U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder has declared that there is no proof that in-person voter fraud is a problem. He’s about to see proof that even he can’t deny. In a new video (below) provided to Breitbart.com, James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas demonstrates why Holder should stop attacking voter ID laws–by walking into Holder’s voting precinct and showing the world that anyone can obtain Eric Holder’s primary ballot. Literally.

The video shows a young man entering a Washington, DC polling place at 3401 Nebraska Avenue, NW, on primary day of this year–April 3, 2012–and giving Holder’s name and address. The poll worker promptly offers the young man Holder’s ballot to vote.
The young man then suggests that he should show his ID; the poll worker, in compliance with DC law, states: “You don’t need it. It’s all right. As long as you’re in here, you’re on our list, and that’s who you say you are, you’re okay.”

The young man replies: “I would feel more comfortable if I just had my ID. Is it alright if I go get it?” The poll worker agrees. “I’ll be back Faster than you can say Furious,” the young man jokes on his way out, in a reference to the Fast and Furious gunwalking scandal that has plagued Holder’s Department of Justice.

  1. jbenson2 says:

    James O’Keefe deserves a medal for the work he is doing.

    • your own personal jeebus says:

      James OKeefe deserves to go to jail for voter fraud.

      Why isn’t he?

      • mharry860 says:

        Because he didn’t actually say he was Holder, the guy said it back to him, but he never confirmed it.

      • Glenn E. says:

        O’Keefe didn’t sign in or try to forge Holder’s name. That’s why he left to get his ID. Rather than say, “I’ve changed my mind about voting today”. But O’Keefe proved that he could have continued on, and forged Holder’s name, if he wanted to. Especially if he’s seen it on some office memos or political adverts. Not many politicians think to have separate signatures for public and private use. I’ve only recently adopted the idea, myself. I don’t cursively sign the leading letters, in my name, for trivial things like returning purchases, or entering store contests.

        The only thing O’Keefe is really guilty of, is damaging voter confidence in the security of the system. If there’s a law against that (and it wouldn’t surprise me) , then he’s truly guilty. Of helping to remove the wool from over every citizen’s eyes. Please see my longer posting on voter confidence, below.

      • Geez..what voter fraud EXACTLY? Are you an idiot? How is there voter fraud with no actual voting?

        You can argue attempted voter fraud, but there was obviously NO INTENT. One of your less thoughtful posts.

        • ugly, constipated, and mean says:

          Go into a bank.
          Ask the teller if he would give you all his money if you had a gun.
          Ask him again.
          Tell him you are going to get your gun.

          Is this a bank robbery? (no.)
          Will you go to jail? (yes.)

  2. Pays2Think says:

    Out of the 300 million votes cast between 2002 and 2007, federal prosecutors convicted only 86 people for voter fraud – and many of the cases involved immigrants and former felons who were simply unaware of their ineligibility.

    The real story in 2012 is how the myth of voter fraud has been advanced by Republicans to justify new voting restrictions (better known as voter suppression tactics) in more than a dozen states, which could disenfranchise up to 5 million voters on Election Day, according to the Brennan Center for Justice. That’s a whole lot of casualties in response to a few bad actors.

    This is nothing more that republican diversionary tactics, don’t fall for it.

    • jbenson2 says:

      How can the Fed prosecute all the illegal votes by dead people in Chicago?

      Classic chant: vote early and vote often.

    • deowll says:

      At least one Dem. state has passed voter ID. laws. Why? The local top Dem. became upset when he learned of cases, some of them of prominent people, who showed up to vote and weren’t allowed to vote because they had already voted. These people were disenfranchised. His view was this isn’t a partisan issue. It’s something everybody in both parties should support. He’s right unless you are into stealing elections you should support voter ID. The right to vote should get better protection than the right to purchase cigarettes or cash a check.

      I think if you check more cases than that involved acorn, some dude in the NAACP, and a few other organizations. At least Acorn got nailed in more than one state for voter registration fraud. Not sure if those ballots were voted or not. Without some form of voter ID catching voter fraud is kind of hard to do.

      • NobodySpecial says:

        Bonus question.
        Can anyone name a country where state demands of voter id has been used to disenfranchise certain groups based on say skin color?

    • Mextli: ABO says:

      Hi. I’m Barry O’Bama and I’m here to vote. You want to see my birth certificate?

    • Hmeyers2 says:

      Vote fraud isn’t a myth, it is very real.

      Politics is a big money game. Of course there are all kinds of voter fraud and schemes to stuff the ballot boxes.

      • your own personal jeebus says:

        How do you know?

        Have you committed voter fraud?

