BOSTON, MA, Apr 24, 2012 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) — New research released by Sophos has revealed a disturbingly high level of malware on Mac computers — with both Windows and Mac threats being discovered. Sophos experts analyzed a snapshot of 100,000 Mac computers running its free anti-virus software, and discovered that one in five machines was found to be carrying one or more instances of Windows malware.

Although Windows malware on Macs will not cause symptoms (unless users also run Windows on their computer), it can still be spread to other computers. Additionally, Sophos’s analysis shows that 2.7 percent (one in thirty six) of Macs were found to be carrying Mac OS X malware.

“Some Mac users may be relieved that they are seven times more likely to have Windows viruses, spyware and Trojans on their Macs than Mac OS X-specific malware, but Mac malware is surprisingly commonly encountered,” said Graham Cluley, senior technology consultant at Sophos. “Mac users need a wake-up call about the growing malware problem.” “Mac malware can spread via USB stick, email attachments, website download, or even a silent drive-by installation where the user doesn’t realize their Mac’s security has been subverted,” continued Cluley.

Come on guys get over it already, like the article states, good antivirus software is FREE these days. There is no excuse for not taking that precaution.

Related:A Reminder About the “DNS Changer” Trojan

  1. Jay C mortin says:

    Ignorance has caught up with them.

  2. MikieV says:

    So the Windows malware that might be on my Mac is only a problem for Windows users who don’t have virus-scanners running?

    And I should run a virus scanner to protect them?

    Nah, don’t think so.

    • Marcus says:

      Typically ignorant response.

      “Additionally, Sophos’s analysis shows that 2.7 percent (one in thirty six) of Macs were found to be carrying Mac OS X malware.”

      Head back in the sand.

      • MikieV says:


        I just assume I’m one of the 35-in-36 who isn’t infected.

        “I’m the 87.3%”

    • Tacotrainwreck says:

      Why do Mac users always treat PC users like they are some sort of enemy they should be causing deliberate harm to?

      • deegee says:

        Thankfully he is not what all Mac users are like. Those fanboi types just seem to be too vocal on the Internet and give the rest of us a bad name.

        I’m a PC&Mac user (used to also be Linux but got fed up with that junk).
        I like them both almost equally for desktops (55 PC : 45 Mac).

        Unfortunately even on the various Mac forums we have to put up with fanboi people like that.

      • immovableobject says:

        Generalize much?

    • spsffan says:

      And I suppose that the food service employee with typhus shouldn’t be required to wash their hands…..

      • MikieV says:

        If they already have typhus, what does washing their hands accomplish?

  3. Milo says:

    Define “malware”.

  4. Tacotrainwreck says:

    Apple is too hip for viruses. Probably just more of that Fox News propaganda.

  5. Buzz Mega says:

    Let’s put some fire into these comments, people!

    Unlike some assholes, I wasn’t born with a silver condom in my mouth!

  6. BigBoyBC says:

    Apple “Denialists” will never accept the truth. The Apple corporation has become too rich and powerful, and therefore a legitimate target. This is only going to get worse.

    Now Apple users will now have to endure the smug arrogance of Linux users bragging about how secure they are…

    Welcome to the real world guys, join the club, we have t-shirts.

  7. deowll says:

    Have to agree that the Mac has now become too popular to reasonably use without protection.

    If you want to be largely immune from malware you need a Linux distro. Small market share mostly run on older and less able rather generic machines. Most hackers are to astute to bother with hacking them. You can boot off a dvd and have a clean OS for those occasions when you think it really matters.

    • deegee says:

      On my Internet surfing sessions I boot with a fresh clean Windows OS every day — it’s called Virtual PC.

      I also run a Mac without any issues so far, but it isn’t used very much.

      Unfortunately I no longer recommend Linux to anyone, except maybe my enemies.

      If I could actually do something on Linux I might use it, but I totally gave up on it a few years ago after being a long time linux zealot because it is heading nowhere, supports nothing, and I need more than just the dozen packagers and 5000 grep and text editors.

      Also, on my CCTV Intel Atom system I dropped Ubuntu/Kubuntu and went back to Windows XP because XP performs significantly faster, is more stable, and runs 24/7/365 with maybe two reboots a year for software updates. *ubuntu didn’t compare and was a total near-unusable fail as a desktop OS.

  8. sargasso_c says:

    Token IT article.

  9. Confuzled says:

    I’ll just sit here in my Linux Smugness.

    • deegee says:

      Sounds about right…

      I used to just sit there in front of my Linux systems also.

      Now I use Windows and Mac and I’m actually able to do stuff with the computer.

      • GregAllen says:

        I use all the OS’s. I like them all

        But for everyday, vanilla, computer use, I prefer Linux.

  10. Hmeyers2 says:

    There have been a couple of Mac exploits. The Java one a few weeks ago, Apple plugged the hole rather quickly via an update.

    Mostly getting malware on a Mac requires a site tricking someone to install something. There is no protection against the idea a user can be tricked into installing something. So I don’t give anyone else the admin password.

    Aside from that, Macs are very easy to maintain.

    Might change in the future if/when malware makers get trickier, but as I understand it Apple is looking to lock-down Macs further like they do with the iPhone to prevent this.

    • jBo says:

      Sorry ma’am, but no password required. here’s a different attack….

      “More malware for the Mac OS X platform has been discovered, hot on the heels of the revelation that some 600,000 Macs had been infected in the Flashback attack.

      And just like Flashback, the new Trojan doesn’t require any user interaction to infect your Apple Mac.

      The Sabpab Trojan horse exploits the same drive-by Java vulnerability used to create the Flashback botnet.”

      Gettin trickier all the time.

      • Hmeyers2 says:

        I use FireFox with Flashblock and Java isn’t enabled.

        I hate Flash and Java because they are slow and only used to deliver advertising.

        [I have Flashblock and Java disabled on Windows too. I worry about HTML5 because then they can use that as the method to inject ads but you can’t stop “progress” I suppose].

      • immovableobject says:

        Mac users who have accepted Apple’s automatic security updates are already safe from Sabpab.

        Not really anything to get upset about.

  11. GregAllen says:

    >>Come on guys get over it already, like the article states, good antivirus software is FREE these days. There is no excuse for not taking that precaution.

    Security shold be build into the OS.

    If users are required to install yet another software package, we’ll always be vulnerable.

  12. Milo says:

    People sure go out of their way to scare others these days. In this case one has to read pretty closely in order to find out that these exploits don’t DO ANYTHING.

    We also have thousands of parasites crawling all over us, yet us, people-who-know-they-are-benign are sooo smug about it!

    I personally hope that my 2 Macs infect the shit out of Windows machines!


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