A suspected child pornographer has replaced the late Osama bin Laden on the FBI’s most-wanted list.

Eric Justin Toth, a former third-grade teacher at the prestigious Beauvoir-National Cathedral School in Washington, D.C., is the newest addition to the list, joining people the FBI call the worst of the worst fugitives.

Toth has been sought by the FBI’s Washington Field Office for almost four years since he was indicted in December 2008 after pornographic images were found months before on a school camera that Toth had used for some time. It is unclear how many children he has allegedly abused and possibly molested. Details of an indictment against him in Washington are under seal at the federal court, according to FBI officials.

There have been two vacancies on the Most Wanted list since al Qaeda leader bin Laden was killed and former organized crime figure James “Whitey” Bulger was captured last year.

  1. msbpodcast says:

    Bin Laden was a chump. Now he’s a dead chump.

    He did more to harm the Islamists/Arabs, who had been in our “so what” or “who gives a fuck” zone right up ’til 9/11.

    Then being called a “towel head,” a “camel jockey” or a “sand nigger” came into its own as a symbol that we really didn’t like somebody who was “different”. (Like a “faggot,” itself capable of earning you a beating for no particular reason, but worse.)

  2. soundwash says:

    lol.. sure, that’s because they did not want anyone to notice that his FBI/Wanted pic never mentioned him having anything to do with 9/11.

    har.. -silly wabbits

  3. ± says:

    Sheesh. Are people still believing that bin Laden hasn’t been dead for at least 9 years?

  4. Glenn E. says:

    The FBI’s 10 Most Wanted list, was a PR gimmick cooked up by J. Edgar Hoover and a friendly newspaperman, 62 years ago. Done more to aggrandize the Bureau, by giving the public an enemies list they can all properly demonize. Preventing a reoccurrence of the public’s admiration of Bonnie and Clyde, and Dillinger, during the Depression Era. And at the same time, giving the Bureau, some larger than life villains to take down, that stress the importance of maintaining its annual budget. Because without the list, and the media’s exploitation of it. The vast majority of citizens wouldn’t know anything of those listed.

    And yet, after several decades of having a lucrative budget, it was revealed just 7 years ago, that the FBI still didn’t have the most modern computers or multiple database search capability. Contrary to their fictional portrayal in FOX’s “The X-Files”.

    Hopefully, they do by now. Or hundreds of millions more dollars went to waste.

  5. MartinJJ says:

    They better replace that list with one of all the real criminals that harm millions. Like those in government slowly taking away your rights, your liberty, stealing everything from you and destroying the republic. Muslim Obama can be on top then right away. Nickname Barry. Also wanted for warcrimes.

    The list should be a lot longer also then. With all those in Congress supporting all that crap for money, 10 spots definiately isn’t enough.

    If everyone was released from jail who are in there for only smoking some weed or so, there will be plenty of space for all of them to live together with some really nasty dudes. *evil grin*

  6. deowll says:

    Um….While I concur that this man needs to be apprehended and tried for his misdeeds if this is the worst fugitive we have why are we spending billions, maybe even trillions, uncountable man hours, and lives messing up the middle east and on the department of homeland security which is now keeping data bases on just about everything and everyone on the planet?

    On the face of it, it seems mad.


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