1. Tacotrainwreck says:

    To Michigan bargain shoppers: I smell two foreclosures in the future.

  2. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Ha, ha. I call: CLASS WARFARE!!!! Against the feeble and weak.

    Who posting here would trade places with this dweeb? Dumb as shit. She’ll be broke again in 3 years max.

    So many LIEberTARDS and good free market capitalists bemoaning how much money poor people have. Poor in assets, income, education, outlook, hope, and charity.

    The question of “having a heart” does not even arise. Neither does being a flaming asshole yourself. Just stop complaining about things you actually don’t even care about and that don’t affect your own life.

    None of us would trade places with the lives these people have. Its like poking a dumb animal with a stick. Might do it once as a child ((as I shot a bird with my b-b gun)) but only once.

    After that, you appreciate your OWN life, and don’t overly fixate on others. I KNOW Pedro will post and prove me wrong.

    Ha, ha. Silly short sighted dull witted Hoomans. Mind the gap.

  3. Dallas says:

    It would seem her new wealth status would have automatically disqualified her from food stamps but whatever.

    • LibertyLover says:

      Seems MI has a big problem with this not being an isolated incident.

  4. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    I remember years ago I tried to get food stamps–cause I love me that cheese! Forget what happened so I just tried again:


    Even with multiple degrees, I can’t understand the directions? Was that it? Anyway, that website tool does help.

    Stupid government==why don’t they just say if you have more than $2000 bucks in cash or stuff outside of your car and house then you CAN’T GET FOOD STAMPS.

    Course==government doesn’t know who wins lotteries, you gotta self report. When Mom died, she gave some big bucks to her grand daughter who is on assistance. So–way to go Mom==grand daughter gets the lump sum from Mom and the State calculates no Welfare to grand daughter for 6 years.

    Too bad Mom knew I don’t get along with my sisters, so estate planning was taboo. I’d have told her to give grand daughters share to her daughter to dole out as best thought.

    Hey—-estate planning. Just like Romney wants to do. But let’s not think of Romney wanting to reduce his tax load by 80 Million or more. Lets focus on this brain dead leech’s effort to keep getting that free cheese.

    I do like cheese.

  5. TheOne says:

    Boobo is smoking something and I want in! Anyone else? 🙂

    • birddog says:

      bobbo is not smokin anything he just thinks he is an authority on all subjects.

  6. McCullough says:

    The only time I qualified for Food Stamps was during my years in military service.

    Still didn’t apply for them.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Thats shocking.–even after having heard it before. Not like boot camp then where you get fed 3 x per day while running around?

      I went into boot skinny and active==actually put on muscle weight in my 6 weeks/2 months?? How long was it?

      Young and skinny. Good times.

      Hmmm.. enlisted, out of boot, off base, married, one kiddie. Food stamps should be automatically included with the pay check? Or entire family fed on base. Military is just a “family” from what I see reported.

      -or- just a well defined group to take even more advantage of?

  7. Yaknow says:

    Remember “too big to fail” and “Bail out.” How “we” the tax payer are always paying for those little minor bail outs from the S&L of the 1980s to the all the bails outs of the last few years. The banks, car companies, airlines, and on and on…..

    Please this 24 old woman in insignificant, $200.00 per week or what ever it is, it ain’t nut’n. She is just doing what our the financial industry has modeled. Hell, she is just getting back some of the money she over paid in unnecessary taxes. She is doing the 1% er, thing, getting her taxes back from the government. Why bust on her….hmmm…well because right now she can’t fight back with lobbyist, lawyers, money, politics, she is an easy target for the news to get ratings.

    • deowll says:

      Why on earth would you think that this woman has ever paid federal income taxes? She’s part of the 49.5% that lives off the labor of others or at least isn’t going to shell out for the $17,000.00 or so that’s her fair share of the bill per citizen that Obama ran up while sharing the wealth he didn’t create.

      If you don’t pay Federal taxes _and never have_ throwing a toddler tantrum over somebody else _only_ paying 15% makes you look like what you are.

      Unless you are paying a higher percentage than 15% stop being a whinny baby. If you are paying over 15% you have to make over $200,000 a year.

      Not sure I agree with Bobbo that she will be broke in 3 years. She bought a modest house. She kept on using the food stamp card. She didn’t take a trip to Lost Wages. She shows signs of being modestly frugal. Her biggest problem might be the banks aren’t paying anyone anything for her savings.

