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Finally, John C. has challenged Adam on the “pipeline” theory. It is NOT ALL about the pipelines. The pipelines are a benefit to those carrying this stuff out, but its not all about that.
About time, Adam is guilty of doing what all conspiracy theory crackpots do, as JCD said, trying to shoe-horn the facts to fit their theories.
And is this a surprise?
This is Adam Curry, not Aabye Kierkegaard.
He is a disc jockey and former DJ, VJ, host of the Daily Source Code, and definitely not a logician or a deep thinker.
He’s supposed to be a crackpot and he is.
That’s called truth in advertising.
Deal folks … Deal.
I don’t care what you think. Deal with it idiot!
So-and-so “is guilty of doing what all conspiracy theory crackpots do, as JCD said, trying to shoe-horn the facts to fit their theories.”
But when the cops and the prosecuting attorneys do this, everyone claps their hands in favor.
Why is this behavior only OK for government workers to do?
I never said anything about “government workers”. That’s your issue.
Once again, I’m glad Dvorak challenged Curry, it something we haven’t seen in a while on this show. Curry needs to have the wind knocked out of his sails more often, it brings him back down to earth.
I’m actually glad to see some debate for once on NA. It helps make sure that neither one can just rant on and on without any challenge and today’s example forced Adam to try to articulate a defense for his ideas. I felt that John let him off a little easy because as soon as he admitted to agreeing with one facet of Adam’s argument Adam acted like he was victorious.
I feel like Adam seems to equate that time spent on researching a theory is correlated to the veracity of said theory. If there is a flaw with the origin premise then everything after that is going to be just as inaccurate.
That said William F Engdahl has been a great resource for pipeline related information as well as historical perspective on the Western world’s control of energy resources during the 20th century. He’s been interviewed by several podcasters in the alternative media so it’s not out of the realm of possibility for him to talk to Adam for some sort of interview.
“John let him off a little easy because as soon as he admitted to agreeing with one facet of Adam’s argument Adam acted like he was victorious.”
You don’t want knock the wind out of someone’s sails. A little push back is fine but abject demoralization would not help the show. Adam says one hundred interesting things per true and only 4 are true?
So what.
I still want Adam to continue telling me about those 4 things that I may well not hear about anywhere else.
All the pipelines Adam refers to are natural gas deals, right? All those thousands upon thousands of sitting-duck infrastructure just waiting to be punctured. The “terrorists” must be studying the technology & accumulating their resources for an orgy of destruction when the time comes. When we get real smug with ourselves & hopelessly complacent with our own awesomeness is when they’ll strike.
Are ALL the insurers going to pay for birth control or are they not? It is as simple a question as that. I don’t care if you’re Catholic or what your bonehead belief system is. This is not about religion.
Rush has been blathering long enough. Hasn’t he got enough money by now? Beyond a certain point, what good does more money do for one? Time to retire already. Him & Pootin’ need to head out to the boons & put their feet up & relax. What is so terrifying about that? I don’t get it.
But—but—I didn’t do what you think I did.
Why are those posts out of chronological order?
(Chronological order test)
The reply from 9:23 came out correctly chronologically since it was a “reply” but it did not indent like a reply.
Be that as it may …
(another chronology test here)