Jumps onto Ahmadinejad’s car just over 2 minutes into the video – iPad users click url upper LH corner

Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has always made a point of his approachability. He once gave out the private contact details of his presidential office (which caused lines to jam almost immediately). He appears to enjoy the chaos of lively crowds.

But even he may have been surprised by one woman’s determination to meet him.

A video posted online shows a crowd surrounding Mr Ahmadinejad’s open-topped car on recent tour of the southern city of Bandar Abbas…

The crowd manages to stop the motorcade. One woman standing in front of the president’s car decides to take her chance…

She clambers onto the bonnet of the car, shakes off one bulky officer who makes a half-hearted attempt to grab her ankle, and goes straight up to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at the open roof-top.

She gestures to the president with tremendous animation – the video doesn’t pick up whether she’s criticising him or asking for his help. Mr Ahmadinejad listens with calm. And the woman then climbs back down from the car.

Golly gee. I wonder what would have happened if she tried this, say, on Pennsylvania Avenue?

  1. Who Cares says:

    Her and her family are probably dead now.

  2. dadeo says:

    Where’s LH Oswald when you need him..?

  3. alex says:

    If that happened in the US, she would have been tazed, tackled and (if she resisted) beaten. The she would have been accused of being a right wing racist domestic terrorist and sent to gitmo.

    I am actually surprised by the restraint shown by the Iranian prez and his team.

  4. NewfornatSux says:

    Isn’t all of Iran a free speech zone?

  5. microflt says:

    That car seemed pretty damaged from all the people riding and trampling on it. Does he use a new vehicle for each parade? As Alex said, kind of cool that they do not go effin crazy on that lady, or anyone trying to get close. Too bad we gots to go get them all blowed up this fall.

  6. Richard says:

    The cycnical side of me says this was a carefully scripted event, and that all the people who appeared were carefully screened beforehand. It only appears that he is driving through a crowd of the general public.

  7. bobbo, the raging Liberal, but sometimes just drooling says:

    Ha, ha. What “would” most probably happen if the USA Prez was mobbed/approached like that?

    You choose: would more people be killed by:

    A. Bullets
    B. Run Over by the Car Speeding Away?

    I’ll go with B.

  8. John says:

    You know it just goes to show how these people embrace him as a leader. Its not like this is a planned celebration like say North Korea. Obviously he is not worried about being shot. I wonder if his Service protection parties like our Secret Service?

  9. Dallas says:

    Somehow I don’t feel that threatened by this country any more.

    • Lou Minatti says:

      Try stepping out of the closet in Iran and see what happens.

      • Dallas says:

        I have no intention nor desire to visit anyplace classified as the middle east by any dictionary.

        My statement pertained to being assured that any aggravation from Iran can be dealt with from a console in Nebraska pretty darn quick.

  10. sargasso_c says:

    Iranians are very cool. Big secret. Don’t tell them!

  11. Who would believe that tamale
    Whoaa bubba – a giant one to reel in
    Serves that guy who looks like a loser to begin with

  12. ramuno says:

    He actually appeared to ask what she wanted, then responded to the point that satisfied her enough, so that she left the car roof.

  13. Peppeddu says:

    In France the politicians don’t their constituents.

    They caught on camera someone trying to steal Sarkosy’s watch during a rally.
    It’s a 55,000 Euro Patek Philippe watch given as a present by his wife Carla Bruni.
    Once he realized the missed theft he put it in his pocket and continued as nothing happened.


    Skip to 3:50 to see the scene


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