  8. Brent says:

    24 y.o. lives within the Age of Entitlement. I’m not shocked in the least. The Lesser Generation.

  9. LibertyLover says:

    If we didn’t have social programs rationed by the government, this wouldn’t be a problem.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Hey, good to see you up holding the cause LL.

      So, tell us: what to do with people too poor to buy food?

      I think you have mentioned your own personal good works, so by extension, you think there should be no government programs at all and people should just beg and rely on the good impulses of stalwarts like yourself?

      Is that your program Bunky?

      • dusanmal says:

        Private charities. Particularly private local charities. US poor survived on direct generosity of others just fine before all the Government programs. No begging required.
        Additional benefit from those sources: they care about people whom they help and try to know them well and, most importantly – wouldn’t blindly help those who can help themselves but are not willing.
        Finally, private charities who do good work do so order of magnitude more efficiently than Government. Same amount of funds delivered that way would help many more in much better way.

        • tcc3 says:

          If private/religious foodbanks are sufficient, why are there still hungry people?

          If charitable hospitals are all we need, then why are there people who are not getting adequate healthcare?

          “US poor survived on direct generosity of others just fine before all the Government programs. No begging required.”

          Please provide some supporting evidence for your wild claim.

          • LibertyLover says:

            Because government competes and takes monies that could otherwise be allocated on a needed basis.

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

          dusanmal, perhaps unknowingly feeding idiot LIEberTARDS with such old tropes says:
          3/8/2012 at 1:03 pm

          Private charities. Particularly private local charities. US poor survived on direct generosity of others just fine before all the Government programs. /// They did? I do know that soup kitchens and shelters were around back when, and still are today, but was the system “as seemless” as you aver? Adults get feed either by charity, begging, or crime, but what of the kiddies?? How many poor kiddies died from malnutrition over the last few decades. Those numbers should be available or some other agreed upon metrix. Any FACTS at all to back up this notion, or is it just raw/bald dogma? Seems to me I recall a lot of complaints of people having to sit thru all kinds of /hours of/agreement with >>>religious presentations to get a donut. Or, are you for that too? Make the kiddies and oldsters get to a food station? What about the kiddies at home???

          No begging required. /// What else is standing in line at a soup kitchen? What do you unconsciously require: a tin cup to make it begging? Bandages on the head with a self effacing “Please Sir?” Don’t be such a retard.

          Additional benefit from those sources: they care about people whom they help /// I would agree–some would. Just like government workers do too? Or is it all black and white?

          and try to know them well and, most importantly – wouldn’t blindly help those who can help themselves but are not willing. //// Ha, ha. No recognition at all here? “The deserving poor”==subject to whatever stupidity the charity giver wishes to impose??? Sounds like the government should step in and stop that BS to me.

          Finally, private charities who do good work do so order of magnitude more efficiently than Government. /// Could well be true. Puts a good accent on what “being efficient” means.

          Same amount of funds delivered that way would help many more in much better way. /// That is so often true across just about everything the government does. Similarly, the “efficiencies” gained in private enterprise are likewise not done to the benefit of society but rather all get funneled to the already Super Rich.

          Money corrupts. Silly to think otherwise. Just mind who’s ox is getting gored==because you post like you enjoy having your dick in a grain mill.

          Why you so dumb?

          • Animby says:

            I got nothing against food stamps (don;t they use a debit card these days?) until they are used to buy booze, cigarettes, etc. Yes, I know it’s illegal. But we also know it happens very frequently. On the other had, I guess there’s nothing to stop someone from using their food stamps to buy a hundred pounds of beans and then trading it for a pint of MD20/20.

    • Dallas says:

      Unless it’s you or someone you care about that need them of course!

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        Ah Dallas, let’s not be too harsh with Loser. I know his backup plan for those too proud to beg in public is to spend 10X more on the prison system.

        Thats just how stupid he is.

        …… and all other LIEberTARDS of course. Their ilk being more similar to one another and retards than this poor woman and her lack of life experiences are to one another.

        Both so low on the totem pole, easy to simply feed and ignore. Give them a hunk of cheese and a forum to blog on===keeps them happy, off the streets, and out of the way.

        Yea, verily.

      • LibertyLover says:

        I help out with the local food bank and help collected enough food for over 250 families for three months out of each year.

        What do you do besides to cry to Uncle Sam to take my money, skim 25% off the top, and give it to lottery winners?

