Congrats to Chris Pirillo for coming up with this one.
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Apparently those guys in Redmond have their heads too far up their own @$$es. Why are they trying to jump ahead of Apple? Copying OSX has been working fine for them so far.
Thats just animal cruelty. I hope for Chris’ sake PETA does not find this video.
In general, I have found each upgrade of Windows to be more stable. After testing Win 7, I kept it because it is more stable than Win XP but I keep one machine on XP because my firewire video capture program (CAPvhs) has not and will not be upgraded past XP. Win 7 has some irritating little glitches that I live with==like not reporting file sizes correctly and others.
Isn’t Win 8 mostly for those who want to run/integrate touch screen technology?==more so for running portable personal gadgets?
I could so easily go back to win XP if needed and get an addon card if I wanted SATA upgrade or whatever minimal advance is being touted. Moore’s Law has an upper limit. I wonder if bells and whistles for an OS was reached with XP?
But, we will be marketed to force an artificial need. I can’t even use touch screen on my home triple montor==my screens are 6 inches beyond easy reach. Win 2000 wasn’t “that” bad either. Did crash more.
Pros and Cons with the Pros about flattened out?
“Isn’t Win 8 mostly for those who want to run/integrate touch screen technology?==more so for running portable personal gadgets?”
From what I read that’s the problem it may be a great tablet OS but 99% of users don’t have touch screens. So its current form is sucks and their is no easy help on how to use it as a desktop. Their is an Ex Microsoft employee trying to fix the UI.
Also have you tried installing XP mode on your WIN 7 machine.
Thanks Jet – yes, I “looked” at doing that and the virtual programs are free but they still take up hard drive space and I do like having multiple back ups of my OS even though its been a few years now since my last need for one. === The OS’s are getting more stable/anti-virus working better? Thats another issue though–Win 7 being twice the size of XP–then add XP again in virtual mode? At one time, I was having fun seeing how much I could prune from XP to get the size down to win2000 territory. Going the opposite way to an OS of 100 GB just strikes me as “wrong” when I still run a live CD from time to time just for kicks.
Off doing something else, it just struck me again that another “glitch” with Win 7 is that it doesn’t seem to multi-task as smoothly as XP did. Too many variables to really try to nail that down, but on any/every “upgrade” I wonder what functionality will be lost.
It means Window 8 make now everyone finally switch to Mac OS X… good work Microsoft, very proud of you!
One is left with the thought that older users may not flock to this new operating system in droves.
I still go with something Bill Gates once said, “You buy a new operating system when you buy a new computer.” That would got triple for Windows 8. My 30 inch monitor is not touch sensitive and I’m not going to something smaller if I can help it.
Why is anyone acting surprised? It’s Microsoft.
Win 8 is for portable touch screens, not thirty inch monitors. Anybody foolish enough to put an OS on a desktop that’s designed for a tablet is well…. Mostlikely likely a mac fan.
Tell that to M$ because what you are looking at is the new desktop OS.
Maybe the guy should have pressed some keys, I’m guessing the windows key may have helped. Wow, a video of a guy older than me, and probably most of the users on DU can’t figure out a new OS quick enough. I’m really impressed at how gullible most of the commenters are. Stupid video of inept PC user. Sorry to the dude in the video.
Again the OS is for portable touchscreen devices, and alternately for desktop use. I’ll stick with the hated Vista. No crashes in years. Let the Vista haters hate.
Truthfully, watching “Dad” I doubt could run XP, let-alone Win8.
I’m currently testing the Consumer Preview, it’s not bad, but it’s also not better. A few compatibility issues with of all things Windows Live Essentials, but hey it’s MS.
Haters are going to hate, I prefer to work with something before writing it off as crapola.
This type of feedback is good. I would hope that tests like these are performed. I worry their secrecy of product design would eliminate this type quality control / usability testing.
Possible solution to consider: I wonder if a quick tutorial would be presented on first boot up?
Apple did this introducing their trackpad on their notebook computers to illustrate how 2 finger swiping can scroll a screen. To complete the task you had to scroll it down to click the next button.
A survey of features / practice session may help real users in a similar manner.
So how do I start to tear this apart for the link bait it is:
1. he is running in parallels on a mac so more than likely the keyboard does not have a “Windows Key”
2. This user is not a real windows user but a mac person confronted with windows for the first time if after seeing the desktop asked “Who puts this out”
3. A hardware Start button is required for Logo compatability, just like an ipad there is a button for that.
4. all the MAC and apple fan boys are just stewing because Microsoft out appled “Apple”
Gotta love link bait.
The Dude is a MS user. The kid is a HUGE Mac fan. Here’s the video of “Dad” using a Mac for the first time. Looks like objectdock to me.