    • ± says:

      What if you’re right? You want stupid people voting? Yes, I can tell that you do.

      You obviously vote Republican or Democrat.

  3. Gildersleeve says:

    Pays2Think seems to be NotPaid2Observe. Enough. There are 5 million people out there who don’t have a driver’s license, nor a SSN? I bet a significant portion of these folks collect welfare of some sort. So, how would a voter ID be a disenfranchisement? It probably doesn’t matter. I suspect this wouldn’t change the statistical representation of the national population. Given that all the votes are put into a hopper of theoretical mathematics (ie aren’t actually counted), the concept of “voter fraud” is fanciful. Perhaps it would matter if the election were extremely close, in which case the outcome might be better served with well written ballots.

    • dusanmal says:

      Voter fraud is aimed at the close races and the reason why is it important to prevent it before the elections is best seen in recent Oregon elections: despite clear proof that there were MORE votes than registered voters and that the difference was greater than deciding margin – new Governor was signed in by the actual, knowingly fraudulent results… (Also, majority of “more than voting population” votes occurred in the known predominantly Democratic districts…). That is the real disenfranchisement. Because real voters definitely feel depressed by such illegal outcome, what’s the purpose. And that feeling is long term aim of the fraud.

    • Pays2Think says:

      “NotPaid2Observe” LOL… that’s pretty good! But seriously. Getting a Drivers license is a method of disenfranchisement when you don’t have a car or access to one and can’t afford to pay for driving lessons or pay for a drivers license. In addition, to get a drivers license you need two other forms of picture ID which in some states is a passport and a passport requires additional ID. These are all obstacles to make it hard or expensive to get the ID required for voting. This was done on purpose. They knew exactly what to do to make it as hard and as expensive to limit the possibility of these likely democratic voters from voting. Republicans understand that they can’t win if everybody votes so they make it hard to vote, which for them is a good idea.

      One of the reasons elections are close is because so many people can’t or don’t vote. The Republicans know that’s there best chance of winning.

      And that was my point, voter fraud is just a diversion (it’s not really a problem) , a smoke screen for there efforts to suppress voting in anyway they can.

      This isn’t rocket science.

  4. Steve says:

    Blatant propaganda. Take it to a logical conclusion. If he signs in as Eric Holder he can be arrested for voter fraud. Tricks like this video are designed to fool the slow-thinking over-reacting bigots that make up Karl Rove’s unwitting army.

    • Hmeyers2 says:

      How can someone claiming to be Eric Holder be arrested for voter fraud? They don’t know whether it is him or isn’t him.

      You sir, are a goofball.

      • your own personal jeebus says:

        You sir, are a moron.

        • Hmeyers2 says:

          From your point of you, no doubt I do.


          Fortunately, I am not limited to your point of view.

  5. anon says:

    And what was this shupposed to prove? Only an idiot would think that the poll workers would know every eligible voter by face (which is all that this tested). For this to be be a reasonable demonstration of actual voter fraud problem the discrepancy of two Eric Holder ballots would have to be unnoticed.

    Given that his name was marked off in a ledger by the first (fraudulent voter), it would become obvious when Eric Holder himself showed up and/or when his absentee ballot was processed. How many reports of that occurring have there been?

    Given there aren’t any, for this to be stealth problem, every person/organization committing voter fraud would need to locate a list of eligible non-voting persons and coordinate with every other fraudent organizer to avoid the double vote.

    I’m not saying that would allow us to fix those particular votes, but given the level of precision and coordination necessary to pull it off, even a small margin of error by the perpetrators would result in a massive election irregularity. Ergo, with a degree of confidence which dwarfs the accuracy of the counting machines themselves, this is not happening on any scale that would even count as as statistically insignificant.

    • McCullough says:

      It proves the Attorney General is a fucking idiot. No proof…har.

    • Hmeyers2 says:

      Or I could read the newspaper obituaries and go to the polls and claim to be those dead people.

      And fill out a provisional ballot if I were at the wrong polling place.

      • ugly, constipated, and mean says:

        Pedro says there is no proof that anybody is dead.

  6. Holdfast says:

    In the UK, before a vote, every eligible voter is sent a “Poll Card” to their registered address. It shows such things as the name and address of the voter, the date time and location of the vote and a code number.

    When they go to vote, they take the card as their ID. The card is checked against the list of names and they vote.

    That seems to cover some of the bases.

    • NobodySpecial says:

      The problem in the US is that the state office running the ballot is run by the incumbent. So it wouldn’t be too difficult to forget to include all those poor neighborhoods on the list (if you are republican) or make sure that extra ones got sent out (if you are democrat). The whole country is like Westminster under Shirley Porter

      You can also fix the inspection process. “It says mohammed on your ID but muhammed on our list” – you don’t vote. This was a common way of stopping blacks voting in the 60s, the white poll officer just didn’t accept their ID.

