“It is a piece of legislation that was essentially supported by both political parties. Indeed the sponsors of the Bill are Carl Levin, a Democrat and John McCain, a Republican. There was no outcry within the systems of power itself, and that of course meant there was no outcry within the media, which allows those systems of power to set the parameters of debate.” Hedges added.

The controversial legislation, signed into law by Obama on New Years Eve, allows American citizens to be abducted and held in a detention camp anywhere in the world without trial under section 1031. Although Obama indicated in a signing statement attached to the bill that he would not use it to indefinitely detain American citizens, it was the Obama administration itself that requested the provision be worded so it would apply to US citizens.

I’ll sign this into law, but I promise I won’t use it. That’s how stupid your President thinks you are.

  1. Dallas says:

    Like to remind the concerned Teapublicans as to the many innocent children that will be protected – and majority of them are white!

    • Angelo says:

      Stupidity confirmed….next.

    • dusanmal says:

      Do note that people on the Right who pushed this through with fellow Left Progressives are one and the same who are contested by the Tea Party… McCain is Right Progressive. Anathema to the Tea Party.

      • none of the above says:

        The Tea Party is a Controlled Opposition front group of the Establishment you think you’re fighting.

        • same crap, different pogrom says:

          you got that right! the typical zioturd opposition takes over a wing or organization or a portion of a party and then steers it into the reeds, essentially looking legitimate and grass roots but always controlled by some jackbooted zionist consortium of scum and villainy that has fully infiltrated the government of the u.s.s.a. the Tea Baggers are just one facet of CORNHOLED OPPOSITION and co-opted ignorant dufus’ who are being used like the 19 arab patsies who pranced around on the mossad and CIA’s dimes for awhile before they all magically SURVIVED their suicide plane crashes on 9/11. time after time morons will just fall into line like the oh so gullible GOP idiots and the oh so ignorant and party aligned DINOCRATS who voted in Barry Soetoro for “Change You Can Abolutely See in any HITCHCOCK HORROR FILM”

          people want a miracle. listen folks, the only miracle is when you find you’re in a fucking FEMA CAMP scheduled for group execution if you won’t be prozac’d and re-educated to THEIR WAY OF THINKING.

          • Rob says:

            Hey my brother. You are so right in your assessment, but I can suggest to you that you are not alone in this struggle.

            I would recommend that ALL vets and active/retired/disabled military and the same for law enforcement people who took and believe in their Oath, to join with the Oath Keepers at oathkeepers.org.

            And I would submit to you that the Old World Order is failing at every turn and in ever way, so have heart.

            A brother vet.

          • Phydeau says:

            It’s unfortunate the Oath Keepers weren’t standing watch when Dubya jacked up the surveillance state apparatus. They didn’t seem to mind it when a Republican was doing it.

            Gosh, it almost looks like they’re just a front group for a bunch of right wing wackos and/or racists who hate Obama and Democrats, and will use any excuse to trash them.

    • Dingbat says:

      You are an idiot….White kids protected by this bill? How about true Patriots going to prison for life for disagreeing with a corrupt government enslaving its own people you tool!

  2. Derek says:


  3. denacron says:

    Now you now why the slogan was “Yes we can”.

    • George says:

      And now you know why We the People are standing firm and strong together and saying, NO YOU WON’T! NOT ON OUR WATCH AND NOT WITH OUR COUNTRY!!

  4. NewfornatSux says:

    Phydeau, Solshenitzyn begs to differ.

    For that matter, even in the US, the primary example of ‘fascism’ is the Wilson Administration.

  5. msbpodcast says:

    the sponsors of the Bill are Carl Levin, a Democrat and John McCain, a Republican.

    There’s your problem right there.

    That sent up an immediate red flag that somebody was lubing up my butt for a big First Amendment plug.

  6. scandihoovian says:

    The “<—- I'm with American" T-shirt sales have been skyrocketing recently. The bi-partisan version of the shirt is the best imo.

  7. Lou says:

    A gift to the sheeple of the USA from Obummer.

