and mandatory fuel economy standards being imposed onto automobiles whose increased costs get passed onto the average American. 🙂

        The cold hard reality is NO president has control of this nation’s economy. What “control” they really do have is by way of their tax and fiscal policies.

  6. NewfornatSux says:

    Why didn’t they just use the abandoned factory being liquidated by Solyndra?

    • Guyver says:

      Why didn’t they just use the abandoned factory being liquidated by Solyndra?

      Two words: Stimulus Plan.

  7. howard beale says:

    its obamas fault

    • Guyver says:

      You haven’t been listening to his line of excuses… it goes something like this: “You’ve got to look at where we started” (as he tries to explain why he has no responsibility for throwing gasoline onto the bonfire of a problem he inherited.

      It’s not all his fault, but he takes NO responsibility for the things he has done.

    • msbpodcast says:

      And like Romney could do any better?

      The president has as much to do about the price of oil as he does about the price of pay toilets.

      Where the fuck do we get the incredibly stupid idea that the president has fuck all to do with anything except coming up with new ways for us to bend over and take it up the ass.

      The president is a lackey for the PACs and the special interest groups.

      As long as we keep on electing 1%er millionaire SOBs, we going to get screwed.

      • Dallas says:

        A us president steers the ship to avoid running aground or hitting an iceberg. The course, speed and heading is largely set years prior and as you say, by special interest.

        My motivation to vote is for Supreme Court appointments. Note the recent ruling to allow unlimited money poured into SuperPacs to train the sheeple and grease the politicians is the work of Karl Marx Rove, the GOP plant inserted up Bush’s ass.

        • mharry860 says:

          Have we had a real leader or a puppet since the creation of the Fed? You don’t have to look any further. We’re in debt to an entity that prints or digitizes money out of thin air. How can you owe something to someone when what they gave you doesn’t exist? Greece is getting money from the ECB to pay debts to banks. So a bank is paying a bank and increasing the debt obligation of a populace that largely had nothing to do with it. It’s a Ponzi scheme by banks at the expense of the people. Zerohedge, search it.

        • NewfornatSux says:

          And Obama is deliberately steering towards the iceberg.

          “Electricity prices will necessarily skyrocket”
          Coal plants will go bankrupt
          Would prefer if gas prices went up gradually

          • Dallas says:

            Only a fool believes a president controls the price of oil, much less the price of electricity.
            I’m sure you’re not a fool, but you are in the sheeple family!

        • Guyver says:

          A us president steers the ship to avoid running aground or hitting an iceberg.

          That would mean it’s his way or the highway. Good thing we have three branches of government that at times he forgets there are.

          • Dallas says:

            He the chief executive and I expect him to challenge the other branches of government and tell them when they’re full of shit.
            You are just used to having a pussy for a president while at the same time bitching and moaning is ineffective.

          • Guyver says:

            Strange seeing how Obama has been an apologist for just about EVERYTHING.

            LOL. Thanks for the laugh.

      • NewfornatSux says:

        Keystone Pipieline, turned down by Obama. Offshore oil rigs leaving, because of O’s moratorium. Slowdown of leases on federal lands.

        Without the boom in North Dakota, things would be worse. We saw a decrease in prices when Pres Bush OK’d more offshore drilling.

        But hey you should ignore all that cuz Obama approved the Keystone pipeline from Okla to Texas. The Canadians just have to deliver it by boat.

        • Dallas says:

          There is zero correlation between oil wells and the price of oil. Only simple minded, uneducated sheeple draw that conclusion.

          If there was a fucking oil well every 100 feet in America it would boost unrefined world oil production by less than two percent. Of that , ALL OF IT, will go to the highest bidder.

          God damn there add stupid sheeple in here!

  8. Dallas says:

    Whaa..? Drilling boom and steel industry resurgence on Obama’s watch?

    You mean the same ninja president Obama responsible for illegal alien reduction, pirate killing, shoot the Osama face and auto industry saving President? Whoa

    • deowll says:

      I must agree that Obama is responsible for illegal alien reduction. They are going home faster than they are coming due to a lack of jobs.

