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Executive Producers: Sir Brett Lamont, Sir Matt Nicole (via Mary), Craig Porter, Joseph Faiella, Sir Scott Hankel, Linda Nguyen
Associate Executive Producers: Anders Edqvist, Sir Kent O’Rourke, Ian Webb, Michael Warner, Sir Lennart, Ryan Burgett
Art By: MartinJJ
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Sites to consider: No Agenda Nation, No Agenda Films, No Agenda Records

  1. Glenn E. says:

    Uh oh, say Adam… I’m not too sure about this, but you may owe John F. Sengstack a royalty for the public performance of “Happy Birthday To You”. Although you only used the melody, very roughly, and not the actual lyrics. I’m not sure if it counts, anyway. doesn’t elaborate on it’s partial use, legalities.

    Nor do they elaborate on it being played by slide whistle, in any creative way, that barely makes it recognizable as the original. I guess it’s up to your conscience whether or not your use constitutes a profit making exhibition that needs paying a royalty. I’m not going to judge you, on that. But just be aware that you might get a phone call about it some day. So next time, find a generic, royalty free, birthday ditty.

    Oh, and Happy 366 Days Since the Last Time You Celebrated, John C. I didn’t forget it was a leap year.

  2. nicktherat says:

    happy birthday johnareno! meeting you and leo was definitely the highlight of my trip. love ya! have a happy and health “60”

  3. dave m brewer says:

    Happy Birthday… John C.

    I listen to the show it gives me insight and laughter. Also it nice to see you on TWIT last week. It’s always a great show (keeper) when your on TWIT.

  4. Glenn E. says:

    “Auntie”?! This helium head is some ivy league, elitist, nutjob. His name is David Wolman. His book is called “The End of Money”. He’s only got a master of arts in journalism from Stanford U. Big deal. So now he thinks he’s a world economics expert. And common people’s problems with money, are only just what he says they are. He’s a fast talker, and his speech is off putting. Using mostly formal highbrow verbiage. You know, he can’t speak beneath his Journalism MA. To me, he sounds like “The Big Bang Theory”s Sheldon Cooper on speed or coke. Acts like him too. A germaphobe, neat freak, “douchebag” (and the Urban Dictionary nails him).

  5. Alex says:

    Here is a torrent link to the episode #397

    Happy Birthday Jonh!


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