1. Stan says:


  2. Look at those evil eyes
    Its coming out
    The kid who beat you in the sandbox when you were 4 years old is now your boss in the adult (?) work world no doubt

  3. msbpodcast says:

    Easter Bunny: Yum yum. Fuck your easter eggs… I’ll bet you look great with an apple in your mouth, ya little pig.

    Pedophilia? Fuck that; pedophagia.

    Now squeal you tasty lil’ morsel, squeal.

  4. Skeptic says:

    Throne, $120.00

    Bunny suit, $ 209.99

    Rewarding a child with candy and gifts to believe in supernatural entities as part of the brainwashing ritual to believe in a god who will give you the ultimate gift of everlasting life,

    …. priceless.

    • deowll says:

      I enjoyed the traditional Easter celebrations as a kid at my church and still want a hard boiled egg for Easter but then as I grew older I realized that nothing about Easter eggs and rabbits had jack to do with anything in the Bible. This is purely and simply left over preChristian behavior. A celebration of spring pure and simple.

      • muddauber says:

        Good analysis and historical reference. It is as charming tradition and has references to ancient pratices. Christians have long supplanted almost all the spring and seasonal fables and traditions with Christian holidays.

        • Gildersleeve says:

          Supplanted? More like preserved. These traditions would have been forgotten in the mists of time without something more important to enrich their meaning.

      • Skeptic says:

        Source: Catholic Encyclopedia

        “Because the use of eggs was forbidden during Lent, they were brought to the table on Easter Day, coloured red to symbolize the Easter joy. This custom is found not only in the Latin but also in the Oriental Churches. The symbolic meaning of a new creation of mankind by Jesus risen from the dead was probably an invention of later times. The custom may have its origin in paganism, for a great many pagan customs, celebrating the return of spring, gravitated to Easter. The egg is the emblem of the germinating life of early spring. Easter eggs, the children are told, come from Rome with the bells which on Thursday go to Rome and return Saturday morning. The sponsors in some countries give Easter eggs to their god-children. Coloured eggs are used by children at Easter in a sort of game which consists in testing the strength of the shells (Kraus, Real-Encyklopædie, s.v. Ei). Both coloured and uncoloured eggs are used in some parts of the United States for this game, known as “egg-picking”. Another practice is the “egg-rolling” by children on Easter Monday on the lawn of the White House in Washington.”

  5. prof. johnnycakes says:

    Sometime in the beginning of the 21st century, people had confused the Easter Bunny with Chupacabras. The rest is tragic history.

  6. Would you go on a fishing tournament with this guy / bunny ?
    Highly unlikely and the same with any kids / relatives or fishing buddies
    Adios amigo

  7. nunyac says:

    Gee, the gang bangers sure do start early these days (kids left hand).

  8. Chris Mac says:

    irfanview eyes?

  9. Glenn E. says:

    “A new law says Easter Bunny impersonators can not be naked (fur only). So a floral jumpsuit is now mandatory.” Feel better now?

  10. andycatus says:

    frank: “why are you wearing that stupid man suit?”

    28 days… 6 hours… 42 minutes… 12 seconds. That… is when the world… will end.

  11. UncDon says:

    “Hey kid, why is your dad whistling the X-Files tune?”

  12. CrankyGeeksFan says:

    A negative of this picture will probably look like the rabbit in the film “Donnie Darko”.

  13. Rob Leather says:

    Donnie Darko, aged 6…. and the cause of his mental unbalance.

  14. EatsManyPunches says:

    Annnnnnd this is me and pops again.
    Looks like my birthday.

  15. The Monster's Lawyer says:


  16. MartinJJ says:

    Ho, ho……..huh?

    It looks like a scanned pic from the 70’s or so.

  17. JimD, Boston, MA says:

    Give me all your chocolate bunnies or the kid gets it !!!

  18. Holdfast says:

    Is that an old photo of Adam Curry?
    (I mean the kid, not the rabbit,)


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