North Carolina state senate candidate Bivins Hollar is not an unreasonable guy. He just wanted to be able to run for office and have a (now-deleted) video up on YouTube outlining his plans for ethnic cleansing in South Africa. Why is that such a big deal? Hollar, 28, is running as a Democrat from Catawba County, although state party officials have made it clear that they not only do not endorse him, but “condemn any individual who uses his or her candidacy to spread fear and advocate violence regardless of their party affiliation.”
In the video below, Hollar detailed a plan to move “whites” from east to west in South Africa, “(t)hen basically push all the savages out by just shooting them.” He went on to say that black South Africans should be relocated to a desert compound and starved to death. When Charlotte Observer reporter Jim Morrill contacted Hollar to inquire about the ghoulish video, the candidate immediately denied responsibility.
The Observer quotes Hollar as saying, “I didn’t do it…I do not know what you’re talking about.” Then he placed the reporter’s call on hold and the video disappeared from YouTube.
Har! All that’s missing is for his mom to come down the stairs and tell him to clean his room……
a similar plan has worked so well for Israel, what could possibly go wrong!
Well Israel may be an example were this plan is not working out so well but there have been success stories too. Look at the U.S. government’s plan to wipe out the Native Americans. That worked out pretty sweet for the white people.
except it was more due to the Native’s not being immune to our diseases than anything else. Flu killed 10x more of them than musket balls ever did.
This post just proves the obvious that any loon can run for public office under any banner.
Another support of mspodcast point that we should have a selection process, not an election process for public office.
“Elizabeth Glynn, chair of the Catawba County Democratic Party, sent out a statement Thursday saying Hollar only registered as a Democrat in October. Before that, she said, he was a registered Republican, first registering to vote in 2001.” – The Hickory Daily Record
From what is public on what appears to be his Facebook page, he lists as other interests:
The History of Rhodesia, Rhodesian ICONS… Men and Women of Rhodesia that deserve recognition, National Lacrosse League, Tea Party Patriots, OfficeMax, High Point University, The Fun Elf, Bivins Hollar, Johnson University, Michelle Malkin, Shane Dawson
Here is the link to the local newspaper’s story on this.
You know that under my scheme for selecting our representatives that man would have absolutely no chance of getting selected.
He fails on criterion #4 so badly.
He’s is a fat, stupid, bigoted idiot.
Florida must be extending their open arms to their next resident.
So you pretty much rule out 99% of the American public. Talk about a one percenter.
I have to question your blanket rationalization of #4.
Who gets to decide what will prevent him from fulfilling his duties? We, on this board, the KKK, the American Neo-Nazi Party, the NAACP, Friends of Israel, Green Peace, PETA, who?
One man’s sickness (or a majority’s sickness in this case) is another man’s sanity.
If you are going to take the majority’s opinion, you might as well just elect them the old fashioned way.
For some people, genocide is justifiable. I’ve no doubt that this kind of nefarious planning goes on all the time by those already in power. Democrat or Republican makes no difference. Consider Dick Chaney’s secret “energy” meetings where they likely plotted how to invade the Middle East and take control of its oil. Our unnecessary military adventure wasn’t the cakewalk they were hoping for. It has killed thousands of US servicemen, hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians, cost taxpayers trillions of dollars, and continues to this day
Our government isn’t stupid enough to post their plans on YouTube. But they really don’t like the potential of whistleblowers and Wikileaks to reveal the unsavory truth. The governmental attack on liberty in this country isn’t as much about preventing terrorism as it is about obscuring their corruption and incompetence, and stifling dissent and truth.
I was wondering when someone would accuse him of being a Republican, Tea Party nut or something like that. And just why his Democrat affiliation has anything to do with his craziness is yet another matter.
The facts here are obvious: the man is a lunatic. I’m only surprised he’s not also a (motivated) religious fool too, since that would explain quite a bit.
Another perfect example of a teo leg walking on fours.
Hey – this is untethered freedom at work
Bro. Bivins has the right to bear arms – which he might well need to defend himself from the irrational non-believers that don’t follow his doctrine.
Line ’em up Bivvy-boy.
With luck, they’ll be armed as well.
Run of the most mill psychopath. Politics and those in high places are you rife with them.
Just sounds like the current Obama “take Africa for everything it’s got” plan to me.
I guess he must have received the memo, just missed the note about not talking about it 🙂
Despite this man’s rants, there is a concerted effort by the blacks in South Africa to discriminate against (at best) and genocide (at worst) Whites. It’s a shame that the world can’t get behind helping out the Whites now like they helped the blacks out back in the Apartheid days.
Sounds just like the Democrat party I saw in North Carolina during the 1950’s. So what’s new?
As a North Carolina native, I am embarrassed. I understand how ordinary folks in Arizona feel…
mark this day down. The day Dvorak posted something bad about a democrat, you guys must have really been drink when you did this
I kept waiting for his plan to call for having the Africans live in a van down by the river.