I am currently reading a new three volume history of the Third Reich by Richard J. Evans, Penguin Press
Vol 1, The Coming of the Third Reich
Vol 2, The Third Reich in Power
Vol 3, The Third Reich at War
Obama’s face on our flag brought to mind the rise of Adolph Hitler, and his takeover of the country though hatred, racism, and violence. Since this administration only runs the country by dividing the classes, dividing the parties, and dividing the races, it seems so obvious what is next.
Obama can only rule by class, political, and racial warfare.
He will be after the 2nd Amendment if re elected, for clear reasons.
“He will be after the 2nd Amendment if re elected, for clear reasons.”
So his entire 1st term in office is a head fake (in honor of March Madness). Designed to throw off his opponents. The fake out goes as far as signing into law a bill allowing firearms to be carried in Federal Parks, if state law also allows.
From the Washington Times: “Advocates of gun control were dismayed that House Democrats accepted the language and that Mr. Obama signed the bill. The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence gave Mr. Obama an “F” for his first year in office.
“In just one year, Barack Obama has signed into law more repeals of federal gun policies than in President George W. Bush’s eight years in office,” the Brady Center said in its one-year report, which also noted rules that restored Amtrak passengers’ ability to carry firearms in checked luggage.”
I remember Bill Maher was making allusions to Hitler simply because George Bush had large crowds as he was giving a speech, but here we have a flag of Obama, kids singing a song of Obama, and comedians giving comedy that pleases the dear leader.
I could have cared less about who put who on the flag”. Get above the bullshit, put on some hip waders. This is just troll bait for racists, or for republicans that won’t accept a half black man as their president.
Speaking of bullshit. I’m so sick of the race bating card being played anytime someone has a problem with Obama. That crutch is getting pretty weak so why don’t you stop leaning on it?
When I saw the post, but before watching the video, I thought what were these people so upset about. After watching the video and seeing how the flag was altered, I thought they were justified in being upset by defacing the stars and stripes. Why anyone would think to do this in this manner is rather astounding.
Yeah, every Boy Scout knows the “code”. Flag touches the ground…you have to burn it. Flag can’t be flown after sundown, certain folding rituals, etc., etc.
Pretty much useless stuff, since the symbol really doesn’t mean squat anymore, except maybe to piss of our “enemies”.
But putting a Presidents image on it, was still am pretty stupid thing to do. After all, He is just a temp.
Yes. There seems to be idiocy on both sides here. The Obama image was probably there to piss off Republicans. How far to you think both sides can take this polarisation lark?
Certain associations do arise when saying/using the the word/idea “flag.” Like putting a red flag in front of a bull?==you know, doing something to enrage a dumb animal?
Anyone concerned about anything about “a flag” is an IDIOT. Plain and simple. No one respects the idiot muslims rioting in the streets over some insult to their belief–those upset about anything about a flag are from the same idiot pool==all thats needed is to stir them up just a tinsey bit more.
I say do it. Waive that desecrated flag right in their face, kick them in the butt, and make sure they are facing a cess pool or alligator infested canal as they go heads down thundering off in their idiotic rage.
Ha, ha. I could never be a “political consultant.” Who would have it in mind that the electorate are this stupid? This easily led?
Didn’t Besty design the first American flag, by screwing around with England’s flag. How many flag changes has there been since the first Ross flag? It’s time for an upgrade every 6-9 mos. If Apple can do it so can the flag.
bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:
McCullough revealing his humor, intellect, and conservative mind set says:
3/16/2012 at 3:05 pm
Yeah, every Boy Scout knows the “code”. Flag touches the ground…you have to burn it. Flag can’t be flown after sundown, certain folding rituals, etc., etc. /// I had a roommate who was an honor guard. He used to spend waaaaay too much time polishing his boots too. Nice guy otherwise though.
Pretty much useless stuff, since the symbol really doesn’t mean squat anymore, except maybe to piss of our “enemies”. /// Yes, yes, yes. What does “the flag” mean? Or what does it symbolize? Freedom? The struggle to get/maintain freedom? The sacrifice? All these things and more? Are these, like the body of Christ in the wafer, only symbolic or transsubstantiated into the very thing itself?