      • Dallas says:

        Good. Now tell the cunt in Arizona to stfu and find something else to fix.

  9. derspankster says:

    Just wait until Mitt gets his chance! You’ll see some real action then!

  10. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Latest news about steel I heard was a Nova kind of show on building the Oakland Bay Bridge and the controversy that the $800MM (?) worth of steel was bought from China rather than in the USA because it was about half the cost?

    But it makes sense that if you close one steel plant after another as you chase the decline in manufacturing that you might overshoot that curve and have to build one to pick up the slack?

    I also saw a show that talked about new steel mills. Good for jobs?==but one element of job loss in the USA is computerization/max efficiency of high tech jobs. Seems like where an old steel plant might employ 2000 people, today’s steel plant will only employ 800. Yes, and the CEOs are making 3-4 times the pay from 30 years ago.

    World Wide competition. I think the USA could leverage its large domestic market more than we do, but all the forces are lined up to favor overseas investments.

    The once great USA.

    • Guyver says:

      Yes, and the CEOs are making 3-4 times the pay from 30 years ago.

      Your point is? That it hasn’t kept up with inflation or that you have p3nis envy?

      World Wide competition. I think the USA could leverage its large domestic market more than we do, but all the forces are lined up to favor overseas investments.

      Sometimes it’s because government standards are so impractical that businesses look elsewhere.

      Other times, it’s tax policies.

      But sure you can blame it on the evil CEOs.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        Guyver–only someone with an inadequate penis would think of penis envy. I’m referring only to simple uncontroverted facts that the wealth growth in the USA over the past 30 years has been captured by the already too RICH, causing the middle class to corrode from within, causing our consumer based economy to collapse.

        We should do something to fix that–something other than diverting serious societal structuring issues to those of your personal inadequacies==also plain for anyone to see.

        Hee, hee. such macho men. Silly children.

        • Guyver says:

          Guyver–only someone with an inadequate penis would think of penis envy.

          Funny. I’m not the one complaining about how much others make.

          I’m referring only to simple uncontroverted facts that the wealth growth in the USA over the past 30 years has been captured by the already too RICH, causing the middle class to corrode from within, causing our consumer based economy to collapse.

          That’s one theory. Another one is ineffective government-run education has been for the masses along with ridiculously strict environmental standards that force businesses to ship jobs overseas that the ignorant government-educated masses can’t do anymore. What’s a liberal to do? Oh, that’s right! Blame the “rich” guy… you know the one that makes over $100k a year.

          And if anyone tries to stop runaway spending, that’s why we have government unions…. why? Because we can’t trust the government to be an equal opportunity employer so that’s why we need government unions so as to bleed every last dime out of tax payers.

          But sure… blame it on the rich guys for the past 30 years. Lowered educational standards by union-backed teachers probably has nothing to do with the erosion of good paying jobs in this country.

          We should do something to fix that–something other than diverting serious societal structuring issues to those of your personal inadequacies==also plain for anyone to see.

          For starters I’d get rid of the Department of Education, Department of Energy, dissolve government unions, overhaul entitlement programs, ween people off of Social Security who never paid into it in the first place, undo ObamaCare, etc.

          That would be a good start.

  11. hmeyers2 says:

    My theory in the presidential election for 2012 is that Obama isn’t actually interested in being re-elected, so he wants to put up a good show as if he is really making an effort to get re-elected while privately wanting “out”.

    He has the fame, he is wealthy now and set for life and gets to be in the history books.

    The reason I think this is two-fold: First, Biden is the veep and not Hillary. He can’t very well run-to-lose with a Clinton on the ticket. Second, if you really want re-elected your wife isn’t going around saying she hates being in the White House.

    I think Obama is tired of being president and if he loses the election he gets to be a “living legend” for decades without a financial concern in the world, sort of like the elder Bush 41.

  12. NewfornatSux says:

    Even the small increase in oil would not have happened if Obama had his way. The Justice Department filed suit against several companies in North Dakota because some birds died there. Lucky for us a judge threw out their suit.


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