I wonder who REALLY won the Primaries?

    • Grandpa says:

      Speaking as a racist white majority person, I see no problem with any identity requirement.

      If I were a hard working family man illegal, I would be very much against it.

      • LtSiver says:

        I just don’t want my country to be a “show me your papers” police state in order to do anything in society.

      • LtSiver says:

        Besides, cheating an election has more to do with being the counter than having people misrepresent themselves.

  1. two heads says:

    There’s a word for this, but I can’t quite recall… right on the tip of my tongue… uh… opposite of truth… oh yeah. LIES.

    • deowll says:

      Nope. In some states yah gotta work to steal an election and in others you don’t.

  2. MWD78 says:

    am i the only one that notices that just about every clip was used about 3 times? are they doing that to pad this, or make it seem like the problem is more widespread?

    seems deceptive to me.

    • jpfitz says:

      No, your not the only one who noticed the vids chopped together and redundant. I thought my video player rewound itself. Ten minutes could have been condensed to four.

      • Hairy German says:

        I lasted about 4 mins and said this is a waste of time. PS what is wrong with getting a photo ID? They only cost about $25 in most states.

  3. bobbo, oh, the Horror says:

    Whats the point here? Every study I have seen posted shows voter fraud of less than .o1%==not worth the effort to police or prevent.

    Outside of Chicago that is.

    Hmmm. so my own bias is that having the dead vote does happen, but the studies say its not a big issue. What to believe?

    I can resolve the two data bases by saying the studies weren’t done in areas of traditional voting fraud? Or if your name is on a qualified voters list, the dead voter issue doesn’t arise?

    Anyway==obvious case of Pukes trying to suppress democratic vote. Not this video–the larger national picture that makes the video relevant. Two different things.

    • deowll says:

      Actually the studies can say anything they want. If you check around you will find plenty of elections were a few votes here or there changed who got elected.

      • Cap'nKangaroo says:

        And by preventing legal, eligible voters who happen to not have the proper ID would NOT change who is elected?

        That argument cuts both ways and I always read of vastly more people cut off from the ability to vote by these laws, than actual fraudulent votes.

        • deowll says:

          And you think letting the graveyards vote is going to fix things? You might as well set up a system where everyone can vote as many times as they want.

          It isn’t that hard for anyone who wishes to vote to get a valid ID. People do it all the time to buy liquor, cigarettes, and to drive.

          All I can figure is you are big fan of stolen elections.

          • “You might as well set up a system where everyone can vote as many times as they want.”

            Just like American Idol! Yes! Can we vote from our cell phones too? I don’t see much difference between AI and government elections.

  4. thadco says:

    What a complete shithead tool this guy is. The reason we don’t require ID for voting is simply because it is the most sacred right of citizenship. If you are willing to commit a felony to pervert that right, so be it. Because to require someone who really can’t afford the DMV to show ID to vote really is discriminating against the poor and minorities. Making voting truly free, open, and democratic means risking exposure to racist assholes like this guy. He makes me want to ‘throw up’. lol

    • Chicago Style says:

      “…it is the most sacred right of citizenship… blah, blah blah, , blah, blah…”

      BS alert! Come on, you really want to swing elections by having them vote multiple times for your guy at $10 bucks a pop. It adds up.

    • LibertyLover says:

      But how do we know if you are a citizen, able to receive the horn of plenty, unless you show an ID?

      You have to show an ID to go fishing but you don’t have to show an ID to vote on whether to raise my taxes or not?

      I think a state that wants to keep a Voter ID Law from being overturned should have rules in place to allow indigent people to get a state-issued card at no expense to the holder. I would be happy to have my state taxes pay for that if it will put a little honesty into the game.

  5. JS says:

    Jesus fucking christ – you fell for this O’Keefe bullshit?

    I agree with some of the stuff you post, disagree with more, but a vast majority of the time have respect for your thoughts. But not with you posting this shit.

  6. Yaknow says:

    Wisconsin supreme court shot down voter ID as unconstitutional.

    Voter fraud what is old is new again, remember Florida during Bush 2’s run for president? Hell, dead people voting has going on at least since the mid 1800s.

    When has voting ever been free of fraud, when has politics even been “honest.” Can’t forget Watergate and the scandals before and after that, and those still to come.

    “We the people,” our vote counting is merely lip service and only serves as a device for politician’s agendas.

    • So what you’re saying is democracy has always been a failure. It Would then make sense to change a few things ,right? Its Been 200 years and things seem like they are only getting worse. Maybe voting in and of itself is fraudulent. For Example, if 10 people took a vote and 6 decided to rape a girl while 4 voted against (the girl being 1 of the 4 who voted against, of course! ), would that vote make the gang rape legit?

  7. Mextli: ABO says:

    John Kennedy won by 112,827 votes out of about 69 million.

    But we should not concern ourselves with fraud since it’s such a small percentage of the popular vote. I would wager most of those fraudulent votes are cast for Dimocrats.

    • Grandpa says:

      If you look at it another way. The more illegals vote Democrat, the more likely we will get to keep Social Security.

      Perhaps we should pay them to cross the border….

  8. NewfornatSux says:

    Actually Kennedy lost the popular vote. Because of a quirk in Alabama, he tends to be credited with a popular vote win by counting votes that were for other, racist, Democrats.

  9. NewfornatSux says:

    Having vote diluted by people committing organized fraud is no big deal?

    I wonder if Gore would have won Florida if it wasn’t for an organized Bush fraud effort? Oregon uses vote by mail, and Bush barely lost to Gore there, which is a much better result than you would expect for Bush.

    • kiwini says:

      “Oregon uses vote by mail, and Bush barely lost to Gore there, which is a much better result than you would expect for Bush.”