Freezal – “1. he is running in parallels on a mac so more than likely the keyboard does not have a “Windows Key””
Bingo, we have us a winner. The Windows key will always take you home. (Granted Home is pretty ugly at this point), After you’ve figured that out the rest is easy.
But then Apple still hasn’t figured out what that second mouse button is for.
The son’s clock/calander might be that bar of red, blue and green leds above the monitors. He’s really an alien messing with that poor old guy. Leave Dad the hell alone, his beanie cap is about to start spinning.
More than anything, it’s some of the Mac “enthusiasts” snotty attitude that turns Windows users of.
This kid is a high pitched obnoxious little know it all. I’d like to punch him in the face.
Help me Jesus, computers where suppose to make our lives easier, is what the told us why back when. They do, but they didn’t say the would be easy to use.
Someone get me a monkey to work this computer.
Install Windows 8
Install 3rd party software that restores the start menu
Never look at Metro.
Done, and done. Problem solved.
I am really happy Windows doesn’t make birth control.
What Windows 8 is really designed to do is to force you to upgrade or buy a faster PC. Because what could easily handle XP, won’t be able to handle all this sliding screen nonsense on 8. And BTW, moving the mouse pointer to the lower left corner of the screen, reveals a thumbnail pic of the “start” screen, to return to. Which is not explained to anyone in a manual, without a tour video run on the PC or Youtube. Expect to see a LOT of help for Windows 8, on Youtube (probably from Microsoft) in the future. It needs it.
This OS is just reinventing the way we access data and applications, to justify Microsoft’s faith in its “Surface” technology. They’ve been showing it on Tv shows like NCIS LA and Hawaii 5-0, for a couple seasons now. And movies like “Day the Earth Stood Still” (modern version). When in the past, they’d never allow media production to show any form of Windows on a computer screen. So they must be pushing for its acceptance, with this change of policy. And Windows 8 seems to me to be the tablet/laptop version of Surface, shrunk down, and made a bit more practical. But still largely a lot of eye candy, on top the XP code base.
Little Help?
If you DON’T WANT touch screen, and you DON’T WANT METRO, what is Win 8 gonna do for you?
I think it has the very latest support for SATA drives and that is about it? You can upgrade win7 with an add on card if you want that SATA functionality?
The claim will be of course that it is “more stable.” But Win7 has not crashed once since my install 2 years ago. Seems stable enough?
Seems like the Marketing Department has a challenge: creating a need where no need exists?
Info please?
Can’t wait until the first security bugs are found and Microsoft releases service pack 1:
Correction (stupid computer):
You can make usable links by simply editing out the www. in your link.
Thanks Cap’nK !
I could put my mother, today, in front of either a Mac or Windows PC and would expect much the same. My father, in his day, could tear apart and rebuild a car engine, farm tractor or farm implement. But when VCRs arrived, he could never program one to record at a future time. It took quite a while for him to grasp how to record one show while watching another. The VCR clock was forever flashing 12:00, even after repeatedly showing him how he could reset it by hitting 1 button on the VCR remote.
If you want a real test, put a six year old in front of Windows 8 and see how long it takes him or her to run rings around us old farts.
Those links above don’t work for me. Found this one though. Odd the old guy above didn’t just click on the screen? Takes you to Standard win7 interface.
Thru that gurgling sound, its telling this informative short video on the Metro Interface is by an Indian Guy. I fear for my country when “our” software is explained best by furenners?
Once again, Boob get’s it WRONG!
For someone who bitches and moans about getting facts right you’d he/she/it would pay attention to small little details like completely different versions of Windows.
In Boob’s link ( we see some Indian person explaining how to use the Windows 8 Developer Preview. You can tell it is the Developer Preview since there is still a start orb on the desktop.
What Chris Prillo’s dad was test driving in the video here (via the link) was the newest Windows 8 Consumer Preview released Feb 29, 2012 and which is totally missing the desktop start orb. (If you want a copy check it out: )
Nevertheless, I too don’t like Windows 8 no matter what version it is or what they call it.
Anon–let me amaze you: Yep, you are right. I didn’t notice that at all.
Instructive how details don’t matter when you don’t care about a subject and THAT’s what makes me a bear about Facts. When you don’t care about FACTS on a political issue, then what you are revealing is your partisan bias.
Facts always matter. Just as the subject you are discussing matters.
Yea, verily.
Bobbo +1
Always nice to see people acknowledge their previous info was bad/wrong.
Yea, verily- – – and so dissappointing and regularly experienced here when they don’t.
Saw a short article on 5 failures of Hooman thinking. One of them was confusing “winning” an argument with understanding it.
