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Executive Producers: Allen Mock, Shuttle Xperts
Associate Executive Producer: Shawn Poulson
Art By: Thoren
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  1. Kent says:

    Newt insane? Most politicians are psychopaths, those few that aren’t are sociopaths. I guess that’s a form of insanity.

  2. dusanmal says:

    There are 5 (five) candidates… One ignored even beyond Ron Paul levels… Must be qualifications: Successful Governor, run private business with excellence, run banking business with excellence,… refuses political money raising as a source of corruption…

  3. moe says:

    Wow..the four Stooges

  4. Dave Koss says:

    The Star Trek reference is hilarious. Probably only a handful of NA listeners/ TNG fans to get that joke, but it’s great.

  5. msbpodcast says:

    I hope the media keep not mentioning Ron Paul. The more they ignore him, the saner he looks.

    Now appearances are deceiving but I’d rather watch a debate on the sanity of his position and Obama’s position than watch Obama just sweep the floor with the rest of the lying greedy fucks.

    When it comes to oratory, he even got us to believe in hope and change and then proved us all wrong.

    Honestly, we do better picking names out of a hat for a four year stint where almost all US citizens would stand an equal chance.

    That would certainly get rid of all the influence peddling, vote selling, back-room lobbying and other acts of perfidy over securing money for fighting the next election.

  6. msbpodcast says:

    I hope the media keep not mentioning Ron Paul. The more they ignore him, the saner he looks.

    Now appearances are deceiving but I’d rather watch a debate on the sanity of his position and Obama’s position than watch Obama just sweep the floor with the rest of the lying greedy fucks.

    When it comes to oratory, he even got us to believe in hope and change and then proved us all wrong.

    Honestly, we do better picking names out of a hat for a four year stint where almost all US citizens would stand an equal chance.

    That would certainly get rid of all the influence peddling, vote selling, back-room lobbying and other acts of perfidy over securing money for fighting the next election.

    • msbpodcast says:

      Great reference… Thanks Uncle Patso.

      I specially liked Physiology #1: Largest gland in body; It lies below the diaphragm in the abdominal-pelvic region of the abdomen. It secretes bile.

      Now think of what else we’ve added to the curriculum since 1912.

      It stopped being readin’, writin’ and ‘rithmitic years ago.

      Kids walking to and from schools near my house look like turtles and/or pack mules.

      Little Johnny and/or Joanie need friggin’ strong backs (or iPads. 🙂

  7. Pays2Think says:

    This No Agenda is just another media hype machine. They play some recordings or some videotape, make wild unsubstantiated statements and then draw their own bizarre conclusions in hopes of bringing relevance to their program.

  8. Jeroen says:

    4 idiots.
    but seriously, why is Paul still running? what a waste of time and money.

    • Rick says:

      Ron Paul is proving daily that there is no such thing as a pro-family values fiscal conservative voter.

  9. ECA says:

    definition OF financial market=
    People that swap money, only.

    they MAKE NOTHING.
    They create NOTHING..
    The farmer creates/makes something that THEY BID/BARTER on the PRICE of goods.. the PRICE.. nothing more.
    They neither BUY/SELL/CREATE/Distribute ANyThing.

    This is a LEACH.

  10. t0llyb0ng says:

    These must be happy times for Pres. O’Bama.  I bet he wakes up laughing in the morning.

    There is a pent-up, simmering demand for an alternative to O’Bama but the GOP has only buffoonery.  Rick Sanctimonium has the women’s vote fleeing 180 degrees in the other direction.  Way to go, Rick.  Keep it up.

    What would Mitt do?  We don’t know but we’re bound to find out— you won’t like it.

    Newt?  Consider for a moment Newt as your next vice-president.

    Ron Paul should just quit the race & tell everyone to write in his name.

  11. ForrestWolf says:

    Hello Mr. Dvorak,
    I have been trying to reach you for some time, would you please email me @ ?

  12. ForrestWolf says:

    Ive tried his twitter, and i have been unable to find his email. where is it in on the site?


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