      This was common in N. Ireland until very recently, with Sean/Shaun Aileen/Helen, people would have ‘irish’ names on their ID but be anglicized on the official lists.

  7. Mark says:

    Story seems to omit the fact that he never came back to claim the ballot after having it explained to him that he was liable for a stiff fine if he signed the ledger and actually took the ballot.

    He never got the piece of paper and did not even attempt to get the paper and actually present a completed ballot. But that sort of ruins the good story, doesn’t it.

    Don’t bother to respond to me as I have too much to do to spend a lot of time blogging.

    • GregAllen says:

      Good point.

      Breitbart.com fails in a stunt.

      Let’s deny thousands of black people their vote based on that!

  8. damontsar says:

    VETO – FRAUD this makes me so mad that he is not in jail for this.

    • BigBoyBC says:

      If he hadn’t filmed it, how would you have known? The poll worker didn’t know or care. I’ve heard all the arguments why ID’s are bad, I don’t buy any of them. I get asked for my ID all the time. Hell, I was at Home Depot buying $6 worth of furnace filters, used my bank card and they asked for my ID.

      • Howard Beale says:

        and you have a constitutional right and civil responsibility to buy furnace filters at Home Depot with a bank card what country do you live in?

        • Howard Beale says:

          oh and bank card fraud IS a problem

        • BigBoyBC says:

          I live in the United States of America, and I know that our Constitution contains many phrases, clauses, and amendments detailing ways people cannot be denied a vote.

          The Constitution, however, never explicitly ensures the right to vote. In fact your ability to vote can be taken away. That says to me that voting, regardless of wording, is more of a privilege than a true right.

    • Hmeyers2 says:

      What don’t reporters who demonstrate that the TSA airport screening procedures are inadequate go to jail?

  9. GregAllen says:


    Spit twice and find a real story.

  10. Howard Beale says:

    So one person could get one false ballot risking $10,000 in fines or up to 5 years in prison for each offense.

    I think the law is fine the way it stands.

    Please show some facts where the current deterrents are not enough. Even this guy with the whole world soon to watch would not actually break the law and cast one fraudulent vote.

    • Hmeyers2 says:

      So you can have illegals just show up an register to vote on their own say-so?

      What is the point of voting if the integrity of system isn’t protected?

      • Howaed Beale says:

        illegal aliens? those who live in fear of deportation they will be the source of all this voter fraud risking stiff fines prison time and sure deportation

        sounds like you are buying into the fear mongering not factual stories of fraud

        • Hmeyers2 says:

          It is you overly partisan people that ignore concepts like “one man one vote”.

          You aren’t part of the solution, you are the problem.

          There isn’t a reason on Earth that people cannot present an ID at the ballot box.

          And I really don’t care about voter fraud all that much, but I heavily dislike the idea of low standards just so politicians can game the system a bit.

          That is a terrible reason.

  11. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Hmeyers2 returning to his normal partisan ways says:
    4/9/2012 at 7:24 pm

    It is you overly partisan people that ignore concepts like “one man one vote”. /// Thats it exactly–and when there is no evidence of voter fraud beyond .000001 % having no impact on the election, removing 50K voters for lack of ID is denying 50K voters their 50K votes. Dismals example of Oregon where the proven fraud is beyond the margin of error is an important issue that should be addressed===to STOP THE FRAUD—not to disenfranchise voters. Hmeyers==this should not be a partisan issue, its a issue of thinking vs being led. Why do you let yourself be led so?

    You aren’t part of the solution, you are the problem. /// Yep, and shills like you pushing it one way or the other.

    There isn’t a reason on Earth that people cannot present an ID at the ballot box. /// Actually, I do agree with that. Thats why when the gov. takes actions that will DISENFRANCHISE many voters, they should take/spend the money/ to correct that unavoidable effect==eg–strong registration drives to provide people with voter ID. But you don’t do that. I think you dwebs call that a Nanny State Interest?–People voting and all.

    And I really don’t care about voter fraud all that much, but I heavily dislike the idea of low standards just so politicians can game the system a bit. /// Every move is a move within the game. Mine are. Yours are. Use your brain-be honest.

    That is a terrible reason. /// “That” is a terrible reference to what I don’t know. Partisan much?


    Yes -YOU=Hmerers and your running lackey dogs.


    Yea, verily.