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

          Hey Loser—YOU would not trade places with this woman==even with her $500K if it meant having her personality, life style, options as well. Not YOU as YOU, but YOU as her.

          None of us would.

          Silly to pick thru someone’s life and criticize one or more particular parts while not appreciating the whole.

          Her life is one of misery. Why don’t you show a real interest in FREEEEEEDOM and leave the downtrodden alone?

          So jealous. So mindless of the bigger picture. What it takes to have a life worth living.

          Sad. “It’s MY money. Don’t take MY money. I want MY money. Don’t take MY Money. It defines who and what I am.”

          Silly low brow Hoomans.

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

          Liberty===how long before you figure out this forum isn’t about “YOU!” YOU, YOU, YOU/ME, ME, Me.

          No–this forum is “open” to all. Its even uncensored for all righteous purposes.

          If you want the privacy and control you cream in your pants about–send an email.

          Same with just about every other idea you have posted to date. >>>>> the cream in the pants that is.

          NO, Loser==this is the real world you are in contact with. People who agree with you, those you disagree with. All on the same cyber island.

          Ain’t reality a bitch?

          • LibertyLover says:

            You must be a poor fisherman. Don’t know when to pull that hook out of the water and just leave.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist, stands in the bread line of hungry souls, stops, and offers a crumb says:

            Well, Loser, let me explain something to you: you and I aren’t the only ones reading and being impacted by what is written here. Are you this easily led by labels? Let me say that again:


            In this case, the label/name on the who says what?

            The ONLY reason I reply to your comments Loser is because other people are reading them. To your failure: comments made and not contested have more impact/facial validity than those that are contested.

            Just imagine yourself a few years ago when you were still in diapers. You got your first issue of Fountain Head in comic book, err–Pictorial Novel, format, a free subscription to Realist Magazine (all back issues) and you found a group of kiddies who also had to mow yards to earn pocket money.

            You learned to become the self made narcissist you post as today. I’m not out to change you, although you should, no==I’m out to let those young readers know that your ideas do not stand uncontested.

            When we post, we post to the entire world, the subset who drop by anyway. Its not about YOU or me==just like every other issue you address.

            You man a charity soup and sandwich line? That fine. Thats what YOU do. Not what about every other swinging dick in the world?

            Its just one island. You aren’t alone. Its the market place of ideas where ill formed self centered blather like your gets shot down. Bringing emotions and temper to the party only reveals the source of your opinions.

            Argue, lose, learn, Re-Argue.

            Repetition will bring you the same results.

            Same as it always is.

          • LibertyLover says:

            Throw it back in, Bobbo! You might catch something next time.

  10. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Brent says:
    3/8/2012 at 12:33 pm

    24 y.o. lives within the Age of Entitlement. I’m not shocked in the least. The Lesser Generation. /// Yes – entitlement. The woman is so stupid she doesn’t know any other way to “act.” Called on it, she mumbled her “rational.” A rational created on the spot. No one really expects her to say: “…because I’m a creature of habit and don’t have the imagination to do anything else.”

    Jealousy of poor people.

    What a joke you dipshits are.

    Saw on Young Turks: The only group Romney is winning are those with $100K income or more per year. Imagine that? RETARDS with $100K income or more per year think they are advantaged by the tough talk of Loser and Romney WHEN THE TRUTH IS JUST THE OPPOSITE. You tripe are so much more like this woman than like Romney and he sees you about in the same light, as I do for different reasons.

    Romney wants your money continued to be transferred to him and the rest of his .1%’er’s, whereas I see you ALL as simply having the same lack of imagination as this woman.

    Proud and Crowing to be taken so advantage of.

    Welfare of the mind.

  11. Jay says:

    I tried to post a comment about how she has since been denied any more benefits and that the fraud unit is looking into it but it didn’t get posted… apparently in her state there isn’t any system to report winnings to other departments to prevent this… for now…

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      90% of the time when a post doesn’t post, I can find it in my browser history==the result of a mishit key. You have to look right away though or it disappears.

  12. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Hey, all you “poor people have an entitlement mentality” poo poo pants:

    rather than think your own good charitable works is enough to fill the need, why don’t you take a weekend and go at it from the other direction like this politician did?

    Charity: its one of those “context” deals. Come to think of it: why do I NOT want to work on a charity line and DO WANT to pay taxes for the government to do it? Just the opposite of Liberty Lover for example. What does that distinction say about us on any meaningful level?