Symbolic. What does that mean?? If “freedom” seems to me any so called desecration of a physical flag would be a ritual recognizing and glorifying the freedom the flag represents? When did the symbol itself become more sacred than what the symbol represents? WHAT IS FREEDOM–except leaving each person alone to think as they wish? To desecrate a flag all they wish? To say and live as they wish? WHAT IS FREEDOM—and how do you really respect it?
But putting a Presidents image on it, was still am pretty stupid thing to do. After all, He is just a temp. /// ok, that is a funny.
Obama is giving a fund raising “Pro America” speech right now in Atlanta Georgia. GOSH–he does sound GREAT!!!!! So head and shoulders above all contenders.
But his lack of action/backbone in office speaks so much louder.
What to do?
Elect TeaParty Retards who PROMISE to destroy the country and show they are bound and determined to do just exactly that, or Obama who promises not to destroy the country, but goes ahead and does it anyway????
Yes, what kind of music do you want to hear at the funeral?
Who is more likely to change their mind and save America?
It is not an American flag, it is missing the Stars.
Did these guys fight in the war, or whine back in garrison?
Of all the stuff to worry about: the collapse of our freedoms, liberty, sovereignty, currency, and the worldwide explosion of fascism, these douches complain about a piece of cloth that is not even an American Flag.
Must have been a really slow new day for CNN to report on this kerfuffle. DU is also pandering to the divisive state of the union, be it politics or computing.
Anyone that believes racism doesn’t play some part, and the race issue is some kind of a crutch, needs to look in the mirror.
You don’t fight for the symbol. You fight for what the symbol stands for. The flag could be changed officially tomorrow but it’s what it stands for that’s the ONLY important thing. It shows how the ignorant in this country are easily dominated.
Yep, not the O’ Red, White, and Blue. No flag rule broken. Just a bunch of old vets pissed off about not getting to watch a pole dance from the old lady, vetting their frustrations on an Obama flag. Grandma just has the cougar hooters for Obama.
Not the people,
or duty,
or sense of honour,
or their family,
or their friends,
or loved ones,
or their values,
or the laws – hard fought to achieve,
or the freedoms embraced,
or the land, it’s fauna and flora.
Talk about self serving promotion aka engrossment
Yet why should this surprise anyone with king Obama, Pelosi Reid et al
On top of this “This is private property ” from the Democratic local organizer /flunkie
Americans wake up – they actually believe this stuff is ok
Only one problem or two
First – Obama thinks its fine
Second you have allowed the Republicans to get away with the fish too
Its the end of the two drugstores in a country town
Time to reel in these garbage fish and tell them the game is all over
Frankly, this is just plain stupid… childish if nothing else, and Obama would be the first person to ask for it to be brought down and burned.
I’m a Canadian, so from our lofty heights I watch the “devolution” of the United States with some interest… but be real, you’re not at NAZI level iconization of leaders… (well not just yet… wait for Jeb Bush or that guy from New Jersey).
Are we to suffer a load of whiny Vets every election? I’m sure the GOP whines them up for this. Just as they did the so-called “Swift Boaters”, to oppose Kerry. And of course the news networks, who would normally ignore veteran protesting anything else. Go looking for these guy, no matter how lame their claims are. It’s all part of Election Theater. When no real issues must be dealt with.
Interesting that this flag only appeared in one place. Cause it looks like the sort of quality, that would require a couple dozen of them made to order. But the news is only about one tiny little campaign HQ, run by some woman, having it. And not something seen state wide or country wide. So you have to wonder why a single flag like this has appeared there, and nowhere else? And how these veterans just happened to notice it, when most people probably wouldn’t look twice at it, driving by? Is this some kind of deliberate goosing of the news, by this woman and her veteran friends, to screw Obama? I wouldn’t be at all surprised that the vets supplied the flag, in the first place. And she’s just pretending to be an Obama supporter. “Did she have to check higher up?” indeed. What utter trash journalism. It was all rehearsed for the news “reporter”.
