How to Win hearts and minds in Floriduh.

  1. Holdfast says:

    Is the cartoon character of Uncle Sam wearing clothes made out of the US flag against your ‘rules’ as well. Or is that OK because he is seen as a conservative icon?

  2. birddog says:

    The flag should never have placed on it, or attached to it, any mark, insignia, letter, word, number, figure, or drawing of any kind.

    • observer says:

      So the “flag” in question is okay, since it was never a real US flag to start with?

    • Rick says:

      Somebody needs to tell Dubya. He was seen putting his autograph on american flags handed to him at a rally.

  3. birddog says:

    So you take the stars off the American Flag and replace them with the face of Obama you are right that makes it a different flag but it is a disgrace to the flag of the U.S and the vets that have fought an given their lives. Unless you are one stupid ass-hole you will not recognise it as the American Flag. But hey the same people that cannot see this as an American Flag are the same ones that would just as soon wipe their ass with the constitution.

  4. birddog says:

    But hey its not unusual for the countries with dictators to have their faces on the flag so what does that tell you.

    • Yaknow says:

      It tells me a women who thinks Obama is handsome, who is a democrat, decided to express her right to (almost) free speech in supporting her candidate, and who is the President of the United States. Who will at some point have his picture on some currency.

      Oh yea I forgot dictators put their faces on currency too! We have been screwed since the first minted presidential coin. That means ALL our presidents have been DICTATORS!

      • birddog says:

        The right to free speech goes both ways someone has the right to do something stupid and others have the right to call them out on it.

      • birddog says:

        The U.S. Treasury secretary chooses the portraits that appear on American currency, according to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, which makes the country’s paper money. The president does not put his face on the currency like the dictators do get your facts straight.

  5. jal says:

    The POTUS outright defaced the US flag with his autograph.

  6. Hmeyers2 says:

    Until I see this Obama flag, I don’t even know if it is authentic.

    Does it have a star for all 57 states? If not, it is probably a forgery.

  7. Holdfast says:

    If that is the flag with the stars taken off and a picture put on, would a straight picture of him be a flag with the stars *and* the stripes taken off?

    Where does the nonsense stop? Is a blank space the flag with the stars, the stripes and the material removed?

    If it is made from scratch and the stars are not inserted, it has never been the US flag and therefore cannot be defaced or misused. You need to check on the production process.

  8. Rick says:

    You can buy american flag shorts. What’s more disrespectful than a flag you can put your junk in?


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