Yes, a commercial and a week old, I know. I just wanted to have it archived.

  1. Chris Mac says:


  2. Lou Minatti says:

    That is fantastic.

  3. Guyver says:


    Hopefully TNT didn’t use any Stimulus dollars in the making of this production. 🙂

  4. Holdfast says:

    If that was in Belgium, why were the signs in English?

    My understanding is that there are 2 languages used there – Flemish and French.

    • Guyver says:

      If that was in Belgium, why were the signs in English?

      Details, details.

      Probably a requirement of the Stimulus Plan. It created one job (sign maker) while employing a bunch of Belgians.


  5. Lou Minatti says:

    “If that was in Belgium, why were the signs in English?

    My understanding is that there are 2 languages used there – Flemish and French.”

    Maybe because the Flemish don’t want to see a commercial in French and vice-versa. English is neutral and most people in TNT’s demographic speak it. Just a guess.

  6. AdmFubar says:

    That little arrow sign should have read “Push to add comedy”

    notice when the gunfire erupts no one runs for cover??

    made me laugh..

  7. UncDon says:


  8. Urban Cowboy says:

    Interesting. A professional Flash Mob.

    Wait for the first unknowing citizen to pull out a real gun and join in the action.

    “But your honor, I didn’t know it was fake. I’m from Florida and was just ‘standing my ground’!”

    • bobbo, the junior culture critic says:

      My thoughts exactly which does show how much a “gun culture” the USA actually is.

      How to know you were raised in a cult?===assume the civilized world has your same values.

      • Karo says:

        Pulling out a gun and realistically shooting somebody, without properly announcing it as street performance seems highly irresponsible to me.

        It makes me think the crowd gathered was more pre-planned then the video shows. Nobody runs away or hits the ground.

      • Cerberus of The Damned says:

        Hi everyone!

        Bobbo said,
        “How to know you were raised in a cult?
        Assume the civilized world has your same values.”

        Funny you should say that, Bobbo.

        For one, not all countries are that civilized, and didn’t (the queen of England just recently intervene in your own counties electoral processes, because your own government couldn’t deal with the pressure in the decision?
        Doesn’t that mean both England and Canada share the same values, or do you just assume they don’t?
        And, doesn’t that also mean that the queen still has a level of control over her subjects in Canada?
        So, that also fits your own definition of a cult, doesn’t it?

        Canada! The other English cult!

        • Cerberus of The Damned says:

          No. I’m only joking with you Bobbo, okay?

          Agreed. There should be some level of gun control in the U.S., but in my previous comment is just a little of the mentality from right-wing rednecks and their powerful ally the (NRA.)

          Later on Bobbo

  9. CrankyGeeksFan says:

    The ad is for the Telenet of Belgium, a cable TV and ISP provider. The U.S.-based TNT will soon be carried by Telenet. The TNT logo, “TNT” in a circle, is in the banner at the end.

    Is Telenet’s rival Tymnet?

    Is “drama” to often confused for “action”?

  10. deowll says:

    Best post in a long time. I feel better.

  11. sargasso_c says:

    Something interesting has finally happened in Belgium.


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