Same Shit, Different Day, only Obama has changed…older and thinner.
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Wow, he even stuttered both times at the same place.
What a terrible mistake we made voting this guy into office. Lucky we can change that in November.
Amen to that.
Fat Chance…but I’ll drink to hope, and change.
Wow—are you two dweebs actually expecting me to think poorly of Obama because he has a stump speech?
which is worse–lies about hope and change and not delivering it
lies about tax cuts allowing job creators to let their wealth trickle down to us and all we get are cuts in services?
Silly, self destructive lies loving Hoomans.
Bobbo you’ve made me see the light…I’m a changed He-man, or is it Hooman, whatever, yea verily.
McCullough–thats excellent. My work will be done when we get Pedro off his donkey and Alfie off his knees.
All give you a Romney Style bet of $10,000 over/under 10%.
McCullough, it takes two fools to have an argument. And here I am all alone.
Same as it always was.
You have a pretty good command of language (at least written, don’t know if the same would apply to a verbal conversation). Why do you waste your writing skills insulting people you don’t agree with?
Obamas job is to do as he’s told. He does not care about conservative folks or liberal folks. He cares about staying alive and keeping his family safe from harm. The job of politicians is to keep the masses in check with lies. He has no control over taxes. No control over war. No control over anything. Conservatives need to stop bashing him and liberals need to stop supporting him.
Well thank you Alex for not focusing on my typing skills.
Not only a Master of Communication and Linguistics (aka, I am willing to pick up a dictionary now and then) but also an interloper of logic and rhetoric. Let me demonstrate:
You do recognize when discussing Obama that we wandering the fields of POLITICS? Politics–more than the weather, it affects if not controls our lives. Some get a Monsoon, others a Heat Wave. Its still all about the politics. So, your intro advice to a discussion about politics is to stop being political? How is that relevant? How will you now address the issues?
You could I suppose do a non-political fact analysis of some issue? >>>>>But everybody knows that facts favor liberals.
…..and so it goes.
He, like all politicians are lying bastards and I have no love for Bush but the country is almost 5 trillion dollars farther into debt because of this asshat and I want to see him gone.
There isn’t enough storage space on the servers to handle all the lies he has told.
So, you kept your mouth shut as the debt increased every year under Bush?
And, no, I won’t explain Keynes vs Hayek and means of countering an economic depression. Sooner or later you will have to read something on your own.
I guess as a retarded neophyte god you have a long way to go. Try reading the post maroon,
I’m pretty sure if Bush had a third term the debt would have been the same. It seems apparent to me that these guys (presidents) are just stewards for a long term global plan with huge wheels in motion that nobody is going to be able to stop. Its happened before and will happen again. Its all cyclical.
Compare this to Romney’s stump speech in which he says: I love it here in _________, the trees are just the right height and the grass is just the right color.
OMG! Stop saying “Deja Vu All Over Again”!!!!
If it were Deja Vu AGAIN, it would be the 4th time something has happened as one case of Deja Vu involves 2 incidents of the same thing.
This is NOT “Deja Vu All Over Again”, it’s just “Deja Vu”!
Relax, it’s a Yogi-ism….humorous reference by the late Yogi Berra, and if I have to explain who that is, let’s just say he’s not a cartoon character.
I know where it’s from. When Berra said it, it was in the proper context, something that happened several times.
Now people use it when they mean the singular. It’s just as annoying as people that say “I could care less” when they mean “I couldn’t care less”.
Misuse of the language must stop!
There, I changed it just for you….happy now? I liked this one better anyway.
Much better. 🙂
Nothing wrong with “I could care less.” it is certainly more polite than “I could give a damn.” With both phrases it is what is left unsaid. “I could care less, but I’d have to work at it.” The Jewish version would be a question “I should care?”
Now Jo Dee Messina, she couldn’t care less.
Saying “I could care less” implies that you do care & thus have room to care less. You could care less about anything other than that which you COULDN’T care less, therefore saying it is redundant as it applies to nearly everything.
