Invisible Children filmmaker Jason Russell, a cofounder of the group behind the “Kony 2012” video, “did some irrational things brought on by extreme exhaustion and dehydration,” his wife said Friday night, a day after he was detained over reports of a man masturbating and acting strangely, NBC News reported. Danica Russell, in a family statement obtained by NBC News, suggested sudden attention and criticism of the film about African warlord Joseph Kony, may have led to her husband’s behavior.

Brown said police responded to reports in the Pacific Beach area of a man in his underwear, running in the street and screaming. Some people reported they had seen the man masturbating, Brown told

The man was detained by officers and then taken to a local medical facility for evaluation and treatment, Brown told

Russell is one of the founders responsible for the “KONY 2012” video that went viral last week. He is described on the organization’s website as a co-founder and “our grand storyteller and dreamer.” Russell is also described as a Christian and father to two children who wants to have nine more children with his wife he calls his “best friend for over 23 years.” Invisible Children tapped 12 influential policy makers and 20 celebrities with popular Twitter accounts, including Oprah Winfrey and Angelina Jolie, to spread the video.

  1. spreeuw says:

    Could be part of the campaign.

  2. sargasso_c says:

    You see what happens when you dehydrate!

  3. Jim says:

    I’d run around naked too if MILFy Lt Brown was to take me in handcuffed.

  4. Tacotrainwreck says:

    CIA accidentally spilled coffee on his controls.

  5. jpfitz says:

    Somewhere between twenty and thirty thousand children were abducted in the last twenty or so years and NOW an outrage forms. There are two hundred children left in Kony’s faction. Too little too late.

    The money is pouring into a relief effort that seems to be about one man, Jason Russell a self proclaimed Christian whose desire is to have eleven children. Odd, being a relief worker and not understanding the worlds becoming over populated.

    In the video Russell appears to be digging for something. Maybe he watched “It’s a Mad Mad Mad Mad World” for the first time.

    Honestly, I hope he gets the help he needs. One never knows when a breakdown will hit during stress.

  6. Joe says:

    Is there no bottled water in San Diego?

  7. mudpup says:

    Something is not right about this whole event………. Something is fishy.

  8. Flub says:

    I predicted something like this would happen. Jesus freaks act mentally ill for a reason, namely because they are.

  9. Rob Leather says:

    Of course, the problem here is that his Kony video is a direct counter to Clooney’s anti-Sudanese Government campaign. Because Kony IS anti-Sudanese Government.

    If he’s portrayed as the bad guy, how can Clooney get support.

    I mean it would be like finding out that Al Qaeda is fighting the Syrian Government…. Oh, wait. THEY ARE.

    Just a thought….

  10. Thompy says:

    JR was most likely picked up by nwo, drugged and dropped off. The plan wasn’t being received well by the public so they ditched the plan, they already got what they wanted anyway.

  11. Sennheiser says:

    As a native San Diegan I can tell you that the area where this happened is notorious as a place to get meth, weed, and whatever else is coming up from Tijuana these days. Not surprised about this…

    I went to school with Billy Bailey (one of the three original founders of Invisible Children) and I can tell you that the guy was one of the dumbest people in our Middle Eastern polisci class. He would just talk about the movie he and his friends did (this was back in Spring of 2007) which would always end in some sort of promotion for his band. Basically the guy was a broken record about how eye-opening his trip to Uganda was but would always be more interested in getting people to go to his shows as a way to support Invisible Children.
    Very shady back then, not surprised by Russell’s actions now.

  12. Likes2LOL says:

    It’s obvious he’s the victim of UGANDAN VOODOO
    see what happens when you mess with a jungle witch doctor?

  13. Yaknow says:

    I recognize this behavior. This is what happens when your average republican realizes none of the GOP candidates don’t have a chance in hell to beat Obama.

  14. deowll says:

    The fear of acting like that is why I don’t do alcohol or drugs.

    Of course people do on occasion do such things without either…I don’t know the guy. He doesn’t live in my community so none of my business.

  15. JR says:

    So glad my latest viral campaign has raised awareness about the related issues of vandalism, public masturbation, drug use, sleep deprivation and dehydration. It’s not a solution, but if it kick starts the conversation and encourages others to spread the word, then it’s a success that I’m very proud of. Hope all of you take similar action on Cover the Night 4/20! And don’t forget to buy the Action Pack that has everything to dress up yourself and your community including a poster, stickers, buttons, action guide, bracelet and thong underwear. STOP AT NOTHING!

  16. Glenn E. says:

    Why do all these questionable causes wait to spring up during an election year, in the US? Or is it just a coincidence, this year? Because it certainly seems like we’ve gone four or more years, without so much “save the children” hysteria happening at the same time. China took control of Tibet, and in spite of some modest grass roots protests. The mainstream media hasn’t made a big deal of it. Are they waiting for just the right time to do so, when oil, coal, or precious metals, are discovered in Tibet. Oh yeah! Then it becomes an important enough issue, to “save the children of Tibet” over. Until then, the Chinars can do whatever they want.

  17. Glenn E. says:

    Perhaps Mr. Russel has been trying to fit some of that money he’s collected, up his nose in powder form. And just found out that you really can do to much coke. Stress? Give me a break.

  18. kerpow says:

    So nobody thinks this is suspect considering its coming from TMZ, one of the sleaziest “media” companies out there, and its only 13 seconds long? You mean to tell me that if you were filming some naked guy going apeshit on the corner you would only take 13 seconds of footage? That could be anyone in that video.

    • kerpow says:

      Ehh, I didn’t see the other video from another angle before I posted above. I guess it is him. Still, something is not right with this whole thing.

  19. chris says:

    I’ve had extreme dehydration to the point of irregular heartbeat, and it required days of electrolyte drink and bananas diet. This guy was on something else.

  20. Rick says:

    When I get dehydrated, I just get sleepy and weak.

  21. dwd says:

    He has a wife? Hahaha, that guy is gayer than a football bat.

  22. DJB says:

    Sad to see the bullies are still out in force. Poor guys had a break-down thanks to them and yet they are still queuing up to kick him. What vile specimen’s of the human race they really are. Shame on them. |
    Get well soon, Russell, we need you more than ever. x


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