Here is the latest conversation I had with money manager Andrew Horowitz…. new insights for anyone who invests in anything. We discuss the current market jitters.

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  1. Glenn E. says:

    Perhaps the news that the Titanic was launched to the sea, 100 years ago today, was enough to cause the DOW to start sinking. It never seems to take very much. Even 100 year old, bad news, can do it. Investors are a skittlish bunch.

    Of course, the 60 Minutes piece on Greece, might have had something to do with it. But why didn’t this happen on Monday. Did they wait a day to watch the show on Tivo? “Hey, Monday night’s boring. Let’s watch the 60 Minutes show I recorded. Europe might go bankrupt?! I’m calling my broker Tuesday morning.”

  2. BigBoyBC says:

    Really? The old hot dog myth? You guys really need to do your homework and stop spreading these tired old myths…

  3. dusanmal says:

    What’s there to stop Apple? – Apple. Their business fundamentally depends on a pumping action of a completely new products (even economic papers were written about that). As “old” product vanes, new one with booming success is needed. So far so good. iTV is way higher risk than PCs, phones and tablets. Initial investment and individual product cost for iTV are at least ten fold. Also, people are used to variety of options. Competing with one product on TV field can’t get you large enough share for “new product pumping”. So, I bet on iTV being known in history as Apple Folly.

    So, on a tablet wave, yes, maybe 1000$ Apple share this year. But, prediction:

    Apple stock between 12/1/2012 and 1/1/2014 will at least once inter-session hit:

    (Maximum value Apple stock hits between 1/1/2012 and 1/1/2013)/2

    In other words – we live in Apple’s bubble times, soon to end.

    • What? says:

      wanes, not vanes.

      As I’m a terrible speller/typist, I usually don’t point out this kind of issue. However, I have the sinking feeling you might not know that you selected the incorrect word. If I’m wrong, then my mistake.

      Apple can’t live without Jobs. He wasn’t really CEO; I’d guess, he just wanted that title to prove to himself that he could be CEO of Apple. I’d guess he had little knowledge of the “business” end of Apple, the job the CEO is suppose to have.

      Jobs was an Idea Man. There are very few of them in that business, with respect to ideas that will sell products to masses of people. He didn’t know beans about anything (except how to put the squeeze on people), but he had great, popular, ideas that he packaged as being “exclusive”.

      His products are kinda expensive and crappy, but he lent them an air of magic that helped customers decide to buy them.

      Apple will enter a slow decline. As Jobs’ disciples will leave to try to create that magic in other places.

      • Glenn E. says:

        I disagree. From what I heard of Apple’s history, Jobs rescued it from its economic downfall. It’s that what a good CEO is suppose t do. And part of that is having good ideas about product lines, if products are what the company sells. Apple doesn’t sell hyped promises of financial success and vapor ware goods. Jobs had to choose products that people would want, more than so many other cheaper versions. And he often decided what they would look like, feel like, sound like, and smell like. Which is far better and hands on, than CEOs that just sit back and collect their salaries for existing. Remember Jobs helped start Apple from the beginning. And marketing was his strong suit. While Woz was mainly the engineer. So Jobs was the CEO from the beginning. And after board members’ greed ousted him. They brought him back to fix the mess they made of the company.

        I just think it wrong to think that a CEO can’t have creative ideas. And most be aloft and isolated from everything else, and just handle the financial stuff. Because they’re often not very good at doing only that, either. But you can’t say Jobs didn’t. Because it’s pretty obvious, many Macs, three iPads and four iPhones later, that he did. How many golden goose eggs did you want out of him?!

  4. deowll says:

    Apple may make a thousand but at some point I agree this is going to be the mother of all shorts.

  5. Steven says:

    The points that you mentioned in your conversation were quite interesting. I did not know anything about the old hot dog myth before and I do no t think that there is a way to stop apple

  6. ECA says:

    and thinking about 3 months ahead..
    What happens in ABOUT 3 months..
    BACK TO SCHOOL..END of summer..

  7. Glenn E. says:

    Is this somebody’s “sour grapes” attempt at cooling Apple stock, so they can snap it up cheaper for themselves? I’ll wager that Steve Jobs laid out some plans for Apple to follow, for a while longer. And projects could still be in the pipes, that take time to be finished. Or must wait for the technology to catch up, to make it possible. So I wouldn’t bank on Apple dying out just yet, because Steve’s not around to do the key notes. You still invest in Ford Motors? Well Henry’s been dead a lot longer.


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