  8. JohnnyBGoode says:

    Sigh. Another Republican vs Democrat battle in a forum.

    Stupid hoomans.

    • Phydeau says:

      Doesn’t look like it to me. Looks like a bunch of wingnuts still trying to pretend Obama is liberal, and a couple liberals saying no, he isn’t. 🙂

      • JohnnyBGoode says:

        Does it matter? We’re getting screwed by both parties. Those who think it makes a damn bit of difference if ROmney takes his place are delusional. More of the same shit.

  9. One Love says:

    When are you guys going to wake up and realize it is BOTH sides screwing us over? This illusion of two teams just serves to keep us fighting amung ourselves while they do as they please. This is a concerted effoet, and it is working. The best thing you could all do, is put your differences aside and work together to change things before it is too late.

    • Phydeau says:

      I agree, there aren’t two teams any more, the D’s and the R’s seem mostly the same except for social issues.

      • JohnnyBGoode says:

        +1 and +1

      • jpfitz says:

        The D’s current president appearing folksy claiming to help the downtrodden while our amendments get digested by the House and Senate should have people up in arms.

        The R’s best foot foward was somewhat decided by the first political reality program.
        To top this all off… Magical Undergarments.

        Which party is not making you laugh.

    • MargaretBartley says:

      They are playing Good Cop – Bad Cop, and the social divide is to get people to decide which is the Good and which is the Bad. I’m covinced that’s why every spring time in the Presidential election years, the Dems decide to start up the Gay Marriage issue. It’s about the only thing that will incite right-wingers to get out and vote.

      Most of them figured out a long time ago that the Republicans are just corporate whore-mongers. The only thing that will get them to vote is to convince them that the Dems are the Anti-Christ, which is worse than corporate whore-mongering.

  10. jpfitz says:

    “Republican senator Rand Paul said: “If you allow the government the unlimited power to detain citizens without a jury trial, you are exposing yourself to the whim of those in power. That is a dangerous game.”

    Paul, as mentioned, was one of only three Republican senators to vote against the bill. The other warmongering, police statist Senate Republicans are typified by Lindsey Graham, who stated: “It is not unfair to make an American citizen account for the fact that they decided to help Al Qaeda to kill us all and hold them as long as it takes to find intelligence about what may be coming next. And when they say, ‘I want my lawyer,’ you tell them, ‘Shut up. You don’t get a lawyer.’”


    The repubs are to blame for this unabashed Stasi police state NDAA.

  11. Peppeddu says:

    It’s amazing to see how much this guy has changed.
    Four years ago he was one of the biggest promise in American politics, and now he’s playing dictator while making sweet talks.

    Even on his YouTube channel comments has to be approved.

  12. DB says:

    You know, it doesn’t matter who started it. They’ll use those unconstitutional “laws” on all of us without regard as to if we are liberal or conservative. We’ll all be neighbors at the FEMA camp.

  13. Patriot4hire says:

    It pains me to see that the majority still believe in the shell game of electing politicians. The whole left vs right is wearing thin. When will America wake up and realize that there is no difference republicans and democrats are cut from the same filthy rag. No longer is about the people. We do not matter to them we are the sheep and they are our masters. Untill we as Americans wake up and realize that there is no left or right we are doomed to fail as a free society. United we stand divided we fall there is more truth to that statement then we know. So as long as America refuses to wake and get angry at the BS that continues plauge our society we will be the sheep our masters love.

  14. Glenn E. says:

    I can’t help but wonder that if John McCain had become president. We’d still have this NDAA, and maybe it would be Obama suing his administration to repeal it. Since it doesn’t make much sense, which party is for it, and which is against it. If their roles were reversed, I’ll wager thinks would still be just as bad.

    And BTW, what usually happens is that. Once presidential administration signs something heinous into law. And then the next presidential administration takes full advantage of it. So you might want to start wonder, to what use president Romney, will put the NDAA to, that he never swore he wouldn’t?