    • Hmeyers2 says:

      “Hmeyers2 returning to his normal partisan ways”

      Bobbo, I’m sure we will have some interesting discussions this year, since I will be voting for Romney in this fall.

      As you know, I was originally an Obama fan (and in many ways I still am) but all that Trayvon race-baiting shit from Sharpton has threw me irreconcilably over the brink.

      And Obama passively endorsed it.

      I am sick and tired of the race-baiting horses hit and Obama could have brought some sanity to this kind of event and decided not to.

      Romney need win only Florida and Ohio. I live in Ohio. In 2008, I did my part to explain to everyone I know why I thought Obama was the way to go.

      I’ve grown tired of false promises and the double-talk, call me partisan. People like me decide every election and I know how I intend to vote in November.

      You and I will likely have many interesting debates this year.

      • Hmeyers2 says:

        By the way Bobbo, you have to present government ID to vote in Ohio. Such a requirement didn’t prevent Obama from winning Ohio in 2008 nor Rick Santorectum from losing his lame-ass Senate seat in 2006.

        And Florida and here in Ohio both have Voter id laws, and Obama will lose both of these states and the election this year regardless of voter ids laws.

        So the question is: do you care about the integrity of the election system? It didn’t stop Obama from winning in 2008 and won’t prevent Obama from losing later this year … so really it boils down to the integrity of the system.

        • Hmeyers2 says:

          And clarity for dumbassses: No Rick Sanctorectum isn’t from Ohio but PA has an even stricter voter id law than Ohio.

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

          We are going to have many interesting conversations this year?= = whose paper are you going to copy off of?

          Here is the kind of brain dead “I’m not a partisan” type of BS that drives me crazy:

          1. Blaming Anyone (Obama) for someone elses actions (Sharpton).

          2. Making arguments rhetorically that can’t be made directly: “passively endorsed.”

          So again, the issue isn’t as much left vs right, or even smart vs dumb===its brain dead vs thinking for yourself.

          It might well be that Romney is “a better person” for the WhiteHouse, however that might be various defined but never put in print….but currently: NO GOOD can come from anyone in the TeaPublican (tm with thanks to Dallas) controlled Republican Party.

          Obama is feckless and too passive (passive when he SHOULD BE taking action==not doing nothing regarding a billion other issues occuring at the same time. So “religiously oriented in your thinking” to think Obama should observe and respond to every sparrow that falls. Romney appears to pander without standards to anyone who’s favor he wants to curry. Uniformly he has no interest in YOU or me==aka the poor>>you know, those of us who pay more than 15% taxes.

          Romney’s only consistent interest is in supporting his religion and his super rich status.

          Cut your OWN throat, but don’t recommend we all do the same.

          I cast aspersions in your general di-rection.

          Silly Hooman.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            Pedro–assuming we both identify Obama’s “involvement” as the single comment he made: “if I had a son….”==please inform the world what at all was wrong with the statement/involvment? >>>Not that anyone needs any more proof of just how idiotic the Teapublican Hack Squad is at every opportunity.

            I don’t expect any answer at all. As with Alfie, I’m just curious what Bus you have taken away from the ballpark.

  12. god says:

    Still meaningless unless he tries to vote. Then he’s breaking the law.

    You lot are barely up to birther conspiracy levels tonight.

  13. Benjamin says:

    Everyone has the ability to get an ID of some kind. It’s not that difficult. If I can’t buy a beer or a pack of cigarettes without showing an id, then why can I go in on my say so and vote? The poll worker doesn’t know everyone in the precinct by sight. That is why ID should be required.

    If someone steals my vote by voting in my name before I get there, there will be hell to pay.

  14. The Watcher says:

    Getting an appropriate ID is a PITA, but requiring one is not disenfranchisement unless there is interference _in getting the ID_….

    Lack of an ID requirement is a license to steal an election….

    It should be pretty clear why there are objections….

    Pretty trivial, IMHO, to put an “ID booth” at the poll, or at the Board of Elections (where you can vote anyway in many states) and do it once. After that, the voter’s set for a few years.

    Getting a ride to the Board has to be about as difficult as a ride to the local polling place.

    Or, we can be idiots….

  15. Glenn E. says:

    This should prove, without much doubt remaining, that the US voting system doesn’t care about voter legitimacy. It only cares about the numbers. The quantity, not the quality. Why? Simple. As long as they can keep the voting numbers high enough, the percent of voters versus the total population, will reflect America’s acceptance for things as they are. And zero change will happen. No election reform will be needed. Nothing needs to get fixed, to restore voter confidence. High enough numbers, and a high enough percentage, lets the system and the media, pronounce that America has no problem with how elections work. Nor how politicians represent Americans, since they turning out in sufficient numbers to install one of the two parties.

