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Still wonder? Where’s the article?
Oops, my fault. I had the vimeo sites script blocked. First time I’ve encountered this problem.
Am I the only person who sees the hypocracy here? Why is it when PETA and Vegans talk about animals as being equal to humans we accept that argument. But when Perry brings this analogy into women’s rights, suddenly it’s insulting. Do humans and other animals deserve equal treatment or don’t they? I say let women do what they want and let me have my hamburger!
What wrong with People Eating Tasty Animals?
OMG that’s a good one! PETA ha! Most animals are just evil and nasty, espceially CATS! nasty vermin
The difference is that one is already born and capable of suffering, while the other is not. We’re not talking about the ill-treatment of babies *after* they are born! Unborn is unborn.
Huh? ….. I was following the story waiting for the big payoff.
So, this salt of the earth guy is willing to give away all his chickens if women were forced to birth brain damaged babies?
Do these people understand how many chickens it takes to care for a brain damaged baby until it dies at age 4? Who was this guy—Foster Farms?
The pathetic stupidity of that guy is only matched by too many who will post here after Wilber. W i l b e r………….
You know, come to think of it, at least chickens can feed themselves ……….
Too bad this douche’s mother didn’t have access to birth control.
Why do Teapublicans hate women? They want to control their bodies, insert probes in their vagina and treat them like livestock.
This is not right. Why is the raping and killing of women (many of them white) a Teapublican party platform?
Salt of the Earth people are not a good thing.
Might as well have called them poisonous fucking rubes.
The Athenians, Spartans and other tribal leaders used to salt the earth it was to destroy the land for use as agriculture pastures.
You can’t grow shit on salt soaked land.
Except mangrove swamps… (Lets be honest here. 🙂 )
Pod, those salt of the earth folks are the ones you want to run the country. I quote here
“Eligibility requirements are:
• were you born here or are you a naturalized citizen?
• are you a permanent resident in a village, town or city within our borders?
• are you above the age of 25?
• are you healthy enough? (you don’t suffer from any clinical health issue(s) or mental impairment(s) which would prevent you from fulfilling your duties?)
• have you NEVER served on the government before?
• have you NEVER been found guilty of a violent crime?
• have you NEVER been found to be clinically insane?
Answer yes to all of these questions, you’re eligible for selection.”
The odds are that Mr and Mrs Average couldn’t do as much damage as that execrable, hypocritical, self-serving, rich fuck of a douche bag who is currently telling women that they don’t know their own bodies and he does because he’s got testicles…
Besides, in my selection system women stand as much chance of getting selected as men.
The chambers of government could do with some fresh blood, as opposed to the current sausage fest.
I’d like to run him through a Henderson machine.
Even I wince at the pictures… 🙂
What do you base your “odds” on? Have you learned nothing posting on this blog?
The folks you would elect are just as opinionated, hypocritical, judgmental, obnoxious, bigoted, and just as entrenched in their ideas as the folks currently in office
You evade the the reality that your idea is just as screwed up as the current system. States that have implemented something as simple as term limits are seeing the result in legislative sessions that go nowhere. Everyone is an amateur politician and so tied up in their own agenda nothing ever gets done. I would point you to the current Missouri legislature as proof.
Don’t you get the distinct impression that some of the US states are still living in the 19th century? Or at least their elected officials are. Is their only experience with life and death, truly that of the rich drama of the barnyard? Or di they just make this crap up, hoping they’ll connect with the common folk, and seem less elitist?
His is just pissed Rosie O’Donald’s talk show got the axe on the OWN network, which is tanking, The network is having to lay off 1/5 of its staff and restructuring operations. You really can’t blame the closet trannie waiting on the nether region nip and tuck. People do get cranky waiting too long.
I am always amazed that the people that want to end abortion have no qualms in having capital punishment.
Their ethics are like castles in sand.
You are easily amazed.
The execution of a criminal who has committed a capital crime.
The killing of what is in their view a defenseless innocent human being for the crime of existence.
I’m against any and all killing, so don’t bother trying to justify the states’ killing.
Put ’em in jail, lock ’em up and throw away the key, I don’t care but I am not a murderer and that’s all there is to it.
If you leave wiggle room then its: Well gampa’s gotten too old, almost 50, (and his bank balance hasn’t.) or This is to pay off those parking tickets and make sure you won’t get any once and for all or Did you see what that ugly little faggot did to my hair?
Yes, torture and inhumane treatment is always better than putting the criminal to death. Then you can go to church, get forgiven, and feel all warm and fuzzy because you had no part in killing the criminal.
And killing someone is better?
Are you a Jew or a Muslim?
Where do you get torture and inhumane treatment Grandpa.
I’d get all the pot dealers and pot users out of jail and give them jobs in “smoke shops.”
That would empty out most of the current warehouses we call prisons.
The really violent psychopaths I’d medicate till they were virtual zombies and lock up in an asylum. (Or do you want John Hinkley Jr or Charlie Manson showing up at your door.)
I’m not nice, I just don’t believe in murder, no matter who does it.
If you’re innocent, you still have hope, if you’re not, you have nothing to hope for except a long stretch…
And what does killing murderers do?
In all the millennia that we have killed killers has it stopped murder?
If you keep doing the same thing over and over and still get the same result what is that called?
Besides it cost more to kill murderers than to imprison them for life.
I say prison and put them to work. That will profit us more than adding to the already 113 billion dead this planet has seen.
The bill to which this jackwagon is referring goes beyond aborting a viable fetus. Under this bill, any pregnancy, viable or not, beyond 20 weeks cannot be legally terminated. Therefore, if you are carrying a fetus with no brain, you must carry the pregnancy to term and wait for natural labor and delivery, just like farm animals. If you are carrying a dead fetus at 21 weeks, you must wait for natural labor to ensue before delivery, just like farm animals. Apparently, because women are just like farm animals in his opinion. With the exception of illegal fighting chickens, they are apparently more important.
I couldn’t get the whole way through. Douche is right.
I read this as Cows, Pedro and Women are alike.
42 responses and no one commented on the subtitle, “no woman should be forced to give birth to a child that she knows will die.” Isn’t every child born going to die?
Just sayin’.
Lynn, I don’t see that subtitle anywhere on my browser. What an incredibly stupid thing to say for someone with a facility for language.
What do you think such words could possibly mean in fuller context if more words were used for those who need a pole axe to the forehead before a point will be accepted?
Funny you would pull a stunt like this on a topic that is central to the core of your ex religious devotion. A good example of how religion forms/warps the very way a person thinks even once the pressure is taken away? Memories spring back into shape and force still giving voice to the caged bird within?
Free yourself Lynn. Yes, we all die. The point is, we should all make the most of our lives while we can.
Just saying.
Bobbo your mom had a transvaginal ultrasound and the probe smacked you right in the head didn’t it.