1. ABO says:


  2. bobbo, always in wonderement that people hate reality so says:

    You sure thats Obama? No teleprompter?

    I do wonder just when he thought to make a go at the Presidency.

    “If only” he would be less Bush Light, and more community activist?

    Maybe in his second term.

    • jpfitz says:

      “he would be less Bush Light”
      He is Bush, just a darker ale. I see no difference in taste.
      Just looks.

      Ha ha ha ha ha. You can take that to the bank. Admit it… we were snookered.

      • bobbo, always in wonderement that people hate reality so says:

        jp–no, I think Obama is more left/liberal/democratic than Bush but he doesn’t want to “fight” for those positions. He will however “accept” them if the system would bring those choices to him. A bit too passive as opposed to being actively destructive like the Bush Regime was, and like the Republican Party today is.

        Not the Hope and Change I wanted nor most progressives, but still better than what the entire Puke Party offers. Did I just see Kacinich (sp!) just got beat for nomination/re-election/whatever.

        The Republican/Taliban streak runs a lot deeper and broader in America than I would have thought.

        We are too large and insulated a nation from the rest of the world and our education system sucks.

        I blame the system. People are only what we are made.

        • jpfitz says:

          Yea, I saw that too about Kucinich. The “I Want to Believe” guy with the good-looking red headed headed wife.

          Obama has the Banker/Wall Street connections whereas Bush had/has the Oil/Halliburton connection. Both self interested enough to get wealthy at the Country’s expense with cash or blood. I am sorry but both Men, have in our face made a mockery of the the principles, and documents of this Nation.

          Last years crop of R’s were bad, the McCain/Palin ticket was a joke. We might be at war with Iran now with the ’08 R’s. Instead we drone with missiles from a dark room thousands of miles away. Ah, can’t win for losing.

        • deowll says:

          And just think your fair share of the bill he’s run up so far is only $17,000.00. Of course that’s assuming minors can pay their fair share. Oh I forgot you’re expecting somebody else to pay your fair share.

          Didn’t work that way in Greece and it isn’t going to work that way here either.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            Do-ill==still want the poor to may more in taxes huh?

            Ha, ha.

          • jpfitz says:

            The Fed can just print more. Why worry.

            You seem to have a short circuit in your memory, Bush is the master of all this debt, the bailout fear monger, wars not financed, or have you forgotten the truth just to keep yourself happy. Barry’s no prize but reality is a bitch, Bush/Cheney put us where we are now.

      • Cursor_ says:

        Many people were snookered because they have been taken before.

        The American population is so poorly educated they would not know that they are being effed up the ass even if they were prepped with KY beforehand.

        And IF you think this could not have happened in the past, then you are still out there in the dark.

        People back in the day were just as naive as now.


        • jpfitz says:

          I had a thought it was too good to be true, and your told when you have that too good to be true feeling, it usually is. Better than the other option.

          We need an overhaul, the two party system was always broken. What is the description of insanity again….

      • GregAllen says:


        Wow, how politically clueless must one be to confuse Obama with Bush?

  3. Howard Beale says:

    aaa whats the point?

    He introduced and showered some accolades on professor Derrick Bell. Nothing inflammatory here just a nice introduction to an accomplished professor. Sorry Perkel the usual suspects here will say the same sort stuff but but this post is pretty useless.

  4. Mac Guy says:

    And this is a story… how?

    It’s interesting to see President Obama 21 years younger, but there’s no real story here.

    • bobbo, always in wonderement that people hate reality so says:

      Something interesting is not enough?

  5. NewfornatSux says:

    Video is faked. Obama as thoroughly investigated by the media 4-5 years ago, so something like this would have come up.

    • bobbo, always in wonderement that people hate reality so says:

      What “this” are you referring to?

      and what do you mean that once an investigation is done that nothing else ever turns up?


      • ± says:

        I think you missed the irony in the post you were responding to.

        • bobbo, always in wonderement that people hate reality so says:

          Dammit! Right you are p/m.

          Gee, could it be that the trend I have seen in NFS becoming all too retardedly republican was just an exercise in acerbic humor?

