Who’s Talking Anyway??

  1. McCullough says:

    Ventriloquist? Yeah, that’s weird.

  2. Jorn says:

    its hard learning kids to read auto cue…

  3. Me says:

    Well it’s clear that the kid was rehearsed. The dad had his statement line for line.

  4. t0llyb0ng says:

    Mr. Cavuto has sprouted a case of vocal polyps, has he?  Gee, sure hope he gets that diagnosed soon.  Can’t they laser those things off relatively easily these days?  Or would be a great excuse to retire on a “disability.”

    Go for it, buddy.  Get the cure or GTFO.  Nobody wants to hear that.

  5. bobbo, oh, the Horror says:

    Child abuse on film. There it is!!! Watch this kiddie grow up in a Republican Household. The tension mounts: will be become a party faithful, a LIEberTARD, start his own Church, or become the DC Sniper Redux?

    Stay tuned.

  6. The Pirate says:

    Hudson, what do you want to do when you grow up?

    I want to be in war and save the country.

    The propaganda runs deep with this one.

  7. Yaknow says:

    Too weird indeed… And now Snookie is pregnant, I hope she is stocking up on Bananas.

  8. JohnnyBGoode says:

    Douchebags exist on both sides of the aisle. I hate it when Demicans complain about Republicrats and vice-versa, instead of helping the rest of you idiots who still believe in the system.

    This candidate is weird, too.

    • JohnnyBGoode says:

      ROFLMAO! The “Overweight Date” ad was too funny! I hate Faux News. So much.

  9. denacron says:

    I was brought up by church going parents. That guy and his kid very much remind me of missionaries and their kids that would travel from church to church drumming up support for their outreach to the “primitives”.

    Low talent show business is still show business I suppose. Generally I dislike most politicians and missionaries. They are less honest about their motives for a buck than straight forward entertainers.

    • JohnnyBGoode says:

      Politics is show business for ugly people. In this case, for the sickos as well.

  10. bobbo, oh, the Horror says:

    JohnnyBGoode disproportionately says:
    3/12/2012 at 5:30 pm

    Douchebags exist on both sides of the aisle. /// True, but any honest person admits THERE ARE MORE DOUCHEBAGS ON THE REPUBLICAN SIDE. Thats really the issue. Dumbo’s out to bankrupt our country to the benefit of the 99%, Pukes out to bankrupt the country to the benefit of the 1%. Surely you see how both parties are the same yet different at the very same time? Surely?……… Shirley? Ha, ha. Maybe not?

    I hate it when Demicans complain about Republicrats and vice-versa, instead of helping the rest of you idiots who still believe in the system. //// What does “believe in” the system mean in your dogma? That system exists and it is the only one we have. Its like saying a fish is an idiot for believing in water? Your alternative version of reality is what????????

    This candidate is weird, too. /// Yes indeedy. Fascist Religio TeaPublican. Cute kid. The light won’t go out of his eyes for 3-4 years.

    Same as it always is.

    • JohnnyBGoode says:

      Hahaha, another dumbass who still believes “Change” candidate. To benefit the 99%? If you’re referring to 99% of his buddies from Chicago, you’re right.

      I dare you to go through south-central or east LA and tell me how Obama has helped 99% them.

      You have a guy who blames the other guys as his best trait, and a bunch of zeroes on the other (save for one, who won’t be allowed to get anywhere close to winning), and 99% of the real people get screwed AGAIN.

      “Same as it always is” is correct.

  11. Dallas says:

    Are Republicans now after the pedophelia vote? This seems redundant because they already have the evangelicals. Either way, kudos to the party for risk taking. Honestly, I think this is a flawed strategy.

  12. Peppeddu says:

    Why are we focusing on this nonsense?

    The important thing is: ** Is Kony real? **, because if he is, we need to smoke him out, who cares how it’s done.

    One thing to say, however, is that disabling comments on the KONY 2012 video doesn’t look good for the Invisible Children Foundation.

    On another note, sorry for the OT, 76 Million views (as of March 13) @ 0,5 GB per download (in HD) makes it about 38 Peta Bytes

    Now, if Google were to pay for bandwidth the same price as Amazon EC2 ($0.050 per GB) it would have cost them $1,900,000 just to stream KONY 2012
    If YouTube really making money?

  13. NewfornatSux says:

    Is their anything weirder than the Obama campaign unleashing a one minute video of criticisms by Sarah Palin?

  14. Just keep that kid away from the church.

  15. DonW1234 says:

    The point is….



    Excuse the caps, but the message that our current government is spending the country into as situation like Greece is in seems to be lost on most of the people commenting on this video.

    • deowll says:

      I slightly disagree. I think the current government is running up a debt that is going to go toxic before that kid is old enough to help pay it off.

  16. duh365 says:

    Really?! Asking Dad if his kid is really into this stuff or if the ad is BS? Wow, what great reporting. What a gotcha! Glad we wasted time on national television uncovering the mysteries behind advertising.

  17. lynn says:

    ahh the indoctrination is strong in this one.

    extremely weird, this wrong no mater the party.


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