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I am currently reading a new three volume history of the Third Reich by Richard J. Evans, Penguin Press
Vol 1, The Coming of the Third Reich
Vol 2, The Third Reich in Power
Vol 3, The Third Reich at War
Obama’s face on our flag brought to mind the rise of Adolph Hitler, and his takeover of the country though hatred, racism, and violence. Since this administration only runs the country by dividing the classes, dividing the parties, and dividing the races, it seems so obvious what is next.
Obama can only rule by class, political, and racial warfare.
He will be after the 2nd Amendment if re elected, for clear reasons.
Yeah, because of nuts like you the nation is divided. Eclectic reading list. Must be a joy to have you read around the fireplace.
You mean how everyone predicted he was “going to take all the guns” during his first term?
“He will be after the 2nd Amendment if re elected, for clear reasons.”
So his entire 1st term in office is a head fake (in honor of March Madness). Designed to throw off his opponents. The fake out goes as far as signing into law a bill allowing firearms to be carried in Federal Parks, if state law also allows.
From the Washington Times: “Advocates of gun control were dismayed that House Democrats accepted the language and that Mr. Obama signed the bill. The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence gave Mr. Obama an “F” for his first year in office.
“In just one year, Barack Obama has signed into law more repeals of federal gun policies than in President George W. Bush’s eight years in office,” the Brady Center said in its one-year report, which also noted rules that restored Amtrak passengers’ ability to carry firearms in checked luggage.”
Uh… so if you hate the USA and love Obama – or vice versa – and decide to burn the Obama/US flag does that make you a bad person?
I remember Bill Maher was making allusions to Hitler simply because George Bush had large crowds as he was giving a speech, but here we have a flag of Obama, kids singing a song of Obama, and comedians giving comedy that pleases the dear leader.
Oh, please. If Reagan’s image was placed there all those war loving vets would have been ecstatic. Only in Florida, go figure.
No they would not.
Of course if it had been Reagan you would have supported the Vets in there protest.
I could have cared less about who put who on the flag”. Get above the bullshit, put on some hip waders. This is just troll bait for racists, or for republicans that won’t accept a half black man as their president.
Speaking of bullshit. I’m so sick of the race bating card being played anytime someone has a problem with Obama. That crutch is getting pretty weak so why don’t you stop leaning on it?
Fortunately Florida is a swing state and there are a lot of vets there and they have good memories.
No they dont. They really dont.
When I saw the post, but before watching the video, I thought what were these people so upset about. After watching the video and seeing how the flag was altered, I thought they were justified in being upset by defacing the stars and stripes. Why anyone would think to do this in this manner is rather astounding.
The stars represent states, and Obama is a little confused as to how many states there are. He figured there should just be one big Obamastate.
There’s a ‘flag code’?
Yeah, every Boy Scout knows the “code”. Flag touches the ground…you have to burn it. Flag can’t be flown after sundown, certain folding rituals, etc., etc.
Pretty much useless stuff, since the symbol really doesn’t mean squat anymore, except maybe to piss of our “enemies”.
But putting a Presidents image on it, was still am pretty stupid thing to do. After all, He is just a temp.
The flag can be flown at night provided it is appropriately illuminated.
Yes. There seems to be idiocy on both sides here. The Obama image was probably there to piss off Republicans. How far to you think both sides can take this polarisation lark?
The Obama image is there to help incite the republicans. Although not much is needed today when the issue is President Obama.
“Pretty much useless stuff, since the symbol really doesn’t mean squat anymore”
Only to idiots like you…
So if this is a desecration of the flag, what is this?
They are just pissed that she wouldn’t pole dance.
Heard Florida is in short supply of meds.
Why is it Girl scouts don’t know the flag code.
Um, what does the Girl Scouts have to do with story? The offending flag was flying outside Lake County, Florida’s Democratic Hq, such as it is.
I wish those vets had gotten upset over hanging chads back in the day. That was a flag they didn’t seem to care about.
