A healthcare think tank founded by Newt Gingrich has filed for bankruptcy, piling further humiliation on the Republican presidential hopeful following the virtual collapse of his campaign.

In the interim between resigning as Speaker of the House in 1998 and announcing his bid for the presidency last year, Mr Gingrich set up a number of businesses, including the Gingrich Group, a healthcare advisory company.

Records show that that the business, which was at the heart of a collection of Gingrich-run firms referred to as ‘Newt, Inc.’, filed for bankruptcy in Atlanta on Wednesday. The company, also known as the Centre for Health Transformation, owed debts of between $1 million and $10 million to a group of fewer than 100 creditors…

Stefan Passantino, a lawyer for Mr Gingrich’s campaign, said the financial collapse did not happen while the candidate was in charge and would not harm his presidential ambitions…

In reality, Mr Gingrich’s campaign has all but surrendered with the former Speaker rarely venturing far beyond the television studios and the Washington DC area.

His lobbying business will have to find a new tax dodge.

Headline inspiration from the List of X

  1. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    What? Now what am I going to do with my moon suit. I paid big bucks for it you know. Damn you Newt.

  2. Just like Gingrich himself?

  3. Shortcut says:

    Where can I get me one of them halos?

  4. Luckily that tank had a tidy bowl man.

  5. NewfornatSux says:

    As a historian, he should have known how many divorced people become president. And Reagan’s wife left him.

    Still give him credit for not letting the media get away with its campaigning for Obama at the debates. Credit for attacking him as the biggest foodstamp president in history, and not letting the media call that remark racist. Also, for pointing out that Obama was a racist for highlighting the Trayvon Martin case and not other cases with white victims.

  6. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    I thought the main issue was bankrupticy law and how it is misused by the rich and powerful? But yeah–like Trump==just run a business into the ground thereby cheating all the investors, lendors, vendors and walk away to start another Corp to do the same thing and call yourself a “business man?” >>>> YOU’RE FIRED!!!!

    Bankruptcy is one thing but organized looting is quite another. They aren’t that hard to tell apart if there was any point in doing so.

    Mandatory purchasing of insurance is very different than single payer. The former requires citizens to buy from private for profit corps while the later is the government. Single Payer works in Europe at half the cost and better outcomes. Probably congress is correct that the USA is too corrupt to make a similar universal system work here. But what we have now doesn’t work either.

    Quite a contest.

  7. Dallas says:

    Whaa? His stink tank abandons his investors by claming bankruptcy protection? How Teapublican of him!

    He should leave the overhaul of our healthcare industry to the Obama administration. Clearly, everyone needs to pay their fair share of heath insurance like the rest of world does.

    You would think that since the private sector controls healthcare delivery and insurance under the Obama plan, the Teapublicans would support.

    Nope. The Teasheeple are led to believe this plan will lead to death panels, destruction of teh American way of life and mandatory gay sex.

  8. msbpodcast says:

    I can’t wait to see how he spins this embarrassing debacle in his auto-hagiography.

    Whoever backed that dead horse is probably laughing his ass off.

    (The rich have a different set of values and a different sense of humour than us 99%ers. [I’d be shitting bricks for even thinking that Gingrich had a chance. {He never did. It was a ploy to keep the GOP primaries in the press.}])

  9. The0ne says:

    Benny Hill is that you? Oh why are you so cruel!

  10. jim g says:

    So, is the moonbase still a go?

  11. Glenn E. says:

    Newt probably needs the medical think tank to build him some cloned females, that can stand to be hitched to him, while he fools around with other cloned females. IOWs, an amoral clone harem.


    The worst thing this site can say about Ron Paul, is some trivial garbage concerning some decades old racist newsletters. Otherwise, he’s “squeaky clean”. Boo Hoo.


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