Executive Producers: Sir Chad Biederman, Sir Allan Beane
Associate Executive Producers: Ross Hayes, Michael Kearns, Sir Yaz
Art By: Nick the Rat
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  1. BigBoyBC says:

    Geeze guys, Gregory Peck wasn’t in the 1962 “Mutiny on the Bounty”, you were getting it mixed up with the 1956 “Moby Dick” where he played Captain Ahab .

    As for “To Kill a Mockingbird”, the character of “Tom Robinson” was accused of raping, not murdering character “Mayella Ewell”.

    Dudes! These are classic pieces of literature and classic movies too, you shouldn’t be making such mistakes. I think you guys need to have a No Agenda Movie Night.

    • NICKtheRAT says:

      its hard to remember such details with the huge wealth of information in the system. they had the main idea. id say rape and murder are in a sorta similar league! 🙂

    • MartinJJ says:

      Details in movies from 50 years ago? I can’t even remember when I have seen them.

      The real question is why Obama (or whoever he really is) suddenly promotes that really old movie. Knowing he always talks about one thing while trying to achieve something else, makes it suspicious. The movie is about tolerance and fighting prejudice. So is he actually promoting racism here? Elections soon and he sure can use some support from the black community.

    • We were talking about Moby Dick..or at least thinking about Moby Dick. I know I mentioned the beard and maybe the whale.

      Screwy foul-up.

  2. Publius says:

    So two guys are walking past a grave cave of a recently killed criminal of the state, a cheap natural tomb if you will. The guys notice the body is missing. Some days later, the body, animated this time, appears back at the cave. The two guys had been back there again wondering where the body went. Surprised as all get out at the zombie’s existence, they tell everyone. Everyone decides to wear jewelry in the form of the torture device that the state used to inflict capital punishment on the perp cum zombie. This goes on for two thousand more years, at least.

    What story is this?

  3. Publius says:

    Stupid victims, always trying to ratchet up the issue that they suffer. Let them eat cake.

    — Majesties Dvorak and Curry, Tory Conservatives both Good and Proper

  4. Glenn E. says:

    Good catch Dvorak and Curry, for the media hype of everything being a racial issue. Whether it be some recently slaying. Or promoting some old movie, about a time before blacks had the vote, by Obama himself. Helping him get another term. Just in case the GOP’s carefully chosen crop of idiots, doesn’t turn off enough voters to do the trick.

    By keeping all four GOP candidates active, right up to the national convention. And having very little information about their pasts exposed to the public. They’ve managed to keep the electoral count to low, to declare a clear winner. So the RNC will have the final vote, taken away from the citizens, to determine the most objectionable candidate to go up against Obama. And like in 2008, and their McPalin ticket. It will be an easy victory for the Democrats again. But it won’t make any difference in the US’ foreign policy. Or its wars for oil wells. Or its tax breaks for the wealthy. It’ll be corruption as usual, on the Hill.

  5. ECA says:

    A person is complaining about ALL the bugs hanging around the front of his home..He mentions that he has a Bug zapper and its working.
    A farmer comes up and asks Where the bug zapper is..
    The person says it Out side the front door.
    The farmer mentions that its SUPPOSED to attract bugs, and that HIS is out on the north 40, 1/2 mile away and works fine.

  6. ECA says:

    Another bug trick, is that BUG zappers dont attract mosquitoes.. You need heat and CO2 to attract them..NOT UV.

  7. ECA says:

    Drinking alcohol…
    Alcohol in beer and wine ISNT what it USED TO BE..
    They all use chemicals. there is very few without them.

    Drinking 1-2 beer is to relax,
    1 wine is the same..
    For Flavor, to relax..to get comfortable..
    But you cant find anything EQUAL to that feeling.
    When we are relaxed, we think better, we ACT/FEEL better. We are more open.(look up Barley-hops soup, very comforting)

    MORE then that, as well as with MOST DRUGS…
    tends to mean you are TRYING to make TIME go by FASTER..
    What is there to DO, to keep active…Where can you go to get Education/training/avocation/entertainment for FREE and spend TIME…

  8. observer says:

    So JCD, you chose to go on a rant about the value of forgiveness…on Easter?

  9. ECA says:

    Look up the AA12…Made in USA not sold..its available in Canada.

  10. ECA says:

    If you want better range…look up the 308 AR modification..


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