Hanging Chads.
Hanging Leroys.
Hanging Rufus.
What the fuck’s the difference?
As long as we’re hanging a nigger.
Its just some thing the boys wanna do while they watch the tide rise just a little higher over Pensacola.
It’ll bring a whole new meaning to having your mortgage underwater.
Fucking assholes. 32% of this country’s real-estate will be underwater, literally, before I’m dead. Hahahahaha…
If it has Obama’s face on it, it is “the” Flag ? If without the field of stars, it wasn’t an American flag, did the code even apply?
Certain associations do arise when saying/using the the word/idea “flag.” Like putting a red flag in front of a bull?==you know, doing something to enrage a dumb animal?
Anyone concerned about anything about “a flag” is an IDIOT. Plain and simple. No one respects the idiot muslims rioting in the streets over some insult to their belief–those upset about anything about a flag are from the same idiot pool==all thats needed is to stir them up just a tinsey bit more.
I say do it. Waive that desecrated flag right in their face, kick them in the butt, and make sure they are facing a cess pool or alligator infested canal as they go heads down thundering off in their idiotic rage.
Ha, ha. I could never be a “political consultant.” Who would have it in mind that the electorate are this stupid? This easily led?
How do I get off this planet?
Didn’t Besty design the first American flag, by screwing around with England’s flag. How many flag changes has there been since the first Ross flag? It’s time for an upgrade every 6-9 mos. If Apple can do it so can the flag.
McCullough revealing his humor, intellect, and conservative mind set says:
3/16/2012 at 3:05 pm
Yeah, every Boy Scout knows the “code”. Flag touches the ground…you have to burn it. Flag can’t be flown after sundown, certain folding rituals, etc., etc. /// I had a roommate who was an honor guard. He used to spend waaaaay too much time polishing his boots too. Nice guy otherwise though.
Pretty much useless stuff, since the symbol really doesn’t mean squat anymore, except maybe to piss of our “enemies”. /// Yes, yes, yes. What does “the flag” mean? Or what does it symbolize? Freedom? The struggle to get/maintain freedom? The sacrifice? All these things and more? Are these, like the body of Christ in the wafer, only symbolic or transsubstantiated into the very thing itself?
Symbolic. What does that mean?? If “freedom” seems to me any so called desecration of a physical flag would be a ritual recognizing and glorifying the freedom the flag represents? When did the symbol itself become more sacred than what the symbol represents? WHAT IS FREEDOM–except leaving each person alone to think as they wish? To desecrate a flag all they wish? To say and live as they wish? WHAT IS FREEDOM—and how do you really respect it?
But putting a Presidents image on it, was still am pretty stupid thing to do. After all, He is just a temp. /// ok, that is a funny.
Obama won’t do anything except what his corporate masters tell him to do.
Obama is giving a fund raising “Pro America” speech right now in Atlanta Georgia. GOSH–he does sound GREAT!!!!! So head and shoulders above all contenders.
But his lack of action/backbone in office speaks so much louder.
What to do?
Elect TeaParty Retards who PROMISE to destroy the country and show they are bound and determined to do just exactly that, or Obama who promises not to destroy the country, but goes ahead and does it anyway????
Yes, what kind of music do you want to hear at the funeral?
Who is more likely to change their mind and save America?
VOTE OBAMA: then hope he has a change of balls.
As a vet, I think it’s hilarious… but that’s just my sense of humor.
As a non-partisan I think this hilarious.
It is an election year, expect to see lots of publicity stunts over goofy little things.
That is just how this game gets played.
In a lighter note, an “Obama flag”?
I don’t think even Ron Paul has his own flag.
Ya, but I bet Mitt Romney does! Bahhhhhahahhhah.
I am proud of your service to this great country, and impressed with your ability to see the the humor in such a blow out of proportion topic.
Flag souvenirs you got to love ’em
If the flag has no stars in the blue field then it is NOT an American flag… Right? It’s really just a tool to upset the masses.
