Your cell phone’s GPS narrows down where you are to a building. This (when government mandated being installed in every office and home – to make you safer) narrows it down to a room. Not that the government wants to know where you are every minute of the day, of course.

Imagine a real-life version of Harry Potter’s magical Marauder’s Map, which showed the location of everyone prowling throughout Hogwarts castle. That’s what startup Xandem is building: a new kind of all-seeing motion-detection system that’s poised to shake up the security market.
Xandem’s secret sauce is its use of radio waves, which can go through things like trees and walls. That means motion sensors using those waves can be completely hidden — a breakthrough that’s drawing notice from both scientists and security industry professionals.

  1. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Linked article is a must read. Like any tool: it can be used for good or bad ends.

    Seems like a “must have” for police and fire responding to crime scenes and fires==saving people that can’t be seen and all.

    Reminds me of Predator movies (yes, that was infrared)==seems you would still have to “move” to be seen by this system? The next break thru will be for the radio waves to see and report on the wifi’s implanted in our brain, or commercialize/weaponise ((is there a difference?) MRI equipment and have it read our DNA?

    Yeap–if we don’t shit ourselves to death first ((aka carbon poison ourselves==you know that natural stuff that is of no danger because we breath it?)), the future is so bright, I gotta wear radio blocking reality augmented blu-ray High Definition Sunglasses.

    • deowll says:

      Why would you suggest we are about to carbon poison ourselves? Carbon is one of the main elements of which your body is made as are the bodies of all living things. It isn’t toxic and is often used to remove impurities from water. Most green plants would grow better if we had more CO2 around. In fact extra CO2 is sometimes released into greenhouses to increase growth.

      If you think the trivial amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is doing much to warm the planet up get over it. The impact of that level of CO2 has been shown to be negligible unless the barely measurable increase in planetary temp caused water vapor in the air to go up and that caused a feed back loop. Didn’t happen. Average level of clouds has fallen ~100 feet according to NASA and sea levels are falling. That is the reverse of what was predicted. The extent of the Arctic sea ice last winter was as great as during the 80s. Due to jet stream blocking the adjacent 48 lucked out and had a mild winter last year but much of the rest of the Northern hemisphere was frigid with over 500 deaths in the EU so the average wasn’t warmer. Snow fall in Alaska set records.

      What does control climate change? Some changes are due to shifts in the planets angle of tilt wobbling etc. but the main control switch is the SUN! Duh! Anyone that talks about climate change without recognizing that up front is a lack witted, brain dead, scientifically illiterate numb skull. The sun may be a “stable” star but it isn’t that stable. No star is!

      Our now ended warming trend was in lock step with a warming trend on Mars! Do you seriously think the Martians were burning fossil fuels?

      • msbpodcast says:

        Please, don’t reply to posts by bobbo.

        It just encourages him and he doesn’t need any encouragement.

        He’s like the retarded cousin who keeps showing up at family gatherings, despite our best efforts, and likes to pick his nose and eat it.

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

          mpod–so negative. I’ve never eaten my nose. Silly boy.

          Whats the matter mpod? Not enough room in the nest? Just wiggle.

  2. blatherer says:

    The patent process should be fun since this type of technology has been around since the 1990’s…. hopefully it is now declassified…

  3. Wonder Years says:

    Damn X-Ray Specs! As a young teenager, I was suckered into buying a pair after seeing them advertised in a comic book.

    It’s a shame they didn’t work. By now, everyone would be wearing them. Nothing to hide!

    (FYI, the Sea Monkeys never hatched either.) LOL

    • deowll says:

      Try brine shrimp. They are the same thing. If you can get one going in a good sized jar in a window they can keep going for decades feeding on algae.

  4. Charliej says:

    Uncle dave’s hat is too tight

  5. kmfix says:

    I kinda like the idea that if I’m in need of medical attention, the paramedics will know where I am.

  6. Richard says:

    Everyone will be chipped in 100 years. They’ll know exactly where you are. What you’re doing. What you’re thinking.

    • msbpodcast says:

      And the 1%ers will enforce their will (and their won’ts) by also making the chip implanted in your skull at birth with a needle between the hemispheres of your brain an NFC which holds all of your financial/medical/legal/military history.

      If the 1%ers decide that they don’t like you, need you or wan’t you they reach into your head and poof they wipe out your credit, your work history, your identity and, if they feel like it, your ability to communicate by wracking you with agonizing spasms.

  7. John S says:

    I think law enforcement is working towards the pre crime prediction method. As our population grows and law enforcement people do not. Its clear that having a Police officer everywhere is impossible. I think we are already seeing tools like cameras, unmanned monitors and new tech for monitoring locations and tracing suspects. Tech is and will solve and maybe someday help predict crime.

  8. Enemy_Of_The_State says:

    The TSA will use millimeter wave and backscatter. I will use new glasses. We both will catch the same number of harmdoers.

  9. General Tostada says:

    Oh, the nostalgia for those 50’s comic book ads (take me back why don’t you!).

    I remember bravely sending a dollar to order a “Throw Your Voice” ventriloquist device. I received in the mail a little package with a tiny tin whistle in it, with no instructions.

    Ah well…duh.

  10. ± says:


    They've been looking thru walls for 20 years now when they want to with increasing efficiency. So now it is becoming available to the rest of us. [but not the TSA, since this would cause them not to be necessary in the form they exist in.]

    • Ken in Berkeley says:

      I agree, the powers that be have had the technology to look thru walls (not made of lead, that is) at least since the Waco siege days, and probably even earlier than that. I recall reading on websites that don’t work anymore that they could see objects in stunning detail (but not in color?) even thru 10 feet of solid concrete.

      And the TSA is/was using X-Ray machines. Say what? Who do they think they are kidding?

      Let’s face it, from a hundred yards away, they can probably count the number of ants crawling under your basement right now. We all live in transparent houses.

  11. NewfornatSux says:

    So liberals are suspicious of government surveillance, a police state where there are too many people employed policing the rest of the citizenry, who by the nature of the police state become not citizens but subjects. Then on the other hand liberals are always insisting on more regulations and more bureaucrats to enforce the regulations and more lawyers to help with the enforcement.


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