      No, it’s because of all the liberals in Portland and Ugeen controll the rest of Oregon through sheer voting mass, not enlightenment.

      • NewfornatSux says:

        So, I would expect Bush to lose 55-45 or so. Instead he almost wins the state because he had his vote fraud guys go around and steal mail. Probably at those vote for Gore parties liberals were holding.

  10. NewfornatSux says:

    Liberals just love to spew out the latest talking points, without putting much thought into them. Vote fraud is a myth, then a tiny tiny percentage that never flips an election, then one that rarely flips an election, etc. Pretty hard to have evidence of vote fraud when its so easy to get away with.

    Then you have the health care debate where they just make repeat absurd claims, like it will lower health care costs, lower the deficit, lower spending, etc. Already, the cost of ObamaCare has reached double what they claimed.

  11. deowll says:

    1.) The tape honestly showed what happened and how easy it is to vote the dead.
    2.) Without regard for which side you are on, conservative, liberal, libertarian, Marxist or what have you, unless you are into having elections stolen you should be opposed to having the dead vote.
    3.) I can only assume that some posters do want elections stolen.
    4.) I had no problems at all getting a valid ID for my 87 year old mother so she could vote in TN.

    In my view Holder is the worst attorney general the US has ever had and should be in prison. I’ve never said that about another attorney general of either party.

    • NewfornatSux says:

      The worst attorney general ever? Ever heard of Palmer raids? How about Janet Reno overseeing the biggest massacre of minorities in decades?

      • deowll says:

        I’m an old man but 1919 was a little before my time. Alexander Mitchell Palmer, appointed by that fine liberal, Woodrow Wilson does seem to have ignored constitutional safeguards.

        Janet Reno was first appointed by Bill Clinton. She can be tagged with the Branch Dividians but most would not consider them to be a minority group. Tear gas and open flames don’t mix well but many of the Dividians refused to leave a burning building which is more than slightly nuts.

  12. thadco says:

    What needs to be effective is the system for clearing the rolls of deceased voters and such, but even that has limitations due to processing time. No one should be disenfranchised of their vote just because fraud is possible. The logic flaws of any such an argument are staggering.

    It’s all part of the bubble.

    However, shame on any election judge who doesn’t bother to make a challenge to any voter who’s signature doesn’t match their registration. They are supposed to check…

    And IDs can be faked. How about we just use sub-dermal rfid tags?

  13. Peppeddu says:

    If he doesn’t like the law as it is, why he doesn’t petition to change it?

    I find it quite weird for him to ask other people to break it, like the lady at the bar, just because he doesn’t like it.

  14. ramuno says:

    So let this piece of propaganda make you mad that dozens of poeple register dead people as voters while ignoring the massive electronic voter fraud that has been happenning for the last decade.

  15. Joat says:

    Voter fraud is a problem but I would suggest the bigger problem is that not enough people care enough to vote. If more people would vote the fraud would be marginalized and have no discernible effect on the end result.

    If you are a citizen it is your duty to vote, and if you don’t vote you can’t really complain about the result either.

    • Mextli: ABO says:

      I am not sure the number of people voting would marginalize fraud. It seems the more narrow the margin of victory the more fraud would be effective.

      However, as thadco posted “No one should be disenfranchised of their vote just because fraud is possible.” This is the same argument as better a guilty man go free then an innocent one be imprisoned.

      Better neither one happen.

  16. Voter Fraud is an insignificant concern compared to a million other ways an election can be warped from hanging chads to lost votes to hacked diebold machines to the very way votes are counted in the first place, electoral college anyone? So me thinks you all waste time arguing about voter id laws when no matter what you do the democratic process will be warped in the end.

    • deowll says:

      There is not excuse for not making them at least have to work to steal an election.

  17. NewfornatSux says:

    >The reason we don’t require ID for voting is simply because it is the most sacred right of citizenship.

    It is? The constitution mentions that states must have a republican form of government, and mention elections in various places, but the preamble and the bill of rights are about liberty. If you want to go talk to Attorney General Eric Holder to complain about ID requirements, exercising your 1st amendment right to petition government for a redress of grievances, you have to show ID to get in the door.

    • thadco says:

      Yes, it is.

      Can’t you see the flaws in your logic? Are you mentioning liberty at the same time as condoning restricting it to minimize voter fraud? Freedom has risks. Would you eliminate all courts so that there was never a risk of a guilty person going free or do you support a judicial system that tries not to send the innocent to jail? Make up your mind.

      “Keep your government hands off my medicare”

  18. bobbo, oh, the Horror says:

    I was mostly agnostic when posting early to this thread. Having read all the comments, I’ve changed my mind.

    Seems to me that showing ID should be a requirement. Rather than invalidate such schemes for their obvious nefarious intent, the government should simply have another Nanny State Program to help people get properly registered. A good democratic (small “d”) exercise in civil affairs.

    Given all the dumbasses and retarded Dumbo’s in Florida, every 4 years I am amazed the Democratic Party doesn’t put more effort into educating the nursing home denizens on how to vote properly. Millions spent on advertising your candidate and zero spent on actually getting them to vote as they desire.

    Should people too stupid to have an ID even be allowed to vote? You know: regardless of skin color, job status, and bank account?

  19. NewfornatSux says:

    Seems to me they could just have a digital camera on hand and take people’s pictures if they don’t have an ID, and keep those votes separate. Then you open up the pictures online for a few days, so people can scan for someone voting twice. It won’t stop people casting a single vote for a dead voter, but it would stop massive fraud.

  20. Rick says:

    The real fraud is in the COUNTING, not the voting.

    Look at the last election in Russia, that should speak volumes about counting fraud.


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