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Thought you might find this interesting. A friend took this picture heading on I-5 south towards LA. Looks like Homeland Security is expanding even more.

  1. duh365 says:

    can’t these guys share the ones we’ve already bought for SWAT or the Feds?

  2. i guess we’re doomed

  3. Jason Howe says:

    An ICE — Special Response Team? Are they going to invade Mexico to protect the drug cartels with those things?

  4. Sandy Eggo says:

    What Gulf War One was winding up I woke up to Abrams tanks going by in endless procession on the train, heading towards the roll-on ships. When I see the same sight and the tanks are labelled “Homeland Security” then I’m really gonna lose some sleep.

    One oversize truck looks just about big enough to handle the beach crowds on a holiday.

  5. pcnerd37 says:

    How bad of gas mileage does that thing get that it would be cheaper to have it transported like that than just driven to its destination?

    • Cap'nKangaroo says:

      Its not the mileage but the time the agents would have to spend driving it. They get to fly in and get a nice motel room and wait for the trucker to arrive. I picked up in San Diego a 30 ft Winnebago RV that belonged to the Navy and trucked it to the old Roswell, New Mexico Air Force Base. The same guy who loaded it in San Diego was waiting in Roswell to unload it when I got there.

  6. Adrian says:

    Why does it say Police on the side of it? They aren’t police.

  7. sargasso_c says:

    Fukushima radioactive debris should be washing ashore in California about now. Along with a giant reptile.

  8. Nathaniel says:

    Homeland Security knows what we don’t….the zombie apocalypse is right around the corner!

    • Cap'nKangaroo says:

      I believe it was last week the Coast Guard shelled that floating wreck of a Japanese fishing vessel. Did anyone go onboard or did they just assume it was crewed by Zombies?

  9. Ack says:

    come on.. not one person has said “looks like the police have got themselves an RV!” yet? really?
    you all disappoint me.

  10. dusanmal says:

    And now we know why Obama Administration wouldn’t commit their proposed tax hikes on the “rich” to deficit reduction… So many of these to be built and manned.
    The only way we start seeing these being sold to third world banana republics is to cut Government power, size and scope. With it goes Government funding. Once Government is starving and shrinking, only use for these will be to get some cash back.

    • Phydeau says:

      And as we cut government size and scope, the mega-corporations take over. Welcome to the second incarnation of the Robber Baron era, when the rich ruled and the rabble had no rights.

      • In case you hadn’t noticed, the mega corporations already run the government. In fact the power of a corporation or a robber baron derive from the power of the state. Read some Tom Woods if youre interested in the subject.

  11. birddog says:

    Your tax dollars at work protecting you from an enemy that does not exist.

    • Yes, I figured as much…although I was expecting a Photoshop job. Nobody has said that yet.

      • Publius says:

        >National Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Coordination Center

        Perhaps this is the truck that will come looking for us when we copy a movie DVD. Every movie warns the public at the beginning to stop being such a criminal.

  12. Johann says:

    Conspiracy theories and cynicism aside, why does a federal beaurocracy need military vehicles? What could a law enforcement agency, who’s charter is to protect and serve the Public in so many ways, need with vehicles designed for open combat zones? The US, despite what cnn/fox/nbc/abc/etc implies, is not even remotely in danger of becoming a combat zone. All one needs is to *walk outside* and realize aside from that dog barking, the only sign of unrest are sirens in the distance pulling over some kid speeding. We all can assume the boogie man is under everyone’s bed, or we can turn off the TV, get to know a cop personally, and hear stories of how things are fine but we’re being ordered daily to squeeze the public because the station is up for cuts and we need more tickets and arrests so we’re not the next station facing budget cuts. Cops are just people, they just got into the profession thinking they could make a difference and quickly found out that the system is screwing everyone equally.

  13. thadco says:


  14. NinaO says:


  15. MrWindows says:

    This one is for the San Diego Field Office. LA has one just like it. DEA also has something similar.

  16. ugly, constipated, and mean says:

    You gotta remember that we’re coming up on the end of Fiscal 2012. Departments everywhere are trying to spend any leftover money in their budgets any way they can, lest they lose that funding to someone else next year. I imagine you can blow a pretty good chunk of change on an armored vehicle, and maybe even qualify for a grant of some kind. Probably all it will ever be used for is clandestine republican secks.

  17. LibertyLover says:

    It looks similar to the armored vehicle on Fast Five. Now THAT is something I want.

  18. George says:

    You do know that this is to protect “them” from “us”? Right?

    As soon as the next Democratic or Republican administration scores the hat trick of a war with Iran/N. Korea, massive tax increases, and massive curtailing of rights, they will need these things to retain control.

    Those who demand peace, accountability and freedom will be the terrorists. They are getting ready for that.

    • deowll says:

      The US is very rapidly going the way of Greece. When the freebies get cut off the 99% has already demonstrated that it can get mean so the elites are getting ready.

      • LibertyLover says:

        I’m just curious what the 99% think is going to happen once the 1%’s heads are cut off.

          • LibertyLover says:

            Ok, let’s think a little farther down the road (I consider that the beheading).

            What is it they want to happen after?

          • msbpodcast says:

            Which is exactly what I’m advocating with my admittedly strange but entirely politic argument about selecting a representative government rather that electing some self serving 1%er member of the millionnaire’s club.

            Not even Ron Paul could find fault with it since, as a strict constitutionalist, there is nothing about recognizing any parties in the constitution.