Nice dovetail there with how opposing facts will often as not dig a person deeper into their stupid hole rather than change their mind? Kinda explains the South, the Republican Party, and Religion.
Ha, ha. Stoopid Hoomans.
Funny, just exactly what I expect many typical users to wonder.
Sometimes the geeks don’t get what average people know. Its not intuitive by any stretch Microsoft. Get a clue, people are going to shut down phone systems calling for help on this OS.
I’m a geek by any standard – but have no interest in metro – whether on a PC or a phone or tablet.
Seriously, in the first 30 seconds the guy says “Oh, thats like what I had before”.
That little comment completely invalidates the rest of Pirillo’s (a notorious apple pusher and general annoying and arrogant asshole) argument.
If its ‘like I had before” then he will have no problems using it ‘like he did before’ and can use and learn the metro UI at his own pace in the future, if and when he wants to.
Of course Pirillo is trying to drive his dad to mac. All he ever does is bash anything ANY other company except apple does.
Personally I’m not convinced about metro on a non-touch desktop PC, but its working fantastically on my dell Duo tablet and its implementation in Windows Phone 7 is so much better than the tired and boring old grid of icons that apple and google still think is cool and current. But on non-touch? Meh.
Zybch, you nailed it.
I used to kill some time listening to Pirillo’s podcast, but his constant Apple Fanboy drivel was too much to put up with.
There is one nice feature in the Apple iTunes: Unsubscribe.
yeah but Pirillo’s point is that if the whole idea is the tile screen is to ACCESS your apps and there is no apparent way to GET BACK to that screen once you run and close an app, means windows 8 is a fail.
Definitely it’s worth $100-$300 to add a ’tile’ UI to the Win 7+1. It’s so innovative.
actually Windows 8 is version 6.2
Since Windows Vista was version 6.0, and Windows 7 is 6.1. XP i think was version 5?
They are basically following what OS X is. It’s been at “X” (10) for the past decade+ and every new version has been a point release with different cat code name.
No offence to MAcOS (indifferent) or Unix (which I quite like) – but that says out loud that a single-quote after the version number for MacOS would make it a cat’apostrophe…
(ok – I’m bored, back to the two saucepans I call a ‘foot spa’)
This is the same thing Microsoft did when they switched from DOS to Windows.
Windows ran on top of DOS and when everyone got used to Windows they’ve relegated DOS in a tiny corner of the OS.
Now they’re doing it again for Metro, once everyone is on board, Windows UI will be relegated to tiny corner of the OS
Just put a “start”-like button on the bottom left of the Windows UI and dads too will be happy during the transition.
Windows was just a DOS Shell up until windows NT, which then became a terminal window. like how it is in unix. But even in the NT days most ppl were still in 16bit DOS land running windows 95/98/Me until windows 2000 (and XP) came along.
I am talking about the paradigm shift.
For Microsoft, backward compatibility has a very high priority, and it’s obvious (at least to me) that they are playing the same DOS to Windows game they did back in the 90s.
What they did for Windows 95 though, was to add a little animation that said “Click here to start”
You could see it only for the first few times and then it went away.
They should do something similar for the Desktop UI “Click here to go to Metro”
Microsoft should default the desktop version to the desktop and leave the phone tiles for those that want them, I’m will to bet it’ll be few and far between.
I do like the tiles for a tablet or phone though, but not for notbooks, netbooks, desktops or any computer I plan to do any real work with, which also leave out brain dead overpirce Apple crap as well as Amiga.
any computer I plan to do any real work with
That’s the key.
That does not mean you should run down people who use their computers/tablets as mere text/audio/video communication consumption devices.
You need a tool, they need a surfboard.
BTW, if Apple is overpriced, then where are all their competitors trying to undercut them?
loved the zinger at the end there…. LOL
I’ve yet to see Metro with an attractive desktop, just a bunch of squares. I have a feeling they should name it Windows Metro Vista.
Oh great, now all desktops should be phones. Somehow these are the same designers that forget that all the “digital natives” are TYPING on their telephones instead of talking. People want their pocket device to be like a desktop not their desktop to be like the most limited computer experience possible.
I question that Pirillo’s dad is actually a Windows user – notice how he keeps looking on the RIGHT side of the screen – the actuator for the tile interface is on the lower LEFT. So is the Windows Start button on older versions of Windows. I submit he’s stuck on the right side of the screen either because he’s visually challenged, or he’s really an old hand at Mac.
Either way, after spending a couple of weeks with Win8, I flushed my laptop and went back to XP (that’s what I have a real license for on this machine). I suppose one day I will be forced to get used to the newer interface, but right now the new one is much more work than the older interface, on a standard PC or laptop anyway.
The Dad got it right. Go buy a Mac!