Executive Producers: A.J. Rystad, Scott Hankel, Joseph Faiella, David Bakker, Robert Randall, William Jarema, Bruce Salkovitz, Blake Wischer, Gerald Lenski
Associate Executive Producers: SOHC/4 Owners Club, James Burke
Art By: Nick the Rat

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  1. msbpodcast says:

    Hillary looks like someone’s mom trying too hard at her daughter’s sorority party.

    Sad really…

  2. TooManyPuppies says:

    Adam could have avoided all that gibbering BS if he remembered that the US Secret Service operates under the mandate of the US Treasury Department.

  3. t0llyb0ng says:

    The basic notion that one could buy “healthcare” from for-profit insurance companies is an absurd delusion.  “Healthcare” is a marketing meme foisted on the idiot public.  “Health insurance” is a cynical bogosity.  Forcing citizens to buy it will be a protracted & monumental FAIL.

    • t0llyb0ng says:

      Universal health care certainly ain’t gonna be free.  But we could have paid for it had we not chosen to perpetrate Cheney’s bonehead war.

      The main reason we won’t have sane “healthcare” (TM) for decades is because the thought of all those brown people getting “free” healthcare (TM) is unpalatable.  Gosh, I sound like a liberal.  Gack!

  4. ivan says:

    Great title and cover.
    Love you guys.
    Strictly professionally of course.

  5. Glenn E. says:

    Here’s a book I read some years ago, telling how the US Military influences the stories and plots of movies and Tv shows, in America, for the last fifty years (probably 60 years now). It’s called “Operation Hollywood” by David L. Robb. – If you ever wanted to know why so many movies and Tv shows SUCK? This book will enlighten you as to the amount of interference the entertainment industry endures, in the name of promoting the Military Industrial Complex. It’s a wonder that any movie turns out good, with all the input and rewrites, by the US military propagandists.


    And you’ll come to realize why US network Tv has featured a military show, for the last two decades. Such as “JAG”. “NCIS”, and now “The Unit”. Always surviving poor ratings slumps. “JAG” managed to move twice! Like a hot potato, to appear on three major networks. No other show ever did this. Proving it couldn’t be canceled, in spite of poor ratings. As long as another network could coerced into carrying it for a time, by the DoD.

    • Mextli: ABO says:

      I looked at the introduction to the book from your link and didn’t see a big deal. The military “loans” the director an aircraft carrier and two squadron of aircraft and you don’t think they should have any input?

      • So what says:

        Don’t confuse the conspiracy nuts with common sense, it makes their head hurt.

      • Glenn E. says:

        What military equipment did they “loan” to the producers of Lassie? That they felt gave them the right to demand script changes? The few examples you read, hardly cover the hundreds of examples of interference, in Tv and movie making. And it’s not just about making minor technical corrections. It’s also blatant censorship. And there have been movies that used NO military hardware or soldiers. And still had to meet DoD demands, if their producers ever wanted to make another movie using military resources in the future. Basically extortion. It’s not a conspiracy theory. It’s fact.

        I’ve once read about an HBO movie called “Afterburn”, of a US fighter jet having defective wiring. And a USAF pilot being wrongfully blamed for crashing it. The USAF refused to supply any support to make the movie. So the movie producer had to build a mockup F-16 out of plywood, to film the scenes. Because military wouldn’t admit they were wrong, or that their plane’s contractor Gen. Dynamics, was to blame for a defective aircraft.

        The film’s executive producer was Steve Tisch. Who would later make “Forrest Gump”. Another production, that got no help from the US Army. I’m sure they didn’t approve of the Lt. Dan character.

  6. dave m brewer says:

    Good show!!!

  7. Colorado says:

    Like the new ad Google is running, “Join Michelle and tell Barack your in.”

    Join Michelle and tell “Barack your in.”

  8. muddauber says:

    The girl just wants to have fun……………..


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