Oh so lets vote in another rich criminal aside form the one we have now? You people make me laugh out loud, no one is going to change anything & you jokers know it.
There is an old adage better the devil you know than the devil you don’t know.
Not in this case.
This is the second year in a row nobody from his party would vote for his budget. When it comes to handling the people’s money this guy is an entirely new level of incompetent. It’s time for him to go while there is at least some hope we may be able to salvage some of the social safety net his wild and wasteful spending was inevitably going to destroy.
It would also be nice if we had a president that knew how to run a successful business or was willing to appoint people with some experience doing so. This ~Marxist isn’t going to get the job done if what America wants is private sector jobs.
Last and not least we all know what his energy policy really is: Cap and trade. That isn’t going to take this nation anywhere any of us want to go including those that support Cap and trade.
So lets see what a partial list of Obama accomplishments are:
Eliminated Osama bin Laden
Turned around the U.S. auto industry
Kicked Banks out of the Federal Student Loan Program
Expanded Pell Grant Spending
Boosted Fuel Efficiency Standarts
Increased financial support for veterans
Tighten sanctions on Iran
Past credit card reforms
Eliminated catch 22 in pay equity laws (Lily Ledbetter act)
Improved food safety system
Achieved new START treaty
Expanded health coverage for children (chip)
Expanded stem cell research
Kill the F-22 save $4 billion
Ended the War in Iraq
Reversed Bush torture policies
etc., etc., etc.
The Republicans have controlled the house for 17 months….. Where are all the jobs
Oh and by the way Cap and Trade was introduced by republicans. John McCain introduced legislation three times.
Duh Obiden 2012!
I love this tweak! Works for Win 7 as well. Now, where is ECA?
Until you realize that nothing will change just because you vote for one compromised bastard instead of another compromised bastard, this is all a waste of our time and YOUR money.
I really don’t care.
Absolutely agree…
Don’t vote for either major party.
Vote fopr the inedpendent candidates that represent your values and hopes for the city/state/country.
I think the speech writers are members of the RIAA and are making publishing royalties for each repeat engagement.
I voted for Obama mostly because he said he would end the war. Instead he has proven war is now eternal and greased the rails for himself, or any future president to declare himself dictator under Marshall Law any time he wants. Why do that?
I can’t vote for Romney or Obama. I have given up on the Demacrooks and the Reugnicans. They are the problem and have never offered a viable solution to the nation’s problems because that would put them out of business.
I think Obama 2.0 needs to be debugged.
Indeed. His hard drive could probably use a good defragging as well.
your unamerican thought crime has been reported to the proper authorities.
Obama in 2012 running 2011 software
Obama XP?
You know, Abe Lincoln used the same stump speech over and over. Ronald Reagan used a teleprompter and a team of speech writers. Romney gives the same speech every day… until he changes his mind.
Any one who thinks that the President shouldn’t repeat a speech that has been written(often by him) to address a particular issue is naive or intentionally deceptive. and search Romney, Gingrich, Palin etc. in the video library to see the same speeches over and over and over.
These criticisms are designed to take the Presidents strengths, and make them look like weaknesses. Remember that he kicked butt in the meetings he had with the Republicans early on. They called him a bully because he won.
at the risk of stating the obvious, this country has always had a very vulnerable Achilles’s heel, i.e. that tyrant’s will rule by default unless there is a periodic civil war. Thomas Jefferson suggested every 20 yrs or so….seems as we are overdue….
Our inglorious president the robot. Does.. not.. compute..
Wow you bitch and complain when they flip flop and you bitch and complain when they say the same consistently.
So what should they say?
They ARE politicians right?
So many naive people.
I like how people complain about politics and the president but because they have never actually read the constitution or know what the presidential powers actually are they just assume and blame obama.
I become increasingly convinced that the presidency exists so that stupid people will think that there is a king.
When you are capable of defining exactly what you dislike that obama did (not the house or senate or supreme court). Then we will talk.
