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  1. BigBoyBC says:

    Great graphic. In Russia, you don’t watch iPadski, in Russia iPadski watches you… Now that iThink about it, so does the iPad.

  2. jpfitz says:

    Adam doesn’t understand shite about solar power/energy theory or use.

    • deowll says:

      The very loud and very noisy bird killing prayer wheels don’t produce nearly as much power as the makers promise. The Scottish report about 40%. The problem is you have to have massive back up for solar and wind power for those occasions when you aren’t getting power and it’s hot as bleep or colder than bleep otherwise people die. Their use cause energy bills to make huge jumps and many people aren’t able to pay for what it will cost.

      • jpfitz says:

        It’s always been about the backup of the energy. Large arrays of batteries work just fine. In a pinch generators are a life saver.

  3. BigBoyBC says:

    JCD: What Adam called a “Doritos Pouch” is better known as a “Walking Taco”

    AC: Living in Texas, doesn’t make you a Texan, so knock-it-off poser.

  4. Glenn E. says:

    I’m thinking that the soldier that went berserk in Afghanistan, will either get off or receive a very light sentence, based on his mental condition. In spite of taking innocent civilian lives. He only screwed up the military’s timetable for getting out, slightly. And I wonder if it wasn’t part of the exit strategy to leave even earlier, without appearing “weak”, and asking Congress if they can’t wind down the Afghan war sooner. Meanwhile, the US soldier that leaked secret memos to WikiLeaks, gets treated like he’s the worse thing since the Rosenbergs leaked the A-bomb plans to the Russians. Which, BTW, may also have been planned to happen covertly anyway. So the military could start the cold war weapons escalation , post WW2. Apparently ratting out the secret agendas and plots of the military beast, is infinity worse than merely slaughtering a dozen or so civilians. The leak may actually end the war sooner, than they planned. Or prevent future ones from being started, in other parts of the world. And we can’t tolerate having a no war condition of the American economy for too long. The defense contractors will tank. Think of all those billionaires’ portfolios, that will suffer. Warren Buffet won’t be able to afford so many ivory backscratchers. Nor Donald Trump, a new hair piece. Nor Dick Cheney, his next heart value repair or two.

    War is big business. And exposing the secret communications between US foreign embassy officials, acting as DoD, CIA and NSA flunkies. Risks the propagation of big business throughout the world. So naturally, the leakage guy has got to fry. Though I can’t help wonder that the leak was also part of some plan. And this leakage soldier will get life in prison, and then later quietly disappear into a witness protection plan, as pre-arranged for doing what he was tasked to do. But they have to put on a show of burning his ass. So it doesn’t look like it was a planned op.

  5. Richard says:

    Cool! It comes with a HAL 9000 AI.

  6. deowll says:

    John, the oil pipeline from Canada to the gulf would have provided a lot of Americans with good paying jobs both in the Construction phase and in refineries long term and yes some of the refined product would have been available locally.

    Now it’s all going to China.

    Just my opinion but I don’t think any country should turn its natural resources over to another nation.

  7. deowll says:

    At least they paid you Adam and you’ve always said you like whores.

    What Obama wants is cap and trade only that was one piece of dung that failed.

    We are importing less because the economy stinks. So think you Obama for ruining the economy so we’d have fewer imports.

    The head of our military is afraid of our troops. The majority of the people in Afghanistan hate our guts and will continue to hate our guts no matter what we do for them. We are wasting lives and treasure. We need to leave.

    Okay Haiti is one place that solar panels at a hospital compute. They would need to import generators, fuel to run them, and run power lines and that isn’t happening due to rampant corruption. At least with solar they would have some electricity during the daytime most days and with a little battery back up they could do surgery at night. Night lighting in halls would need to be ultra low powered LEDs that produced limited light but it would work.

    Yes there are high powered LEDs that produce a lot of light but they require more power and cost more money. One good ceiling mounted LED every six feet would give you enough light to make rounds.

  8. You Are Great says:

    Today I learned that Adam is a racist.

    Chiners = Niggers. (I get it now)

    “Japan and China are the same thing”. (You really have no clue about history do you? Or how insulting that is to both cultures.) Rather than educating yourself, you choose to blame a culture and insult it’s people. Sounds like your settling in well to your ‘nouveau redneck’ ways there in Austin.

