Executive Producer: Sir Keith Bradshaw
Associate Executive Producers: George Tangen, Owen, Scott, Greg Sizemore, Diego Medina
Art By: Nick the Rat

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Sites to consider: No Agenda Nation, No Agenda Films, No Agenda Records

  1. ivan says:

    It really gets to me how depressing everything is.
    All that control. For what?
    We are going soviet I am afraid.
    Aldo that ended positively too.

  2. AdmFubar says:

    “Drunk or Not Drunk”

    wait there is no question in my mind about what state you are in when you do this show. (the state of inebriation, america’s 51st.) 😛

  3. Glenn E. says:

    I think “Drunk or Drugged” would be more accurate. The people speaking are very likely on something. Even if it’s not booze. It could be some prescribed medication, to help them lie well enough. And numb their conscience, if they have much of any.

  4. Buzz Mega says:

    Tip: Click the “Link to Show” to setup the playback in a separate window and let it play from that.

    Now you can do other things, like see what the Show Notes are—not much, but you might wish to browse elsewhere—without disrupting the radio show.

  5. TooManyPuppies says:

    Next show should open with Adam and John doing slide whistle Yankee Doodle.

  6. juioli024566 says:

    I think this post is very great. Thanks for your share, Hope I can see you more articles, thanks very much. Beats dre


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