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Executive Producers: No Agenda Nation, Sean Longworth
Art By: Nick the Rat

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  1. deowll says:

    So the plebeians get a job guaranteed by the government and no doubt assigned (slave labor?) food, clothing and shelter per government spec, and sterilized if they don’t meet the government spec and have permission to reproduce. The government controls all resources in the best interest of everyone of course.

    Why does this sound like living in concentration camps/Soviet Russia under Stalin?

  2. Glenn E. says:

    Jason Russell gets detained eh? Yeah, dry him out, or bring him down off whatever he high on, and cover that all up. Lose the medical report. Whatever. So he doesn’t loose too much credibility with this hyped up phony cause.

  3. Glenn E. says:

    Adam, if you think these Amber Alerts are lame. What about those blurry little postage stamp sized video clips they show of someone holding up a bank or 7-11? It’s like they REALLY don’t want you to ID the perp. in the clip. That is already bad quality video or still image. And then, it doesn’t even fill up the Tv screen. Is this the best image quality banks can do? And then they insult your intelligence by asking if the viewers can ID the suspect in he hoodie, when you can even see the face. Oh yeah. Recognize those cheap clothes? They’re including the viewers in law enforcement process. Sure they are. Squint hard and see if that’s anyone you know. What a joke, the local Tv news is.

  4. Glenn E. says:

    Adam Curry, it just struck me. Al Gore is the Carry Nation of the 21th century. And man-made Global Warming is the result of the new demon brew “carbon”. And Cap and Trade and Carbon Credits will lead to a 21th century Prohibition of energy usage. And we all know what that lead to. Organized crime and the Great Depression. Thank you Al f-ing Gore, for the Roaring Twenties all over again. The Two Thousand Twenties, that is. Ironically enough, the big named gangster of the 1920s was also “Al”. Al Capone. Coincidence? Or history repeating itself. Yeah, I can see it now, Al “Capone” Gore. Only don’t count on Kevin Costner taking him down. Cause this time around, the DOJ will be in bed with him.

  5. ivan says:

    When I heard about Konyguy freakout my first reaction was they pull the plug on the guy. Better plug than slug. I mean they “sprinkled” his usual dose with something special. Meantime George pull the fast one and got arrested on the other side of country in front completely different embassy or issue, whatever.
    Very nice played.

  6. Glenn E. says:

    By the what Curry said, if I understood him right, Kony is like a failing old fart of a warlord. And whatever he was, when Russell started filming, he is no longer. But Russell needs money to keep getting high. And so he put his “work” on Youtube. Because any other venue would have rejected nine year old film footage. And now he’s got cause hungry Americans (because it’s a fad to believe you’re doing something good), to pony up their time and money. While Russel rolls in it. He reminds me of Balloon Boy’s dad. Getting everyone worked up over a small mylar inflatable “saucer”, that couldn’t carry a bowling ball aloft. Never mind a small child. But that lying sack of crap had authorities chasing after that balloon. Just to help himself get in the news, and maybe get a Tv show. He hoped.

    Meanwhile I believe the mainstream news media willingly latches onto these fakes and their fake causes, as a diversion from real issues, they hope to avoid covering.


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