The Little Rock Airport Commission has scheduled a discussion at its meeting Tuesday to rename the airport the Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport. The idea has kicked around for years, with varying amounts of cheering and jeering. Hillary Clinton served for a time as legal counsel to the airport. I’m guessing the votes are in hand now to honor Arkansas’s native son president and his wife, the secretary of state.

Can’t wait to fly into Chicago’s BO International Airport. Which begs the question….Why do we deify our public servants?

  1. Poor Chelsea must feel left out!

  2. Dallas says:

    Well deserved. The best President and Sec of State in our lifetime!

    We’re stuck with “President George Bush Expressway”. Fortunatly, it’s in the north suburbs and it goes nowhere I need to be.

  3. Whom do we salute on ride on – Monica or Hillary
    “I’m so jealous to those who can stay and shop in Paris”
    ( after a serious presentation on the Libyan connection)

  4. He started us on the path to where we are now says:

    Hey if you can slap “Reagan” on every tax-funded building or highway you can throw Billary a bone

  5. sargasso_c says:


  6. LibertyLover says:

    Why do we deify our public servants?

    Very good question.

    Milton Friedman also called its practice into question. His discussion centered around the fact that most of these public servants did nothing more than divert funds from other sources (taxes) to facilitate the construction of the monument (college building, endowment, airport, road, etc.) and they are awarded with laurels for doing so.

    Note that he didn’t have a problem with the practice, in general. As long as the naming was honest and not egotistical, it made sense.

    Stanford University is a classic example of someone who did nothing more than redirect funds. Granted, it is a good school and not directly named after Leland, but his dead son. But Leland was a Railroad Baron (and used that money to make even more as Gov and Sen of CA). And he didn’t build the university with his own money. He built it with other people’s money. Extortion, blackmail, and bribery were all used to get the funds necessary to build it — all so it could use his last name. A question I have is would he have worked so hard if it was named something like UoCA?

    Note I am not bashing the naming of the airport any differently than I would bash any other monument named after a public servant.

    Just some FYI.

    • msbpodcast says:

      Deify or demonize?

      That airport will become a lair for the TSA’s gropenmeisters to hangout and waste taxpayer money.

      How about naming a hospital and a cemetery after them? Or maybe a slaughterhouse? (Same things really.)

      Maybe it could be next to the Bill and Melinda Gates Memorial Sewage Treatment Plant (which would actually do as much good as their foundation.)

  7. Benjamin says:

    Seems appropriate. Last time I flew from the Little Rock airport, I got groped.

  8. blatherer says:

    Cool! let’s name an airport for a pair of scumbag liars.

  9. ABO says:

    If San Jose can name their airport for a that twit Norman Mineta, I guess anyone can name their stupid airport after any politician they want. At least, I will never fly into it.

  10. Glenn E. says:

    Simple, they can’t afford, or it takes too long, to carve gigantic monuments to past politicians. So after Mt. Rushmore, the practice was continued. Even though it was a privately funded effort. I’m sure not everyone was happy about Teddy R, being carved into the rock along side far greater Presidents and founding fathers. Frankly, I think Franklin would have been a better choice, than Teddy. But I guess the sculpture was biased at the time.

    I also wasn’t too thrilled the Washington National Airport was renamed Reagan National. Reagan’s from California, not Virginia or Maryland. So I think they should stick to renaming CA airports, roads and bridges. And not make the rest of the country have to remember a new name for something, just because a bunch of rich Republicans got something up their ass about naming everything Reagan. He was Ok, but not that great. He didn’t die in office. And the Iran/Contra scandal marred his last term. So I don’t see any reason of idolized him. Except he shoveled more tax money into aerospace and defense than other past Presidents. So perhaps that’s why he gets such an honor.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Did everyone forget that CLINTON WAS IMPEACHED?!!! FYI: He was impeached for LYING TO CONGRESS!!! It’s only more pathetic/moronic when you realize just what Clinton chose to lie about too – which was for having an extra-marital relationship.

    Talk about screwed up principals!

    The fact that the bastard still gets $200,000.00 a year from tax-payers is problematic enough. I won’t even go into Clinton signing the NAFTA agreement or any of the other real reasons America is feeling an economic squeeze.

    You lib-tards should just keep drinking that cool-aid and focusing on any other “idiot” your masters have told you to blame. “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!” (Remember The Wizard of OZ?)

    • chris says:

      “Talk about screwed up principals!”


      Let’s talk about principles for a second. It was partisan exercise that failed and was fronted by a political person in a job that NO LONGER EXISTS due to concerns of abuse of power.

      Then you mention, but declaim, some actual substantive criticism of Clinton by bringing up NAFTA. Remember Clinton wouldn’t have come out of Arkansas without the blessing of Wal-Mart,who is headquartered in the state. I think you’re missing out on the sweet spot of Clinton bashing. Free trade for US interests my ass.

      Your quote: “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!” and implicit comparison to the cult of Obama is seriously funny.

      Bill won the nomination against opposition from the Democratic party establishment, who were at the time useless to a man. Obama harkens back to an earlier era of watering down the GOP position and calling it a real alternative.

      I’m happy to call a man on his faults, but also to praise his virtues. Bill Clinton was an exceptional political fighter and policy expert who kept going when most any other Democrat would have thrown in the towel.

      The current stooge is lackluster, and I’m confused why the right is so exercised over him. It’s like both sides are interested in puffery, but for different reasons. I’m stumped.

  12. MartinJJ says:

    They lie to everyone. They steal from everyone. They let others die for their own profits.

    There probably will be donationboxes all over the airport also for their retirement fund.


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