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Yeah, but Cameron and brown believe/believed it
ROFL….Who knew the Danish wanted to feel special. “Gee, Pres. Obama we thought we where the only one. Now, we find out you say that to every country…!” Well that that is it, Obama’s lack of sweet talking telling Denmark she is the most fairest of them all, ruined those important relations and ties with that overly-sensive world power Denmark.
Honestly, Obama is playing it safe. It really isn’t a big deal, except to the Danish. Clearly, some allies have the need to feel more special than the others when Obama goes a courtin’.
What it says is that the people of the EU hold the president in the same high regard as most citizens of the US of A hold him. Translation: They think he’s a joke.
It’s funny, China doesn’t think Obama is a joke. Nor does Iran, North or South Korea. If the EU thinks our President is a joke than they must us American’s are clowns. Funny the joke is on them.
So Chinese slapping US businesses operating there as they please (for political reasons), Iran and Middle East boiling over as US stabilizing role eroded there due to the weak foreign policy (the main reason we pay 4+$/gal on the pump) or the N.Korea, launching a rocket aimed at threatening US in particular at about the time of Presidential visit to S.Korea – are all symptoms of great respect and fear? Who got the pink drone from Iranians after all?
US stops buying Chinese goods (as a result of US companies doing business with China) they are screwed. Why, because if they raise their price on goods, no more cheap goods for the US. The US goes to another country to buy, oh say some place like Pakistan who are willing to produce goods for cheaper.
We are on Iran’s religious nutcases’ nuke hit list – when they finally succeed in developing a nuke. We are according to them the enemy. The non-secular Iran that has been oppressed by the religious faction has modeled much of its self from the US. The Iranian people previously have been openly pro-American. A good portion of the population still are. See Iran, pre 1980.
Korean war have you heard of that war? South Korean is one of the countries we do have trade with. If we, for what ever reason decided to cut them off, South Korea would be hurting on an epic scale. North Korea, when Kim Jung whats his face was alive took America very serious with his threats. The current government is taking the US seriously.
You’re right. Obama is a joke – a bad joke.
After all, Obama is a lawyer. And everyone knows that lawyers (with big egos) are the best at practicing medicine, running businesses, being philanthropists and so on that it’s silly to assume that anyone other than a lawyer could also be a head of state – or even a comedian!
And if we ever stop laughing long enough we just might realize how stupid “we the people” have been to keep voting these bastards into power.
(Not that any republican is any sort of great savior to the world or any sort of breath of fresh air either. Even most republican leaders are damned lawyers too.)
I don’t think I like your tone young man.
You get the impression that Obama, like 99% of Americans, is only vaguely aware that these countries exist, know where they are located or anything about them.
Meh..If I were president, I’d say ….
” Thanks for coming to see me. First off, is it Dutch, Holland, Netherlands or Denamrk? WTF is that about? ‘
” … anyway, the Dane/Danish/Dutch/ whatever, make great pastries and they can always rely on the United States to rescue their sorry asses from the Germans.
Denmark and Holland are different countries. Netherlands is more regional, kind of like the Americas.
Idiot. And you get to vote. This is how we end up with a moran like Barry.
A moron calling someone a moron, using made up facts.
Must be a Santorum supporter. No wonder he is still around.
Yeah, like I said. Thanks for the confirmation.
Hey moran, The Netherlands is a country.
You can’t even acknowledge your own stupidity! You realize that is the height of stupidity, right?
Of course not, you’re too busy pulling poop out of your butt to put on your lunch plate.
Now that was just mean.
Be careful saying that if you’re in Holland. Might get a wooden shoe upside your head.
Netherlands regional like what? What a buffoon. No wonder loons like you eliminated the two smartest people from the Teapublican beauty contest.
Huntsman and Paul are out and you’re going with a tool banished from his own party, a Christian Taliban and billionaire who hides his money offshore.
To be Head of State: what a boring ceremonial job. There really is no reason at all to listen to politicians.
Just follow the money.
I think the problem is more to do with this need to have these silly, scripted press conferences than with what words are copied and pasted between them.
I am amazed that he can even say the countries’ names.
Most Americans don’t even know these places exist let alone be able to point them out on a map.
Hell most Americans think that Alaska and Hawaii are right next to each other off the coast of California.
Wait until Joe Biden fills in one day and says…
“We have no stronger ally than Mr. President, insert country name here”.
He friends everybody on Facebook
Det er godt at dansker og nordmenn er like gode i bokseringen… but the man delivering these words is nothing but a puppet and chill for someone else with a totally different agenda.
He is repeating the praise to each country representative in such a simplistic and outright stupid way that it is – funny!
Does he say it about Israel? He sure doesn’t act that way.
In contrast with the amercian (fake) media, the media in europe still broadcast all these little meetings of the heads of states visiting the american presidents. And those BS remarks are noticed by many. No need to explain they do not take americans very seriously anymore.
In my observation, the foreign press STILL take America seriously. To the point of hyper-sensitivity.
The only reason I can think to take this country serious anymore is that we are still prone to invading countries when there is an economic interest for us in it.
But you know it’s a double standard.
If Obama had even the smallest slip-of-the-tongue about Denmark, they’d howl in the press for weeks.
Living overseas, that used to drive me crazy.
Look, he hits his marks and delivers his lines.
Could you have seemed so sincere?
I don’t think so.
Thanks for this wonderful bit of video. Sadly, this is how many Americans feel Obama treats us — as a number, a blank space in a template, or as something made from the same cookie cutter.