Executive Producers: Sir Kelly Spongberg, Dame Andrea, Melissa Coglinese, Roberto Suzarez
Associate Executive Producers: Sir Jordan DeMoss, James Murray, Wlodek Zieleniec, Hyperware Technologies, Slave Oscar, E. Lawrence McDonald
Art By: Thoren

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  1. Tacotrainwreck says:

    Espoo is in Finland.

  2. Glenn E. says:

    It wasn’t Formula “401”. It was Formula “409”!

    • Glenn E. says:

      You’re not going to believe this John. But according to the Urban Dictionary, Formula 401 is “American for sperm”. Stephen Colbert came up with it May 11, 2010 11:45pm.

      So it’s “American Sperm Day” on No Agenda? Hmmm. In SF perhaps.

    • Thoren says:

      Adam corrected John and said it was 409 IN the episode.

  3. Glenn E. says:

    Notice that nobody in the news media seems to remember the “Tailhook’91” scandal, which took place in Vegas. Involving 100 navy and marine pilots. And I think 78 women. By any scale, way worse that what just happened in Columbia. But that was on G. Bush’s reign (following Reagan’s). So the moral degradation of the military can’t be blamed on the Democrats. So maybe that’s why the media ISN’T remembering it.

    In fact do they ever remember ANYTHING BAD that happened during Republican presidential terms? All I’ve heard for years is, Clinton did this and Clinton did that. And before him, how unpopular Carter was. Completely forgetting Nixon.

    • deowll says:

      Under Reagan it was the deal with Ollie North and the missiles for captives.

      Under Shrub Jr. it was invading Iraq because of non existent weapons of mass destruction and the war on Terror which might as well have been called the war on fear. I thought Shrub Jr. would be the worst President of the 21st century until Obama and friends proved me wrong.

      I used to think that the nation was going to implode some time after I was dead but now I expect it to implode within the next five years and the police state nature of this land has increased at a staggering rate.

  4. deowll says:

    How did John and Adam miss the killing of the pigs? That even made Drudge.

  5. Majorpain says:

    Please don’t talk about welding anymore. It ruins your crediblity

  6. ivan says:

    Adam, did you realize that by taking into the consideration Brevicks ramblings and equaling with, I don’t know, sane people you became epitome of politically correct. What is next for you? Swastika on the forehead because Charles Manson was so on the money. And American’s knowledge of history. Geeez.

    • msbpodcast says:

      American’s knowledge of history

      Its more like American’s ignorance of history. (I knew a girl who didn’t know what the pyramids were and was surprised that there were two world wars. [She had great tits but she was too stupid to screw.])

      People are forgetting about Hitler’s holocaust because there are many survivors left even among the youngest victims.

      The media is currently pumping up Anders Behring Breivik because its a still pronounceable name. (Who remembers or can differentiate between all those funny sounding Arab names and you can just forget about the Far Eastern ones.)

      The media whores are out there pimping Anders Behring Breivik because they can sell their audiences ears and eyeballs to advertisers.

      The media companies are in the business of renting time of their megaphones to Global Village Idiots so those idiots can shout their plaintive bleats through the increasing din to an audience with escalating tinnitus.

  7. msbpodcast says:

    You have to do something about the stream.

    The program that switches files is fucked up and grabbing the stream and moving onto the next program at the top of every hour.

    That’s a problem with the software or your use thereof.

    Crack open a manual dude or get NiceCast by RogueAmoeba and run the station on a Mac. This is unforgivable.

  8. ECA says:

    They are domesticating us..
    IS there a TIME when words dont work??
    WHEN they WONT listen, what can you do?

    When the PEOPLE dont have the power to CONTROL the gov, what can they do?
    When the SELECTION of representatives is NOT A SELECTION..

    HOW to beat the smart people, and HOW to choose a smart person..Fill the airwaves with BS..break up the GROUPS.. make them into small groups that have NO POWER, NO SAY, NOTHING..

    Who is doing it? BOTH..the GOV and the top corps..and you wont find the names of those TOP CORPS..
    20 banks own (if you follow the trail, over 30% of all the worlds companies.) and all the TOP persons jump from bank to bank..Its the SAME persons on top in each bank..they just rotate around.

    What happened to FORCED retirement?? most these people are over 60.


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