    If the percentage of voters (vs pop.) were to drop too low, then it could be successfully argued that elected officials really don’t represent all the people of the nation. Since a very large majority disapprove of the system, by abstaining from voting. That why I haven’t voted in years. My no vote is a vote of no confidence. Naturally the current crop of politicians and their corporate benefactors, don’t want to see their carefully compromised system fail, or by reformed or replaced. So the main stream media makes all sorts of pleas to you to vote! “Or your right to vote will go away.” Nonsense.

    That’s like saying if you don’t eat lots of high calorie junk food, you’ll starve. What we need to do is send a clear message, that we don’t want a diet of junk food anymore. Give us healthier choices. Same of elected officials. No more junk politicians on the voting shelves. Give us better quality ones, that don’t spoil and turn rotten, the moment they’re in office. Or have no good substance in them, to sustain a healthy nation. Trust me, if people didn’t buy junk food at the market, the stores would stop carrying so much of it. And if enough citizens refused to vote for the poor choices of candidates they’re always given. Then real reform would quickly take place to REGAIN voter confidence.

    This “there’s no problem with voter ID” is part of the sham of maintaining voter confidence. And the media is also behind it. Because they get billions every term, in campaign dollars, to promote the two party system. It’s a gigantic money making sham. And the so-called differences between the two parties, is also a sham. Promoted like competing football or baseball teams. But regardless of who wins, corporations will waste little time compromising any thread of loyalty to the voters, they might have had.

    As long as enough citizens keep buying into this “it’s us vs them”, “support your team” propaganda. They’ll keep the system just the way they want it. And not have to justify why it doesn’t serve such a huge percentage of us, who refuse to vote for its continence, AS IS. Kapeesh?

  16. sargasso_c says:

    Some countries made it illegal to not vote. So doing it twice would seem a sensible precaution in case your first vote was lost.

  17. Cursor_ says:

    This very amusing to me.

    To hear all of you rant and rave over this just reinforces my belief that the US citizen is a naive and mindless drone.

    The people allowed to run for major office is all determined by a small elite group of people.

    Then that pool is narrowed even further by small groups of people in their own party until you get a couple of people for the general election.

    YOU the voter are only initialing their choice. You really did not choose, You never have really chosen. THEY choose, you sign off.

    And where was the ire for the past elections. Like being angry that the animals have left the barn after three days have passed.

    Or are you all mad that the illusion of democracy is shattered in your delusional world?


  18. Peppeddu says:

    Any question on how G. W. Bush got elected?

    • BigBoyBC says:

      GWB got elected because Democrats didn’t have enough brains to poke a hole in a piece of paper or bother to read the instructions posted in the voting booth.

      • Peppeddu says:

        Perhaps, but the supreme court sure gave a nice push in the right direction.

        Think about there we would have been today if we didn’t have to waste 3+ Trillions in Iraq.

  19. kmfix says:

    just another republican tool.

  20. DonnO says:

    You do realize that people still get fake IDs. The new fancy drivers licenses they created have not stopped that so why wouldn’t they just use a fake ID if this law were put in place.

    Seems like A LOT of work and red tape for such a minimal return. I would think providing access to such a great american liberty is more important than turning good people away because of a few bad apples.

    • BigBoyBC says:

      Blah, blah, blah and if cows shit butter, you wouldn’t have to churn it…

  21. NewfornatSux says:

    Funny how so many people insist this is not a problem. What website is putting out these talking points? Daily Kos called for ID cards ten years ago.

    The number of dead people casting ballots is known. Locating people who cast these ballots to prosecute is difficult. So according to the liberal talking points, there is no fraud because you failed to catch the person who committed the fraud. And because James OKeefe chose not to go to jail, there is no vote fraud here either.

    You want another example of voter fraud? People are going to jail in Indiana because of their voting fraud in 2008. Barack Obama did not really qualify for the ballot that year, and some officials forged signatures to get him eligible.

  22. msbpodcast says:

    Want further proof that the votes that you fill in (the chad you used to punch,) aren’t what counts, because they aren’t what’s counted?

    Its the dollar bills, ya’ll, dollar bills.

    Got enough dollar bills? You win!

    Go on, you 1%ers, borrow lots of dollar bills from your pals the Billionaires.

    The more the billionaires lend you in elections, the less they’ll pay you in taxes.

    Meanwhile we 99%ers will die the death of a thousand paper cuts.

  23. jbenson2 says:

    ACORN registered the Dallas Cowboy front line in Las Vegas, Nevada.

    Al Franken won the senate seat by a couple hundred votes even though there were precints with over 100% voting participation.