This gives me an idea for the album cover art on the next ‘No Agenda’ podcast. Someone do one please, I suck at Photoshop.
Didn’t look like an American flag to me. They need to change their pampers and get over it.
It is not an American flag, it is missing the Stars.
Did these guys fight in the war, or whine back in garrison?
Of all the stuff to worry about: the collapse of our freedoms, liberty, sovereignty, currency, and the worldwide explosion of fascism, these douches complain about a piece of cloth that is not even an American Flag.
Agree. Evidently they seeked an opportunity to protest a local Obama office and found a opening.
They succeeded. The media follows the lunatic around to entertain the sheeple who are oblivious to issues they should be concerned about.
Must have been a really slow new day for CNN to report on this kerfuffle. DU is also pandering to the divisive state of the union, be it politics or computing.
Anyone that believes racism doesn’t play some part, and the race issue is some kind of a crutch, needs to look in the mirror.
For the flip side of the video I posted above. Filmed in the north, my home state, NY. Here you go. Not much better, just more teeth.
My guess is, if you have actually put your life on the line for this stupid symbol, it would mean more to you than it does now.
I get it as a veteran, I get it. But maybe they shouldn’t. And maybe I shouldn’t either.
You don’t fight for the symbol. You fight for what the symbol stands for. The flag could be changed officially tomorrow but it’s what it stands for that’s the ONLY important thing. It shows how the ignorant in this country are easily dominated.
I agree. It wasn’t the American flag, and they flew the stars and stripes above it which would be the correct protocol.
Yep, not the O’ Red, White, and Blue. No flag rule broken. Just a bunch of old vets pissed off about not getting to watch a pole dance from the old lady, vetting their frustrations on an Obama flag. Grandma just has the cougar hooters for Obama.
What a lot of crazy jingoistic idiots it’s only a bloody flag of a tin-pot undemocracy, they should all grow up.
It’s not any worse than Obama wearing the flag on his lapel.
Gosh I wonder who else has defiled an American flag like that…
Great example.
I figured the Teabaggers had their own flag.
Not the people,
or duty,
or sense of honour,
or their family,
or their friends,
or loved ones,
or their values,
or the laws – hard fought to achieve,
or the freedoms embraced,
or the land, it’s fauna and flora.
They died “for a flag”.
Talk about self serving promotion aka engrossment
Yet why should this surprise anyone with king Obama, Pelosi Reid et al
On top of this “This is private property ” from the Democratic local organizer /flunkie
Americans wake up – they actually believe this stuff is ok
Only one problem or two
First – Obama thinks its fine
Second you have allowed the Republicans to get away with the fish too
Its the end of the two drugstores in a country town
Time to reel in these garbage fish and tell them the game is all over
Frankly, this is just plain stupid… childish if nothing else, and Obama would be the first person to ask for it to be brought down and burned.
I’m a Canadian, so from our lofty heights I watch the “devolution” of the United States with some interest… but be real, you’re not at NAZI level iconization of leaders… (well not just yet… wait for Jeb Bush or that guy from New Jersey).
Are we to suffer a load of whiny Vets every election? I’m sure the GOP whines them up for this. Just as they did the so-called “Swift Boaters”, to oppose Kerry. And of course the news networks, who would normally ignore veteran protesting anything else. Go looking for these guy, no matter how lame their claims are. It’s all part of Election Theater. When no real issues must be dealt with.
Interesting that this flag only appeared in one place. Cause it looks like the sort of quality, that would require a couple dozen of them made to order. But the news is only about one tiny little campaign HQ, run by some woman, having it. And not something seen state wide or country wide. So you have to wonder why a single flag like this has appeared there, and nowhere else? And how these veterans just happened to notice it, when most people probably wouldn’t look twice at it, driving by? Is this some kind of deliberate goosing of the news, by this woman and her veteran friends, to screw Obama? I wouldn’t be at all surprised that the vets supplied the flag, in the first place. And she’s just pretending to be an Obama supporter. “Did she have to check higher up?” indeed. What utter trash journalism. It was all rehearsed for the news “reporter”.