    • Glenn E. says:

      Oops. sorry. I misread the piece. I thought it was saying that McCain and Levin were involved in some legislation in opposition to the NDAA. And behind the suit. When in fact they were in favor of NDAA, and helped write it. Then Obama gave his seal of approval of it, like a nice obedient puppet working for the MIC, should.

      Something I observed from the clip. First, this is Russian Television News. Pretty ironic that the only source of an outcry against the NDAA, comes from a Russian Tv News channel, operating in the US. But then, it IS being allowed to operate in the US, isn’t it? Wouldn’t you think they’d be cut off or jammed, if the US government really didn’t want you to hear this?

      Second, both the host and guest are standing. And there are no chairs in sight. Not even anywhere close by. Of course they’re probably brought in during the off camera breaks. But this is the first time I’ve seen a standing Tv interview. What’s the psychology here? Also the news desk is crystal clear glass. You can see straight thru it. Not even a built-in data monitor. Nor a keyboard, or laptop on the desk. Just a few sheets of paper. Is this to imply that everything on this show is transparent and honest? That there’s nothing to hide, or being hidden? And maybe they’re standing, because it’s their way of saying is a, “they’re standing up for they believe in” demonstration. Not sitting down, or being too comfortable, because it’s just another piece of news to report.

      Do you think we’ll ever see American Tv news anchors standing up, behind a clear glass set piece, without a computer or prompter in sight? In a way, RT’s style is kind of interesting. But again, maybe we’re being allowed to notice this difference.

  15. Glenn E. says:

    Also, BTW. Of all the legislation that the US Supreme Court could or should be looking into as being unconstitutional, the NDAA isn’t it?! But instead they’re more concerned about the health care bill. Because, unlike Foreign aid, wars protecting oil pipelines, and the manned space program. We shouldn’t be forced to finance something with tax dollars, that’s for the good of all. Just because it MIGHT prevent a plague or stop AIDS. No let’s keep nation health care random and slipshod. While guys like Dick Cheney, gets a new heart at age 71, on the public’s dime.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Now what happens if we get another Geroge W. Bush? Any of you political party pinheads think of that?! Obama isn’t going to be there forever. Sooner or later there will be another President from another party who will USE this power. Even if Obama doesn’t, SOMEONE WILL!

    You can call me whatever name you like if disagree with my political opinions. But when the power hungry political leaders are given (more like take) more power there is REAL reason to be concerned.

    • jpfitz says:

      You’re frightening me… Another oil connected southern governor as president. Nooo!

    • Glenn E. says:

      Yes. That what I basically said, earlier. Though I may have not worded it as clearly as I wished to. One president gets these things passed. And then another, a term or so later, takes it the next step and screws us over, with an “old” law, some previous admin had Ok’d (but vowed not to abuse). Like these puppets in the White House, don’t all have the same puppeteer holding their strings.

  17. Rick says:

    The sad irony of having to watch Russia Today to get unbiased journalism on American news.

  18. kayfabian says:

    what happens when the majority of you catch up to your tail? Smh… Liberal vs. Conservative, haha! Levin/McCain sponsored ndaa and biden wrote the gestapo act back in 1995-1996. Nazi jr. Leapt at the ability to enact it following the false flag attack on the towers. A long time ago there was a political party dubbed ‘Democratic-Republican’ – one could see the simplicity here. Sun tzu anyone? Divide and conquer? There is not a division between the ‘two’ parties present day. Just for show. Remember, in this corporation it was founded as a REPUBLIC and ‘your vote counts.’

  19. Kevin says:

    I pledge allegiance to the Constitution of the united States of America…

    Notice the word “united” is not capitalized. That is intentional and not a mistake.

    Obama is a puppet. Bush(s) was a puppet. Clinton was a puppet. Reagan was a puppet. Carter..puppet.

    We NEED to be focusing on the darned puppet masters. Look at the board of directors of major international banks and corporations. Look in our political think tanks.

    They have enjoyed operating in the dark for so long.

    Keep in mind what happens when you back a rat into a corner though.


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