    • Matt says:

      “why do I NOT want to work on a charity line and DO WANT to pay taxes for the government to do it?”

      That you are lazy and don’t have the balls to personally force the money out of the rest of us? It’s easy being an armchair philanthropist, isn’t it?

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist, stands in the bread line of hungry souls, stops, and offers a crumb says:

        Matt–please do back up and make another run at this?

        I don’t like “joining” anything. Don’t like waiting for anything. Don’t want to stand in line to get a donut, don’t want to stand in line to hand them out. Don’t want to have to listen to any BS religion or good will to get a donut and don’t want to hear “God Bless You” when handing donuts out.

        And I’m not a philanthropist either. I see the majority of my fellow man as not worth the effort and I don’t like being around them. Stupid, unwashed, Religious, over washed, self important, Political, always looking for an advantage, lying==whats to like?

        But–I don’t like the idea of anyone suffering either. BASIC needs should be met when it is so easy/cheap to do. Why should any of us care if someone gets cheese for free? I already get all the cheese I can eat==make about half of it myself.

        So–I see a need for people to have easy access to basic services but I don’t want to provide them myself.

        Isn’t that what government is for?

        As to the “forcing” bit. I would it affect the merits of this situation whether I very well could, or couldn’t? Silly stupid hole to hide in.

        In a democracy, the majority rule. The majority wants a society arranged with government services providing a base line. Anyone is free to give more on their own. Just the way I like it.

        The pendulum does swing though.

  13. deowll says:

    My bad. This woman had to pay the Fed gov. taxes on her new wealth or she will be in huge trouble.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist, stands in the bread line of hungry souls, stops, and offers a crumb says:

      The lottery system figured out a long time ago that those so stupid they play the lottery can only be given the net/net/net of blance due after ALL taxes removed up front.

      People are always hot and bothered though to make sure there is no cheating. Spend $10 to prevent the unqualified temporary use of free cheese the government paid a farmer $20 not to grow and will rot and cost $5 to remove if not eaten.

      Government economics. WITH all the fraud and abuse–still cheaper all things considered to tax and provide. “But they get an entitled mentality……” //// Ha, ha.

      What dolts.

  14. Rob Leather says:

    Is that actually right? That after taking the “lump sum” she was down to $700,000 and then she got taxed AS WELL and she only ended up getting $350,000?

    In the UK, if you win the lottery and get £1,000,000 that’s what ends up in the bank, you’ve ALREADY paid the tax on the price of the ticket.

    She should have got Romney’s accountants on the case, she’d have ended up with $1.5 m.

    Her $200 a week of course is absolutely stuff all compared to the BILLIONS of US Tax dollars that head towards special interest groups, the UN and so forth.

    Funny they don’t make a big story about that, isn’t it.

  15. Lou says:

    The gov should be taken to court for false ads. You win a Million and you get 700 = WTF.
    She paid 350 in tax. So she is getting her cash back. Who cares !

  16. Roasted Peanuts says:



    This reminds me of the signs in parks where it says “Don’t feed the bears! They will become dependant!”

    No sh*t.

    • scandihoovian says:

      All that loser has now is a half million dollar funded meth habit. At least now she isn’t breaking your $350 car window to steal that $3 of random dollar bills + change in the cupholder and a GPS mount. Who says swine has to be fat.

  17. Animby says:

    I think we’re being too hard on this poor lady.
    After all these years of using her relief check to buy lottery tickets she finally won. Her life probably hasn’t changed much. She’d addicted to buying lottery tickets with her relief money. Bet she still does. So, she’s giving the money back, in a way. No harm. No foul. She’s just doing what we’ve trained her to do…

    What are you gonna do? Go back to the days when you had to prove you were in need to receive help?

  18. zeph says:

    This is old news. She’s already been kicked off the food stamp program.

  19. Miss_X2 says:

    This woman just paid out about $400,000 in taxes and that news reporter is making a scene over $200/month for food stamps. The media sucks.

    • brrrap says:

      she paid 200k in taxes thats first, second she’s abusing the system which in itself is designed to support people’s inability to think for themselves – anyone with working brain would put that 500k to work for them not claim that they have no work. what a fucking joke the modern society is.

  20. k says:

    500k is NOT enough to make any sane person her age stop working… what a moron. She’s going to be flat broke again in a matter of months.


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