          While I reject the criticism that I am condescending or moralistic, I do chuckle when shown to be too “concrete” in my thinking.

          Thank you.

  6. Dallas says:

    Very impressive university student with his oratory skills.

    Clearly, being the remarkable leader that he is today was in his destiny.

    • LotsaLuck says:

      Reading this comment reminded me of the Monty Python – Refreshment Room Sketch — well, at least the first 1.5 minutes, anyway.


      • Dallas says:

        Well, I’m not THAT impressed but I do get goosebumps when President Obama speaks

        • jpfitz says:

          Goosebumps, from fear I hope. Cause the POTUS has not lived up to his promises.

          • Dallas says:

            Considering the POS, Congress pricks he’s working with, it’s a miracle he’s able to fulfill his role as president.

            I’m happy we are on a road to recovery, getting out of GOP wars and when the Christian Taliban is up in arms, it’s a good indicator.

            Why has crybaby Boner and his fatass sheep rendered 1/3 of government out of service? Yup.

        • Cursor_ says:

          I think I threw up a little in my mouth.


    • no spam says:

      Clearly, being the remarkable leader bought and paid for bitch of the banksters and 3rd term of GWB that he is today was in his destiny.Fixed it for ya’

  7. Sade says:

    Like the lyrics say, “He’s a Smooth Operator”

  8. NewfornatSux says:

    Far more relevant is the video of Panetta saying that the legal basis for the US going to war would be to seek it from other countries.

  9. Gary in Gilroy says:

    Why does he keep putting his hand in and out of his pocket over and over?

  10. John S says:

    Nothing against the man personally. But he just focused on the wrong issues for 3 1/2 years and now he wants 4 more. If I ran a business and I had a employee not do his job for 3 1/2 years but told me don’t fire me because i’ll do better the next 4 years. I would fire him. The only thing you should judge anybody on is what they have done. Not what they might do or promise to do.

  11. Dr_Wally says:

    Jeez, if this is all the other side can dig up… Trying to paint the Obama of this clip as a “dangerous radical” just won’t hold water. This is the guy elected president of the Harvard Law Review — because he was well known as a moderate and a bridge between the more liberal and conservative members.

    Even for Faux News that is a pretty pathetic lie.

  12. GregAllen says:

    This was Breitbart’s big October surprise?

    Wow, the dude was shooting blanks in the end.

    Almost makes me feel sorry for him.

    • Animby says:

      I get the impression that this was an opening salvo and there is more to come. You don’t start off with your best shot…

      In truth, this wasn’t good for O’Bama and it could be he basis for some damage. The interesting thing for me, is this the first time we have definite proof he attended college.

  13. muddauber says:

    Don’t know if that was a legitimate protest. Looked more like a demonstration or rally.

  14. deowll says:

    Getting kicked out of Iraq is not the same as leaving by choice. Iran is still a total failure but would have been under McCain as well. Both are big police state fans. Afghanistan is a total failure. Libya is a total failure, Egypt is a total failure, we are most likely going to stick our noses into Syria.

    Since this neo Marxists is pretending to be a Christian when politically expedient he’s supposed to be terminated under Sharia law and of course he has a woman for S. of C. all of which goes over like a sewer line back up with Muslims.

    His real energy policy can be summed up as a wish for higher energy costs and he’s getting there despite market forces driving down the costs of natural gas.

    He never met a regulation he didn’t like. This used to be good place for the little guy to start a business and grow but how well that’s being allowed to work can be seen nation wide especially in the most nanny state of the nanny states. They also seem to be the most corrupt states.

  15. MWD78 says:

    you sure that’s Obama? looks like Barry Soetoro to me.

  16. John S says:

    Well Obama sounds there just like he does now. Just another political mouth piece. Probably see this video a few times in the months to come.

  17. NewfornatSux says:

    So where’s the video of Obama at a tribute to Palestinian terrorists? Why won’t the LA Times make it public?

    • MartinJJ says:

      You really expect them to incriminate their own bankers puppet? It won’t happen.


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