    How do you have over 100% voting participation?

    You know and I know. 2 million people still registered who are dead. If you go to the poll and take their place, they’re not going to complain.

    In several states, including Minnesota, you can have your buddy vouch for you, even if you have no ID.

    And the libs say: What’s the problem?

  24. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    jbenson2 continues in his warped ditto head ways says:
    4/10/2012 at 7:38 am

    ACORN registered the Dallas Cowboy front line in Las Vegas, Nevada. /// ACORN, no longer in existence because of the lies and manipulations of OKeefe and Breitbart. Why go after ACORN? Because they registered Democrats. Plain and simple. But yes, assuming it actually happend==you got an example of voter fraud.

    Al Franken won the senate seat by a couple hundred votes even though there were precints with over 100% voting participation. /// Wasn’t that election result challenged? Took months to recount and remove the fraudulent votes?

    How do you have over 100% voting participation? /// Lying, cheating, and stealing?


    And the libs say: What’s the problem? /// The problem is you take away the vote of 1000’s to get at the fraud of one.

    The problem is “voter fraud” is used as a pretext for removing qualified people from voting because they are democrats.

    The problem is there is no effort at all made to provide citizens with valid id as to do so would advantage the Democrats.

    Around and around it goes. Both parties aimed at their own power grab while calling it whatever is word tested for greatest impact.

    “Conservatives: good at leadership, duty, and loyalty” from the genetic basis for political party selection: http://newscientist.com/article/mg21428590.200-political-divides-begin-in-the-brain.html?DCMP=OTC-rss&nsref=online-news

    Trouble is, for some reason that needs more study, the Pukes become loyal to the TeaPublicans rather than to America or the truth.

    Same as it always is.

    • Rod Flatlander says:

      Two fundamental mind sets at play:

      “It’s not really out of control, so don’t worry about it. Wait and see.”

      “Before it gets really out of control, do something to prevent it. Act now.”

      I think dems and repubs, libs and conservs, (whatever), live in two different temporal dimensions that don’t ring true to each other.

      The rest of us live in the twilight zone or are permanently out to lunch.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        Flatman–its more of a “tendency” than separate magisteriums. What is interesting to me is how this tendency demonstrates itself across a wide range of what initially look like independent activities==you know, who we love, what movies we like, cares we drive, jobs we do=====and they all positively correlate to how we vote. All leading to: “Why do I think the way I do?==Am I thinking, really thinking, or just acting like an animal in a herd according to my programming.”

        Is that inherently interesting, or just another lib/con divide?

        • Rod Flatlander says:

          Confronted with an issue, we quickly decide whether we’ve already supported or rejected its premise.

          If we have, the tendency for most people is to “stay the course” and logically defend their position if necessary.

          It takes more work to deliberately re-think an issue in light of current conditions because we risk being rejected and fear that we won’t be accepted into the new thought camp.

          The issues we refuse to re-think are the most basic ones that form our personal belief system. These are often inherited, or ones found to “serve you well” over the years.

          When arguing different belief systems, you probably just need to “agree to disagree” and move on.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            Yes indeed. “I refuse to reconsider what has been shown to me to be wrong, but I can only agree to disagree.” Yes, thats what the right wing does by and large. They are in fact wrong, can shown to be wrong, cannot defend themselves from being wrong, but lets agree to disagree?

            I say NO!

            Lets agree you have been shown to be wrong and you are too pig headed to see it or admit to it. Thats all I will agree to.

            On a forum like this, there is no “forcing” of the issue. In life, there can be but not often. How?? Eg–you and your party are all about hating gays, then your kiddies turns out to be one. Slowly, Cheney changes his position==but the party he shaped around this party continues on with his demonstrable wrong position. Agree to disagree? No–the issue is taken to the streets.

            Same with anti-abortion freaks who’s kiddie gets raped. THEN it becomes a personal decision and idiot like Herb Cane will continue to mouth the anti-abortion position while in the same sentence say his hypothetical daughter would make her own decision. Agree to disagree?–No.

            That only avoids the truth of the issue and allows the unthinking to still seek office. So, no agreeing to disagree==we just count the votes.

    • jbenson2 says:

      Shouldn’t the Democrats help the poor & suffering improve their lot in life. Look at all the priveledges the poor cannot obtain without an ID.


      Bobbo, you know and I know that the Democrats don’t give a damn about the poor. Just like the Union thugs. All that matters to them is to cheat.