Same tired rhetoric… Yeah I’ll say. But I’m not talking about Obama. I’m really no Obama apologist but the anti Obama faction out there make make him look like the second coming of Christ. Do you folks have a clue just how annoying and childish you have become? Maybe that’s the plan – bolster Obama’s position by putting him to the backdrop of whacks…
Well said, Grey. Politics and those who need someone to blame. Same old same old. Let’s move on to the important topics. I’ve read at the least a half dozen news items more relevant than this tired baiting crapola. This is just baiting the R and D trooling ship
I like Congressman West calling 80 Dems Communists and being described as “middle of the road” Republican. Ha, ha.
Seems he is equating the Progressive Caucas of the Demo’s as Commies. Even the Commies of today aren’t the Commies that created the under the bed monsters that term refers too===but then the Pukes of Today aren’t the same Republicans either.
It is more than ever a contest to see who can appeal to the most stupid. An effort at evangelizing the electorate? Stop Thinking and Just Believe- – – complete with dogma and chants.
Proof that trolling works…you took the bait dummy!
BloJ–what in the world are you babbling about?
Most claims about trolling that I think I understand are not trolling in my book.
Until more carefully pointed out, I’ll just assume claims of trolling that I don’t understand are even more wrong?
But prove to us you aren’t an idiot on automatic: what is your definition of being troll bait?
Pedro–busy responding to any stimuli there is, troll, trool, or otherwise.
Ha, ha. Not really worth the effort. But thank you for the piling on. I don’t suppose you wish to point out the bait either?
No. I never thought about troll bait catching only trolls…….whoops, there it is.\!
Alex implausibly suggests:
4/12/2012 at 7:33 am
The job of politicians is to keep the masses in check with lies. He has no control over taxes. No control over war. No control over anything. Conservatives need to stop bashing him and liberals need to stop supporting him. ///
And for those who might notice I repeat because its funny:
You do recognize when discussing Obama that we wandering the fields of POLITICS? Politics–more than the weather, it affects if not controls our lives. Some get a Monsoon, others a Heat Wave. Its still all about the politics. So, your intro advice to a discussion about politics is to stop being political? How is that relevant? How will you now address the issues?
You could I suppose do a non-political fact analysis of some issue? >>>>>But everybody knows that facts favor liberals.
…..and so it goes.
I don’t see where the “lie” is in this.
Everything is changing. People are taking their comedians seriously and the politicians as a joke.
The more you observe politics, the more you’ve got to admit that each party is worse than the other.
It’s easy being a humorist when you’ve got the whole government working for you.
Will Rogers
In 2008, Barack Obama said he would enact a net spending cut. A lie. Now after he has increased spending, his new budget proposes to increase debt even more than he has already increased it. 2.9 trillion without his budget, 6.5 trillion with his budget. Additional 3.6 trillion in debt if we adopt Obama’s budget, on top of the debt and future spending increases he has already piled up.
Buy gold, melt it down and paint it black, hide it in your furniture.
Well, I didn’t want to watch the whole thing. Maybe someone could put out a video that just points out… you know… the lie itself! Cuz this one seems to lack focus. That could be because he never said it in the first place!
Why is Obama paying a lower tax rate than Warren Buffett’s secretary? And how come his own Buffett rule wouldn’t fix this in his case?
When you find yourself in a hole — stop digging.
The time to save is now. When a dog gets a bone, he doesn’t go out and make a down payment on a bigger bone. He buries the one he’s got.
Will Rogers
If there is a bright spot, it is that Obama and the Democrats, to their credit, are willing to break their pledge. They effectively raised future taxes on people making less than $250,000 when they passed the excise tax on high-value health- insurance plans as part of health-care reform, for instance.
Liberal Ezra Klein declaring that the broken promises are a great thing.
The only “Lie of the Year” is the Democrats’ claim that Republicans “voted to terminate Medicare.”
What the Republicans are suggesting in this ad is that Obama started this rhetoric. He never said it.
But the Republicans are eager to paint him with it, and the bullshit proof they offer is that he recycled a speech.
Guess which party does that more often?
God! I am so sick of seeing this a-hole. How did we ever get stuck with this totally fake person?
And yet he STILL has to use a teleprompter.