1. LibertyLover says:

    This looked very familiar to my truck’s Sync module.

    Instead of “Call Parents” I have to say “Call pa-renz’ “

  2. Animby says:

    This is sooo funny! And apropos. About a month ago, a friend had to show me his new diePhone and demonstrate Siri for me. It was like an Abbott and Costello sketch. He was so proud of Siri so I restrained my laughter.

    • jpfitz says:

      Animbly, My 18 yo Niece demonstrated her iphones siri by asking it “where do I hide a dead body”, NOT FUNNY.
      Maybe a little funny.

  3. Bob Forsberg says:

    John C…you’re obviously knowledgeable enough and old enough to know siri operated Apple TVs will have a hand held remote taking verbal and mechanical commands. Shouting across the room to control a TV device would be like shouting out a window of your car to warn of impending vehicle disasters.

    • jpfitz says:

      AGEIST remark. Did the video prank hurt your feelings?
      Lighten up macboi . No sense of humor.

  4. CrankyGeeksFan says:

    Tomorrow, Wednesday March 7, Apple may announce something similar to this. Besides the much-rumored new iPad, an Apple flat-panel TV is possible.

    Siri will run on an iPhone and communicate with the TV. It’s the same technology that allows handheld iPhone and iPad games to be seen and played on a TV now. The iOS device becomes an input device to the TV without any game console necessary.

    TV Guide app?

  5. Dr. Geppetto says:

    To hell with Siri, I want to talk with these guys:


  6. deowll says:

    My current LCD isn’t exactly what I want but I’m not apt to change if before it breaks. Let me know when they have the bugs worked out.


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