      Hugh Hewitt wrote a great book about the problem and the solution. “If It’s Not Close, They Can’t Cheat: Crushing the Democrats in Every Election and Why Your Life Depends on It”.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        Parsing jbenson2 in one of the few instances he has deigned to respond to a direct challenge says:
        4/10/2012 at 9:15 am

        Shouldn’t the Democrats help the poor & suffering improve their lot in life. Look at all the priveledges the poor cannot obtain without an ID.

        http://goo.gl/dgjOq /// Ok, thats humorous, even though I haven’t shown ID in almost all those examples. The Chevy Volt? Really? But the key here I would like to float is that what “the rich and privileged” don’t understand ((among just about everthing else they emote over)) is that when you improve the life of the poor and suffering you also improve the life of the rich. That statement only assumes that you do leave your high security compound every once in a while. Still hard to see this in America, but travel the world a bit and you can’t avoid what class stratification does lead to===no fun for EVERYONE involved.

        Bobbo, you know and I know that the Democrats don’t give a damn about the poor. Just like the Union thugs. All that matters to them is to cheat. /// I think that is only 20% true about Demonrats, 40% for Unions, 60% for Union Thugs, 80% for Republicans, and 99.9 % for Puke Posting Shills like ……. like your little coterie. But even you guys only reach 99.9==I think each of you posting reasonably on a narrow issue from time to time. JB–linking to a cartoon is a saving grace. Maintain that touch. Its not as good as it could be, but its not the worst either.

        Hugh Hewitt wrote a great book about the problem and the solution. “If It’s Not Close, They Can’t Cheat: Crushing the Democrats in Every Election and Why Your Life Depends on It”. /// Good point which is why the few cases where the fraud exceeds the margin of error is important and relevant. But it is the Pukes who take that valid concern and extend it to voting areas where fraud is not important enough to address and is only done as pretext.

        Why do you vote Repbuplican JB. And do you recognize the Republican Party of your middling years cannot even be recognized within the Puke Party you champion today? Regan and Nixon could not be nominated in your party today? Obama is a moderate Republican by the standards of 30 years ago?

        Why do you and all so many others let labels control your thinking. Even outdated labels!!!!!!

        Use your brain for something other than a doorstop.

        • jbenson2 says:


          Republicans: “Leave us alone”
          Democrats: “Take care of us”

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            JB–thats cute but a total lie made to make the lazy comfortable.

            You probably think the rich should get tax cuts because they pay 40% of the taxes while the poor pay none?

            Ha, ha – – -yes, just that stupid, unthinking, and falsely self-serving.

            Yes, lets rephrase: “Give me Everything, and then don’t tax me.”

            But, lets touch base with what everyone should like in some way? http://huffingtonpost.com/michael-wigge/travel-for-free_b_1413200.html?ref=daily-brief?utm_source=DailyBrief&utm_campaign=041012&utm_medium=email&utm_content=BlogEntry&utm_term=Daily%20Brief

            Not for that link, but the top/side links as they may appear in your browser. The world is such a beatiful place.

          • jbenson2 says:

            Bobbo – you sound like you support Obama’s “Buffett rule”.

            Introducing a minimum 30 percent income tax on millionaires “was never our plan to bring the deficit down and get the debt under control,” Jason Furman, the principal deputy director of the White House National Economic Council, told reporters on a conference call Monday afternoon.

            In the past 3+ years of Obama’s administration, has any Democrat come up with a plan to reduce the deficit?

            For that matter, has any Democrat come up with a federally mandated budget? We’re over 1,070 days and still waiting.

            Geithner summed up the Democrat’s fiscal position by stating to Congress: “We’re not coming before you to say we have a definitive solution to that long-term problem. What we do know is we don’t like yours.”

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            JB–is this really you?–In a talkative mood? Attaboy.

            “But” we are not engaged. You respond, but not directly to anything I have raised, you go from talking point to talking point not addressing the fact your talking points are mostly wrong.

            That is why I PARSE.

            Defined: Parsing is a common term used in psycholinguistics when describing language comprehension. In this context, parsing refers to the way that human beings, rather than computers, analyze a sentence or phrase (in spoken language or text) “in terms of grammatical constituents, identifying the parts of speech, syntactic relations, etc.

            The bobboparse: responding directly to individual points made rather than constantly avoiding coming into contact with reality.

            Let me PARSE you once again JB:

            jbenson2 says:
            4/10/2012 at 10:17 am

            Bobbo – you sound like you support Obama’s “Buffett rule”. // Yes, a progressive income/wealth tax avoids the formation of a landed aristrocracy the ills of which we can see even today. Such societal stratification is anti-democratic and leads to armed revolution-aka=not good for everybody.