            My solution requires no bloodshed, interferes with no corporation’s ability to earn squat all, interferes with nobody’s rights, requires no difference in military service.

            Just get rid of the parties for 100 years.

          • LibertyLover says:

            How is the relief to happen?

            Obviously people think their actions are appropriate and always feel better after it. But I am looking farther down the road then just the relief factor. Are they going to split the spoils? Who gets to decide who splits the spoils? How are they going to split up a bunch of money that only exists as electrons?

          • LibertyLover says:

            Which is exactly what I’m advocating with my admittedly strange but entirely politic argument about selecting a representative government rather that electing some self serving 1%er member of the millionnaire’s club.

            Then you want to repeal the direction election of senators and have them selected by the state assemblies again? I agree!

            Also note that delegates are being chosen for Ron Paul, not based on the population’s vote during the recent primaries, but from the Ron Paul supporters staying after the elections. See-lected, not E-lected. These delegates will then choose Ron Paul in Tampa.

            It is interesting to note that the electoral college may see this same type of behavior if enough Ron Paul delegates get See-lected to that, too. The electoral college is technically party-neutral so it is up to the state laws on how their delegates vote. Most let the delegates decide. But up until now, most were party hacks so guess who they decided on?

            Note: I like it!

            Oh, and I don’t like parties either. Unfortunately, we just have to deal with them until people get a clue. That might be sooner than we both think 🙂

  19. They got an RV! Did you know that TSA gets more money than NASA? Whiskey-Tango-Foxtrot!

    • What? says:

      Bang without throwing the hammer?

    • Glenn E. says:

      Last time I heard, NASA’s yearly budget was $18 billion (last two years). And probably won’t drop much, even without the Space Shuttles. While the TSA cost taxpayers (according the ABC-Tv) $8 billion a year. So how is NASA’s budget less than TSA? It’s been in excess of $11 billion since 1989. And grown steadily.

      Granted, I think the TSA *is* a huge waste of money. Just not as huge as some other taxpayer funded enterprises, that’s been over-hyped. At least the TSA didn’t build an expensive resort, on some deserted island, that takes millions in transportation dollars to reach. In case I was being to subtle, that refers to the International Space Station resort.

      • Rick says:

        NASA brings us education, and hope for future possibilities. TSA, DHS, NSA, CIA, and the current administration brings us nothing but a tyrannical future, without the benefit of our God given rights of freedom.

  20. Somebody_Else says:

    I can’t imagine why Immigrations and Customs might need an armored all-terrain vehicle. It’s not like we have any large borders with a 2nd world desert nation in the midst of a civil war between their government and various criminal organizations…

    This is obviously a clear sign of a government conspiracy.

    • Laststanding says:

      Like protecting our borders has been a priority… Read your history and study the national police of germany. say… 1938….

  21. The Watcher says:

    Zero has admitted wanting a Federal Police Force equipped as well as the U.S. Military….

    Guess what….

  22. DesertRat says:

    “POLICE/RESCUE” my *ss.

  23. Traaxx says:

    The big news should probably that ICE, Border Patrol, has a SWAT team; they have 10 different ones – seperate not just different teams. Do they need a SRT, Special Response Team?

    Here’s a patial list of Federal Agencies that have their own private armies: Department of Agriculture, Railroad Retirement Board, Bureau of Land Management, Tennessee Valley Authority, Office of Personnel Management, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, AMTRAK, Department of State.

    It’s become a national tread to use a SWAT/SRT to bust into someone’s house under excessively broad search warrents to seize evidence, even when the probability of armed resistence is absolutely zero. This indicative of an increasingly police minded state, where the citizen is the enemy and a state where destructive search ans seizure has run amok.

    You can thank the Demoncrats for most of this , Ruby Ridge?


  24. anonymous coward says:

    Photoshopped , nothing to see here…

  25. Glenn E. says:

    Now at one time, I believe we were told that DHS was just a kind of go-between agency, the others all needed to share intelligence, without the whole rival thing getting in the way. What the hell do they need their own armored car for?! Moving data files, safely and securely?! Because DHS, isn’t supposed to be doing anything on its own, to collect data or enforce US policy and strategy. Unless Congress rewrote (and re-budgeted) its mission.

    And naturally, it has to be painted black. Because unlike the UN’s baby blue. Black is always considered badass looking in daylight. And of course, more stealthier at night. Why does an intelligence collating agency need a stealthy badass armored car? And how many hookers can they fit into it?

  26. Glenn E. says:

    Here’s another view of this thing. It said “Homeland Security –
    Immigration and Customs Enforcement – Special Response Team”, on its side. Which is actually I.C.E., not D.H.S. So I don’t know why “Homeland Security” gets stenciled onto everything.

    Notice the white skull, with green eyes, painted on the windshield. Yeah, “Police Rescue”, I’m seeing it. They reported using this thing to dismantle a narcotics “pipeline”. Why is everything a pipeline, now? Getting us programmed to accept the oil “Pipeline Wars”, ahead?

  27. Glenn E. says:

    Ya know, in Nazi Germany, it was called the “Father Land”. And in Russia, I’ve heard it called the “Mother Land”. But in America, it’s called “Homeland”. Which is as interesting in its lack of parental gender, as it is in its subtle nationalism. I wonder why they rejected “Heartland”. Might it evoke some compassion? I think the US should have gone with “Bonerland”. Because isn’t that what’s really being protected? At least when it’s Las Vegas, it is.


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