Here is the latest conversation I had with money manager Andrew Horowitz…. new insights for anyone who invests in anything. We discuss the continued boom and bull market along with some new indicators.
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  1. Love the photo
    Looks like a speedy fish almost darting across open water on its travels
    Quite a photo – like it was a WW2 sci fi thriller
    How come when Godzilla gets off the spaceship he always speaks English not Spanish ?

  2. Glenn E. says:

    Oh yeah. The economy must be improving. Cause telemarketing callers are ignoring the Do Not Call list like never before. We’re getting calls from all over the US, for no damn reason. So it must be a sign of shear desperation or fast economic growth.

    • deowll says:

      Making allowances for the fact that the Fed. Gov. always lies about what the real numbers are it does look like we have at least for now almost improved to the point the WH said we’d reach if nobody did anything and it only took us several trillion dollars and several extra years to do it thanks to those economic geniuses, Papa Doc Obama, Harry Reed, and Nancy P. who shall always be remembered for those famous words, Vote for the bill then I’ll show you what’s in it. Doing that ended a lot of careers.

  3. CD Barber says:

    Will someone please tell me the artist who made this image? Would love to buy a copy.


  4. deowll says:

    China stopped dumping after they cornered the market on rare earths and are charging through the nose for them now. Of course after somebody else gets some production going in a few years China can always go back to dumping and put them out of business then go back to charging monopoly prices.

    Yah gotta admire a huckster that knows how to hustle a sucker even when the sucker is us.

  5. To fill you in says:

    Banks dont use money. they sign peices of papers called “loans” that is there monitary intrument. so are banks truly at risk. no.
    thats what your missing john.


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