    “Screw China for making crappy products and stealing ‘merican jobs.” (paraphrasing)

    No responsibility needs to go to the policy makers allowing for all of the trade agreements / tax incentives made in the 90’s? No responsibility needs to go to the corporations that shipped their jobs overseas? Even NAFTA wasn’t enough to keep the jobs in the same region! If you think that the jobs will come back from China you are only contradicting yourself. As someone that knows SE Asia and ChIndia quite well, you know nothing about what is going on. Apple, P&G, IBM, Google, Microsoft, and many other companies understand. You don’t even touch on robotics and automation in the show, which is the biggest secret in manufacturing and enterprise outsourcing. I think you need to start smoking weed again. Maybe the absence of it is rotting your brain?

    Hell, John has been to Vietnam. He should be able to school you. Jobs are leaving China now and going to India and Vietnam. And you think they are going to go to Russia because of rare earth minerals! Hahaaaa! On that subject. You should also know that mining for rare earth minerals causes a vast amount of TOXIC pollution. Which is the largest reason why the Chinese are cutting back. Yes it helps them in the marketplace, but the population here is sick of the air quality and the leadership has vowed to make a change. No need to elect a new congressman and hope that he can get the right lobby behind him to stop the corporation from screwing up an entire community. The PRC just stepped in and made the change. Just like with the banks. Just like with the Real Estate market. Change can literally happen over night. Not everything is a conspiracy.

    Maybe the BS your economic hit-man is feeding you is an attempt to start a new hatred towards Asia and it’s culture -which in my long experience is based on honor and family. Maybe this is the long game to try and get a new cold war enemy. Your not alone. I see the same BS on Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, and even Reddit.

    Here’s one for both you and John, since it’s so easy to see now. I love how the US media plays on the censorship in China. How the PRC doesn’t allow this, and doesn’t allow that. They won’t let Facebook in or Twitter in. It’s bunk. Their is no way that the PRC is going to give US Intelligence real-time access to the social graph here in China. I’ve known for the last 2 years that the largest client of Facebook and now even Twitter is US Intelligence (Add the Saudis to that list too). While everyone thinks Twitter and Facebook are making all that cash off of Ads and consumer profiling, their largest backers are intelligence driven. Wait until after the Facebook IPO and see what info you can get on it’s client list. This is now becoming common knowledge in the US, but it HAS been the reason why those networks aren’t allowed in China. FTR, Google+ is currently being allowed on Mobile in China as a test. This is due to the access allowed to Google from the PRC. How does that make you feel about Google?

    Btw… It takes a hell of a lot to manage 1.3 billion people who most are still stuck in the 3rd world, and a growing populace is funneling into the most modern of times. Couple that with their own social networks and new-found cultural awakening. China is truly a wet dream for population management, and the West only wishes they had it this good. And from the news and your reporting, the US is doing everything it can to match it.

    Btw. I’m a US Citizen / Irish-German decent –Bloodline going back to Prussia. Father who fought in WWII for the stars and stripes and worked in intelligence in SE Asia for over 20 years. I love the US, but I believe that Nationalism is a disease. We are all people of earth. Black, White, Yellow… It’s 2012 and it’s time to finally respect each others cultures.

    You should’ve stayed on the Oil.

    John.. Some advice. I’d be careful about what he says next. His career is tanking as we are all witnessing. Their is no sense in him taking you down
    with it. Best of luck.

    • AbsoluteLime says:

      I’ve been sensing Adam’s hatred for asians for a while now.

    • Cinci Boy says:


      “Chiners = Niggers”

      I think you’re on to something. like subliminal racism.

      good info on china and social. i have not heard that before. makes some sense.

  9. Glenn E. says:

    George Clony (er, Clooney) just got arrested this friday, for some protest he was at. He got arrested along with his father, who I guess is retired from working for AMC-Tv. I don’t know why the Clooneys were arrested. They didn’t elaborate on the charge. It sounds like it was orchestrated as a publicity stunt. To get himself in the news.

  10. Glenn E. says:

    Adam Curry. Now you’ve got me thinking of alternative names for GOP candidates. Rick Santorum could be, Rick Sanatorium (my browser’s spell check suggested that one). Or Rick Scrotum. Or Rick Santaclaus. Or Rick Santeria (again, spell checker), since this election seems to be partly about what’s their secret religion.

    Romney is gonna be harder. I’ll have to think about it. All that comes to mind is Rommel. The Nazi tank commander.


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