An atheist group put up the billboard in a racially diverse neighborhood in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, angering Civil Rights activists who called for its removal. Rev. Joe Watkins discusses.

  1. jpfitz says:

    The Bible speaks all sorts of contradiction. The section Colossians 3:18 thru 3:22 mentions that.
    You wives, be in subjection to your husbands.
    You husbands love your wives and not be bitterly angry with them. You children be obedient to parents in everything.
    You fathers do not be exasperating your children.
    Finally the above, You slaves, be obedient in everything to those who are your masters in a fleshy sense, not with acts of eye-service, as men pleasers, but with sincerity of heart, with fear of Jehovah.

    The bill board is correct though context is missing. I see nothing wrong with pointing out the faults of man in the Bible. After all the Bible, written by men, was chosen from many scripts and carefully assembled by Man to put down the law and to stifle the free thinker.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      jp–to be fair, you should address the image as well. THAT was not in the Bible.

  2. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    I just took the time to listen to the link. Interesting stuff there. From Memory:

    1. The Billboard was torn down within one day. /// Good folks quick to apply the golden rule.
    2. “If the Billboard had been in Detroit, there would have been riots.” /// How did the newscaster determine this?
    3. The good reverend says Paul was in jail when he wrote this advice to all along the lines that we should obey Christ so as to protect ourselves as Paul was doing as a prisoner. /// No bondservant talk at all. He hasn’t gotten the memo yet.
    4. The message is divisive and we should all come together according to our better angels. /// Yep, if everyone just got the one true religion, then we could all get along. No notion of simply leaving each other alone.
    5. Atheists are very upset over this being Bible Month. /// How was this determined?
    6. The billboard is in a racially diverse area. /// Where isn’t? and what difference would it make? –I personally am not racially diverse. Just a plain cracker.

    News. It ain’t for the faint of heart. ….. and it certainly has the stink of all kinds of other goals and bias.

  3. Micromike says:

    Looks like good use of the First Amendment. Freedom of speech is never tested till somebody says something you don’t like. If you can’t stand hearing opposing viewpoints you need to grow up and realize the world isn’t centered on you or your opinion.

    Without the dissenting opinion America is just another fascist state.

  4. ABO says:

    I like it. A bunch.

  5. Guyver says:

    Atheists Don’t Have No Songs:

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Link goes to Steve Martin and his Fifth Act as a Musician. Good song but the lyrics say atheists have the blues and rock and roll. Thats quite a lot of songs?

      Hard to beat the artistic breadth/accomplishments of Steve Martin. He’ll be forgotten quickly, but he is great.

  6. David says:

    Er…this isn’t offensive, it just points out how CRAZY the Bible is…it’s FULL of passage after passage after passage that supports slavery and gives all manor of explicit rules FOR taking and keeping slaves. It also says you shouldn’t sleep with someone of the same sex…or eat bacon, or be in a room with a women who is menstruating. Guess which of all of those bat shit crazy rules the current GOP smorgasborded out and still claims is valid…go on…GUESS!

  7. Glenn E. says:

    I’m not a bible expert. But a couple minutes research showed me the King James Version translation was “Servants, obey in all things [your] masters…” And taken in context with previous passages, it’s general message is to not upset the established order of dominance. Between children and parents, wife and husband, servant and master, etc. Just be respectful and wait for a better existence, in the afterlife. And don’t start a bloody revolt in the here and now. Sound advice back then, because it wouldn’t have amounted to anything but broken heads. Look how hard it is to oust dictators in the middle east, even today. You can bet it was impossible two thousand years ago, to mount an uprising. And early Christianity wasn’t about doing that. Which is probably why the orthodox Jews didn’t cotton to it. Not militant enough for them. And why they’ve been in conflict with nearly everyone else, since Moses.

    These atheists are just taking this passage out of context, and using the most reactionary translation of the Greek word for servant. To evoke negativity toward Bible as a whole. I’m sure you could just as easily point out more severe problems with what the atheists profess as their truth, and do in deed. Especially if Madeline Murray O’Hair was any example of them. No honor among atheists.

  8. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Glenn E. showing what it means to be a Good German says:
    3/22/2012 at 7:08 am

    I’m not a bible expert. /// I can already hear a “but”….

    But //// “♫ Whoops, there it is!

    a couple minutes research showed me the King James Version translation was “Servants, obey in all things [your] masters…” /// glad you could find it.

    And taken in context with previous passages, it’s general message is to not upset the established order of dominance. /// Correct. Morality has nothing to do with it.

    Between children and parents, wife and husband, servant and master, etc. /// by etc you do mean Jesus as Master and everyone else on earth to serve and obey him.

    Just be respectful and wait for a better existence, in the afterlife. /// Yes, where once again you will be a servant and required to obey for all eternity. This life, just an audition.

    And don’t start a bloody revolt in the here and now. /// Correct. Thats just what it means.

    Sound advice back then, because it wouldn’t have amounted to anything but broken heads. Look how hard it is to oust dictators in the middle east, even today. You can bet it was impossible two thousand years ago, to mount an uprising. And early Christianity wasn’t about doing that. Which is probably why the orthodox Jews didn’t cotton to it. Not militant enough for them. And why they’ve been in conflict with nearly everyone else, since Moses. //// Blaming the Jews huh? Smooth move exlax.

    These atheists are just taking this passage out of context, and using the most reactionary translation of the Greek word for servant. /// Hmmm, all they did was post the exact same language you did. What hypocrisy in them or yourself are you trying to highlight?

    To evoke negativity toward Bible as a whole. /// ONLY if you think/assume something that is not stated at all. Now, I read the simple statement and think: “Free men should not be slaves to another.” But then, I’m not religious like you are. but what is negative about that phrase understood as you have recited?

    I’m sure you could just as easily point out more severe problems with what the atheists profess as their truth, /// Like what?

    and do in deed. /// In deed huh? So there are many examples. Like What? I suppose there are a lot…..just name anything anyone believes, and an atheist to that position doesn’t believe it? Yes, in deed.

    Especially if Madeline Murray O’Hair was any example of them. /// She professed atheism and then added on a profit motive to go out of her way to sway and convince others. Close, but two different things.

    No honor among atheists. //// What did Madeline do that was without honor? Take contributions and build a mansion? What did she do????

    Silly brain dead hoomans.


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