            Introducing a minimum 30 percent income tax on millionaires “was never our plan to bring the deficit down and get the debt under control,” Jason Furman, the principal deputy director of the White House National Economic Council, told reporters on a conference call Monday afternoon. /// Whats the point? Things never end in the way they begin. I have no target tax rate. Simply: figure out the structure of what is needed/desired to be provided AND PAY FOR IT. Seems to me a deficit curing budget along a 10 year plan needs to be devised and everyone (everyone includes both Dem and Puke) needs to stop lying.

            In the past 3+ years of Obama’s administration, has any Democrat come up with a plan to reduce the deficit? /// Yes. Single Payer Insurance and taxing those above $250K and maintaining the Inheritance Tax==all good ideas that would reduce the deficit and all opposed and blocked by the Pukes with no ideas at all themselves as to how to reduce the deficit.

            For that matter, has any Democrat come up with a federally mandated budget? We’re over 1,070 days and still waiting. /// I think so? Aren’t they blocked so early in the process they don’t see the light of day but they are actually drafted? It matters little though as Pukes think that grinding the government to a halt every 4 months is a winning political strategery.

            Geithner summed up the Democrat’s fiscal position by stating to Congress: “We’re not coming before you to say we have a definitive solution to that long-term problem. What we do know is we don’t like yours.” /// A totally true statement. Whats your point? The soul shredding hypocrisy of Ryan’s deficit continuing budget placed on the backs of the poor?

            If you respond–why not a new post at the bottom?

          • jbenson2 says:

            Because there is no Reply at the bottom of your post.

            Besides, you are getting way off topic.

            As usual.

  25. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    jbenson2 demonstrating a complete inability to contextualize anything he says:
    4/10/2012 at 11:02 am

    Because there is no Reply at the bottom of your post. /// Exactly–which is why i suggested posting at the bottom of the thread as I have done here.

    Besides, you are getting way off topic. /// Way off topic huh? So, as I am responding directly to each point you make in your post, “the topic” must then be: lets flood this blog with talking points and never respond to any factual counterpoints?

    so transparent you are JB. I think Rush is going to ask for his dittohead nation card back from you. Step carefully.

    As usual. /// For what I take from that, thank you.

    Silly Hoomans.

    • jbenson2 says:

      I certainly try to respond to factual counterpoints, unfortunately, you seem to have trouble creating anything that resemble a factual counterpoint.

      I’m not being rude. You’re just insignificant.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        So skillfully done JB. I never even saw it coming…or going.

        Nothing there but a collection of talking points. The Alfie of political contributions.

        And thus, reality excapes you.

        …..and your ilk.

        Yea, verily.

        • Bob73 says:

          That’s it bobbo. Always get the last word. As for me, there isn’t enough room here to bother setting your mind straight. From everything I’ve read from you I can see it would take a great deal of unscrambling and there simply isn’t that much room here. Now it’s your turn to make some kind of disparaging remark(s) about someone who would DARE find fault with the great bobbo.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            Well, I can’t find fault with you as you don’t say anything.

            Surprise us, and say something intelligent? Something based on a fact that can be analyzed?

            Lets take a closer look?

            So far all you have said is that I always get the last word? /// Not true. If you are an idiot long enough, I will stop responding to you. See Pedro just above for such an example.

            There isn’t enough room here to respond to me and set my mind straight? //// I’m not aware of any length restrictions here at DU. If such a limit exists, would your fair challenge be to present your argument as concisely as required? You know, more than a twit, but less than a garbage truck?

            Nothing is as valuable to me as a correcting remark. >>>>>>> Go!

  26. NiktheElectrician says:

    It’s funny.. I worked as an election official up here in Canada. We just enacted voter ID laws up here, and most of the howling comes from older conservatives who think it is a violation of the rights they fought for in the wars. I guess the view changes in a country without the same history of racial strife as the US.

  27. Publius says:

    Dvorak believes the James O’Keefe’s Project du jure?

    Strong back, weak mind

  28. clifffton says:

    James O’Keefe, really? Andy B isn’t here to protect him anymore.
    Pond scum has a better reputation than Jimmy!

    Maybe Allen West can adopt him????

  29. Uncle Patso says:

    “I’ll be back Faster than you can say Furious,” the young man jokes on his way out, in a reference to the Fast and Furious gunwalking scandal that has plagued Holder’s Department of Justice.

    Oh, so now they have comedy writers?

  30. MartinJJ says:

    Just another sign of a corrupt system.

    In almost any other normal country around the globe you need to show an ID first before you can vote. Usually no dead people on the lists either. Or large groups excluded because the government doesn’t like them.

    It’s not even worthy to discuss. It’s just corrupt.


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